  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 2d ago 100%

    Die meisten Diktaturen heutzutage haben "Wahlen" nur sind die hald eine ziemliche Clownshow. Um den Schein zu wahren und die Regierung zu legitimieren behalten die Nüsse ihren Namen also.

  • Magic Mineral
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 3d ago 100%

    in German they say "Für ein strahlendes Lächeln" (for a radiant/beaming smile)

  • Ukrainian men dragged away outside Kyiv nightclubs and restaurants by army recruiters
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 4d ago 90%

    Workers, hearken, they are going to war

    And they yell: "For nation and race!"

    This war is the rulers of the world's

    Against the working classes!‎

    Hanns Eisler in "Der Heimliche Aufmarsch"

    (works for both sides ngl)

  • Magic Mineral
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 4d ago 100%

    The irony is that production was only stopped after Hiroshima and Nagasaki as nobody wanted to buy radioactive toothpaste any more. So the US which developed nukes against the Germans actually saved the Germans from radioactive poisoning by dropping said nukes on Japan.

    One could say it left a bitter taste in some German's mouths. ^(I couldn't resist)

  • Magic Mineral
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 4d ago 100%

    At least you don't have to worry about caries anymore 💀

  • Magic Mineral
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 4d ago 100%

    Oh oh, I've got one too. It's not containing Asbestos but Thorium (or Radium respectively) tho.

    "Doramad radioactive toothpaste"

    "Creates natural freshness in the mouth!"

    "Special biological healing effects by radium rays. A thousand times medically prescribed and recommended."

    "What does Doramad do? Through its radioactivity, it increases the defenses of teeth and gums. The cells are charged with a new vigorous life energy, which inhibits bacteria in their destructive ability. Hence the exquisite prevention and healing effect on gum diseases. Polishes enamel to the softest shiny white. Prevents tartar approach. Good foam, new taste, pleasant, mild and refreshing. Use extensively."

    Quick disclaimer: The last two quotes can be found on Wikipedia but they are not backed up with sources.

  • The PRC's long-term high speed rail progress.
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 7d ago 100%

    It's just a pity that renfe's new high speed trains built by Talgo seem to be a shaky and noisy experience as highlighted here:


  • The PRC's long-term high speed rail progress.
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 1w ago 100%

    A huge W for public transport. I assume the PRC already owning the land is significantly decreasing bureaucratic cost / time, allowing for such fast advances.

    In sharp contrast the US (and some European countries) keep running after tech bro "innovations" like the hyperloop rather than sticking to actually working systems. Most of them will never see a real purpose because they were never realisable in the first place or will be slimmed down to a point where conventional public transport would have been the better option. And tbh, most of them are really just bait to keep those countries in a state of "looking for alternatives" whilst their current infrastructure is rotting away. And with especially the US being a nation centered around individual transport the vision for public transport is imo clearly lacking.

    Europe in general isn't hit by that as much, seeing the benefits of current public transport solutions (at least nowadays... the 90' and 00' were different thanks to neoliberalism and making short term profits instead of doing long term investments), but it is hindered by the clusterfuck of nations / different railway standards. The EU is trying to manage some of it (with ETCS / ERTMS) as well as the new coupling standard (DAC) and track gauges slowly but steadily going towards 1435mm but there are still a lot of things to do such as a transition towards a standard current or even more important: unified train registration (atm a train/carriage needs to be registered for each country separately which leads to unnecessary train switches at border crossings). For example Italy requires carriages to have a fire extinguishing system whilst some other EU countries don't or some mountainous countries require specific braking tests. Having unified safety standards would make things a lot easier.

    But at the upside at least some European railway companies do have a vision. For example, the ÖBB (Austrian federal railways) plans to have high speed rail connecting the main cities as well as European alpine corridors like the Brenner, Koralm and Semmering, regional trains for distances covering abt 200km and are reachable in abt 2 to 3 hours and (sub-) urban rail for metropolitan areas. In bigger cities, they want to provide bike sharing at the stations whilst they want to make car sharing available in rural areas to help cover the last few kilometres through the mountains/woods/fields, where busses only go on a daily basis if you are lucky and the bus driver doesn't skip your stop and take a shortcut because they believe nobody will be waiting there anyways and they might reach said vision in the next upcoming years and likely less than a decade.

    So TL;DR the PRC is profiting off of their property law, their ability to centralize standards and them going the (at the moment) optimum way instead of hoping for innovation from tech bros with fancy power point presentations and zero knowledge of physics, Europe is doing alright but is a bit of a decentralised mess and the US is getting a bit distracted by "innovations" and their mantra of individual transport.

    (My experience in the area mainly comes from working at a state-owned railway company and being interested in the matter in general. If there is anything to add or if I have gotten something wrong, feel free to comment.) ^-^

  • North Koreans deployed alongside Russian troops in Ukraine, sources say
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 1w ago 83%

    Russia is still going strong 2 years into the war

    You mean the special military operation that was intended to last 3 days to a week at one point?

  • dOyOuWaNtTrUmPtOwIn???
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 1w ago 100%

    Imagine you are on a demo and see the Russian Tsardom, Russian Federation and USSR flag flown right next to each other.

  • Democracy is when only 14% of voters get to decide an entire election and the other 86% are functionally meaningless
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 2w ago 100%

    That 🦅 moment when you are competing with Malta and Israel on the "democracy index" (Malta 28th, US 29th, Israel 30th) and they call you a "flawed democracy"

    Some fun facts:

    • On the points "functioning of government" and "political culture" the US is competing with Hungary

    • The US has a worse score in "electoral process and pluralism" than for example Poland, Malaysia, Panama and Brazil

    • Besides Hungary, Eritrea and Uganda have a better score in "political culture" than the US

    But ngl, people who think that the US is a perfect example of a democracy probably also think that the US is a keeper of peace for striking civilian targets in Iraq.

  • Lemmy total number of users last month (very close to 1.5 M users)
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 2w ago 100%

    As an AI language model, I fully agree with your last point.

  • Austrian parties to begin talks on forming government after far-right win
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 3w ago 100%

    My main reasons for why Austria has gone down this route are that:

    1. Austrians are generally very chill apart from Vienna. They have that "Is ma wuaschd!" (I don't care!) mentality and are lazier than most to stand up against injustice.

    2. Some right wing Austrians have mastered the ability to mask their political views. They would say something mainstream when publicly being asked about their political views but nothing straight up outrageous as they want to keep a positive image in the mainstream. They don't want to let everyone know their views but rot the apple from the core. You only get to know their true colors at the bar table (after some drinks even) or behind closed doors. I had personal experiences where folks was acting nice towards foreigners / LGBTQ+ but as soon as they left they'd go on a rant or make fun of them. And you just awkwardly look around and search for people who are doing the same and depending on how many other folks you see you'd interfere or find an excuse to leave early, mumble "oaschlecha" (assholes) and never come back (unless you really have to).

    3. Austria wasn't punished or humiliated nearly as hard in WW2 as Germany. They forged the victim myth in which Austria was the first victim of Hitler's and the Reich's ambitions. They brushed off the fact that the Wehrmacht was met with cheers from the locals as them not wanting to look suspicious and being deported. And since Austria came away with it and didn't lose anything except them having to be neutral by law (an agreement made with the Allies and the USSR so Austria won't be split up like Germany and Korea) they never really had to tackle the Nazi issue in their population. Over time this developed into a very Anti-German sentiment up to the point where Austrians consider themselves to be better than Germans because "Hitler became the 'Führer' in Germany whilst he didn't even become an art student in Austria. He would have never made it here." I remember an interview with a Kickl supporter in which she was asked the question wether she thinks that Kickl or the FPÖ were Nazis and she replied that she doesn't know what makes you a Nazi since "it was never taught to us" (of course kind of a stupid excuse for being illiterate in history).

    4. Similarly to the AfD, the FPÖ has seen that social media is a great propaganda tool. They were arguably the first to use Instagram and YouTube ads and now pump out TikTok propaganda. This propaganda is being consumed by people with no/low critical thinking skills and they then consider themselves politically informed. Even worse the constant emotionalization makes them think (rationally) even less. This is why the FPÖ has slogans like "Your heart says yes" because they don't want their voters to think with their brain, they just want an emotionalized, radicalized mass that is not questioning what the FPÖ is doing. And they are helped by the tabloids which sadly make the vast majority of Austria's consumed press. They can be found everywhere since they are "free" and the masses take them and when they are finished they just leave them and so they spread literally everywhere. Now those big tabloids are usually owned by some rich dude or a consortium of rich dudes who think that neoliberalism or even anarcho-capitalism is the way to go (for them). So they are happy to influence their editors to write on topics that suit the AfD's, FPÖ's and even ÖVP's views and in return those parties make economic politics for the upper class. This isn't really considered corruption since in many cases money doesn't flow but it is more like a symbiosis.

  • Austrian parties to begin talks on forming government after far-right win
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 3w ago 66%

    Tbh they did lose after the whole H.C. Strache scandals got leaked by the German press and German comedian Jan Böhmermann made fun of it on television. Most of those scandals were back in 2019 when H.C. was head of party and vice chancellor and Kickl was the minister of inner affairs. Shortly after the Austrian government collapsed and the FPÖ went into opposition. And now, 5 years later it won with Kickl as head of party.

    But yeah, this would be more fitting to some African or South American country than a Central European one. :')

  • Far-right Freedom party to come first in Austrian election, first results suggest
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 3w ago 100%

    Except if you're a donator to the FPÖ of course xD

  • Austrian parties to begin talks on forming government after far-right win
  • zyratoxx zyratoxx 3w ago 100%

    How tf did I get that one wrong. Must have been me writing Kurz one time to much and getting a stroke :')

    Thanks for reading my stuff so carefully :3

  • 196
    196 zyratoxx 2mo ago 99%
    ;3 rule

    According to German newspaper "WELT" the investment group "emodrom Group" purchased 74,99% of the Hockenheimring from the local municipality. It now wants to invest 250 million Euros (~275 million US Dollars) additionally to the 40 million it has already spent to make the venue fit for the future. Planned are the construction of a 30.000 to 50.000 m² big motorworld, an expansion of the "Porsche Experience Center" and a new hotel. When asked about a possible return to the F1 calendar, Hockenheim managing director Jorn Teske, explained that the Hockenheimring had always had contact with F1 but that they are planning to make a "slow and serious" return. Tim Brauer, head of the emodrom Group added "We need to ensure that we won't run into a deficit." Brauer further explained that in other countries the nation or federal state is happy to sponsor F1, something that hasn't yet been the case for the Hockenheimring. "We are thinking in terms of 20 to 25 years - and not short-term" Brauer concluded. In case of an F1 return the circuit would have to meet F1's new criteria including 4000 - 5000 VIP seats instead of the 2000 that are already in place, fan zones, places for concerts, camping spots, etc. An expanded or entirely new pit lane building is also in the talks. Source [German]: https://www.welt.de/sport/formel1/article253015118/Formel-1-Millionen-Investment-Comeback-des-Hockenheimrings.html Translated: https://www-welt-de.translate.goog/sport/formel1/article253015118/Formel-1-Millionen-Investment-Comeback-des-Hockenheimrings.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Edit: I wrote "Tim Brauer, head of the emodrom Group, explained that the Hockenheimring had always had contact [...]." but it was in fact Jorn Teske who said that so I corrected it.

    196 zyratoxx 2mo ago 100%
    German Rulesepass

    Need German citizenship? Bezos got you covered ;)



    196 zyratoxx 4mo ago 99%
    Vote 🇪🇺 rule

    Last election day my fellow UwUpeans :3


    Please don't get me wrong, this is not meant to be rude slander. MX Linux is not a bad Distro at all (even tho I've always opted for Debian instead) and peops are free to use what suits them best. But compared to other Distros (like Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian or Mint) there doesn't seem to be much excitement about it. I hardly see articles about MX and I have barely seen people outing themselves as MX users which makes me wonder: Are MX users just low key quiet, am I escaping their presence or is there a different reason for MX' high HPD score? Btw: feel free to take a shot every time I write MX :p


    cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/17053599 > https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/earth_temperature_timeline.png


    Disclaimer: This is just kidding and in no way meant offensively against Max or Red Bull. Max & Red Bull are once again in another league and you gotta respect their achievement whether you like it or not.


    I tried my best with my limited drawing skills :')


    You can search for "Sucrose" on any search engine, go to Images and watch the civil war unfold

    Memes zyratoxx 9mo ago 96%
    I need MORE

    btw, I wanted to add Pantheon (Elementary OS' Desktop) too but upon dependency issues I decided not to


    War grad auf da Landstraße und die U-Bahn is nd weitergefahren und auf einmal kam die Durchsage "Liebe Fahrgäste, die U-Bahn auf Gleis 1 ist defekt! Dear passengers, the train on platform 1 is broken!" Läuft bei den Wiener Linien! :')

    196 zyratoxx 9mo ago 98%
    Google Ads Rule

    Could be meant for bdsm purposes but I am lacking a partner for that. And I may be desperate but I am far from being THAT desperate. 💀


    I know that my impact alone is close to zero when it comes to these statistics and since it is just a frontend I'd imagine it will but I'd like to be sure. It is often claimed that these statistics - as well as leaving a comment and pressing like - contribute to a video being pushed by the algorithm but I guess no one except the YT devs knows for sure (and sometimes I'm not sure if they know either).
