
>Once all upstream stages were factored in – extraction, piping to a processing facility, compression from gas into liquid form, shipping, decompression back to gas and burning for energy – he estimated the total climate pollution from LNG was 33% greater than that from coal over a 20-year period. >This is not an entirely new idea – previous studies have suggested the gas industry is dirtier than often claimed – but it is nevertheless a potentially extraordinary finding


>In 2023, the hottest year ever recorded, preliminary findings by an international team of researchers show the amount of carbon absorbed by land has temporarily collapsed. The final result was that forest, plants and soil – as a net category – absorbed almost no carbon.

First Nicer Project
  • hanrahan hanrahan 7d ago 100%

    That's awesome, well done !

  • www.theguardian.com

    >Invasive Species Council says 5 million native mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs are killed by feral and roaming pet cats a day in Australia Keep your cat indoors...please.

    ‘Mob are still grieving’: advocates reflect on failed Indigenous voice referendum a year on
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1w ago 100%

    Maybe. I voted again the Republic (bit for The Voice) not because I'm a monarchist but the proposal for how it was to be setup was bullshit. Now we have to endure that shitball King visiting, so there is that.

  • weeklyOSM 742
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1w ago 100%

    How to vidoes for better Map editing ? Had to make a bunch of corrections to new.MTB trails near me and am I sure.

  • What's a great buy it once Android app?
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1w ago 100%

    This is my partners favourite game.

  • What's a great buy it once Android app?
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1w ago 100%

    Fair Email. I grabbed it from F Droid and paid direct though.

  • Why Civilizations Collapse (2020)
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1w ago 100%


    Rees bluntly states, “the human enterprise is effectively subsuming the ecosphere” and “wide-spread societal collapse cannot be averted — collapse is not a problem to be solved, but rather the final stage of a cycle to be endured.”

  • www.brisbanetimes.com.au

    >A government briefing paper estimates telecommunications companies spent almost $8 million in 2020 repairing damage caused by 5G conspiracy theorists, including replacing towers and other communications infrastructure >The vandalism was one of at least 11 similar attacks in NSW this year. **Vandals remove nuts from the bolts that secure the towers to the ground, causing them to eventually topple.** WTF ??? Who does this ? (archive link for those who run into paywall issues) https://archive.md/f4qWO


    >What we have discovered is that even after almost five years, the trajectory is still in reverse. The impacts are accumulating and it hasn’t stabilised.” Well, that was another horrific read :( We lived just down the road at the time and had visited the area to hike and swim many times in the years prior.


    >Transport Minister Eric Abetz says there had been an "overwhelmingly negative" reaction from businesses on the street and shoppers who use existing parking spaces which would have been affected by the trial. Good on the local goverment for going ahead anyway, and this bit >Every time they do an improvement or make it safer there is more and more people riding," she said.


    >Ismail Mohammad pushes a buggy down the centre of a narrow road in east Bristol. His two sons stay close as vehicles could come from either direction at any moment. “There are cars [parked] on the pavement. We have to go on the road,” says Mohammad as he hurries to the boys’ primary school in Easton. “It’s dangerous because cars sometimes come fast through here.” What in tarnation ? What a sorry state of affairs. Good luck to the council ! >Bryher has little sympathy for drivers who claim they must park on pavements on narrow roads. “You need to park somewhere else instead … there are enough [spaces] for every­one to park in the city,” he says. “It’s just that you might have to park further away and you might have to consider whether you need a car. Indeed


    cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/13929793 > >"This should be the final nail in the coffin for the false narrative that LNG was somehow a climate solution”


    >"This should be the final nail in the coffin for the false narrative that LNG was somehow a climate solution”


    >Andrew King, a lecturer in climate science at the University of Melbourne, said there was "evidence to suggest climate change is intensifying those kind of extreme rain events". >"With larger cities and larger urban areas, we'd expect to see more incidents like these floods affecting more people," he said.


    cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/13929272 > So, what's the take away here ? make it so expensive to live people choose cycling and we get better cities ?


    So, what's the take away here ? make it so expensive to live people choose cycling and we get better cities ?

    Mouse with USB-C and replaceable battery?
  • hanrahan hanrahan 2w ago 100%

    Might be tricky to find, so if you want user replaceable batteries in a Mouse, maybe get a USB AA/AAA battery charger and use any of the many mice with AA (Or AAA) batteries. Recharge the batteries by plugging in the USB charger when they get low ?

    My Logitech MX Master 3S is USB c rechargabke but not user replaceable batteries

  • Before the floods, Asheville was called a ‘climate haven.’ Is anywhere safe? | As climate change leads to more severe hurricanes, mountain communities like Asheville, N.C., face growing flood danger.
  • hanrahan hanrahan 2w ago 100%

    Anywhere "completely safe"? No! Are some places safer then others, of course. Off flood plains, not near rivers, (if you live behind a levee you will be flooded, eventually) protected from bushfires, away from SLR, out of the tropical zone, not hot, not dry.

    It's why I moved to Tasmania, on a small hill, 250m ASL on good soil, in a wet area, with zero bush fire risk.

  • PayPal opted in users to share their data.
  • hanrahan hanrahan 2w ago 100%

    What instructions? All I get is "this is for paid members only"

  • Offsetting into oblivion with George Monbiot
  • hanrahan hanrahan 2w ago 100%

    I don't feel George Monbiot put his case well. If we take Australia as the example, without the incremental changes we've individually already made its hard to believe that the bigger things we are actually doing now would be as uncontroversial as they are.

    I don't agree, your argument is there "is bigger things we're doing now". I don't agree with that premises at all, we're not doing bigger things... at all. What were doing is green washing within the orthodox neo liberal order. Which I think is George's point.

    Aa an example , aircraft bookings have increased some 20% from last year, we need aircraft bookings to be zero. We need private cars being banned, we'll need the removal of national boundaries or suffer the rise in violence and subsequent enviomental damage that's caused as billions flee the tropical zone. They will flee becase they must.

    Another example, The Olympics should be banned and yet we're inviting 10s of thousands of people to Australia in 2034. What we're doing it banning straws at the events and putting a recycle logo on a cup instead.

    We're expanding Melbourne, Hobart & Brisbane aiports and have built a new one in Sydney, they should all be closed. A new football stadium in Hobart is a laughable mockery in the face of a climate emergency.

    Solutions to Climate Change and the enviomental crisis require a complete change to the social, political and economic way we live upon the Earth, what we're doing is rearranging the deck chairs.

    We need to ban cars and flying but what we're doing is banning plastic bags and chopping down forests to make paper bags.

    All too much to expect ? Well, that's the point and why we're not doing anything, beside incremental tokeism and why it will only get worse.


    Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

  • What are your favorite Firefox extensions?
  • hanrahan hanrahan 2w ago 100%

    The ones that spring to mind

    Ublock origin Bitwarden Bypass Paywalls Clean - Via github Privacy Badger Notes

  • Can you disable firefox forced updates?
  • hanrahan hanrahan 3w ago 100%

    If you mean tabs then there's a setting to keep tabs are a restart

    That's never worked for me. If I close FF and reopen its starts fresh with.noting open. If I close the OS, and restart only then does FF reopen all the tabs.

    I am currently on LMDE but the same process happened when I was on Windows 10 and Linux Mint . I have the setting selected to restore previous open tabs but it's just never worked across many years, many updates and multiple OS's.

  • theconversation.com

    >Evidence is mounting that modern medicines present a growing threat to ecosystems around the world. The chemicals humans ingest to stay healthy are harming fish and other animals.


    >Humanity’s rapacious consumption is more than Earth and its climate can handle, which is driving an ecological crisis. >Australians are the worst offenders per person due to our excessive resource use.


    cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/13842896 > >Humanity’s rapacious consumption is more than Earth and its climate can handle, which is driving an ecological crisis.


    >Humanity’s rapacious consumption is more than Earth and its climate can handle, which is driving an ecological crisis.


    >Government data shows that just one of the smaller “flagship” projects was completed this year, while the rest have languished in their preparatory stages since at least 2018. >The DPWH also reported that 70 percent of Metro Manila’s “antiquated drainage system” was clogged with rubbish and silt, hampering flood management. It also reported that the country lacks a national flood control master plan, with only 18 scattered plans for major river basins which are “still being currently updated”.

    Australia is a mess. Cop31 is a chance to redefine ourselves from climate laggard to global leader | Anna Cerneaz
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1mo ago 100%

    Cop31 is a chance to redefine ourselves from climate laggard to global leade

    No it isn't, such foolish, ney stupid thinking.

    The entire COP process has been co-opted by fossil fuel interests and is now irrelevant , we're a massive exporter of fossil fuels and have zero interest in moving foward to zero emissons, voters will never tolerate not being able to fly and told they can't drive cars, stop owing meat eating pets etc

    If we wanted to be "leaders" we'd not be holding the Olympics in Australia, not be spending billions expanding Brisbane, Melbourne and Hobart airports, we'd have abandoned all new road projects and only be building PT and AT infrastructure and be closing coal mines and gas extraction and redoing society for low energy dependence, while starting managed abandonment of coastlines and Northern Australia.

    Just stick to denial and useless tokenism with a few solar panels and ecars like other developed countries and stop with the hypocrisy.


    Boyd said: “There’s no place in the climate negotiations for fossil-fuel companies. There is no place in the plastic negotiations for plastic manufacturers. It just absolutely boggles my mind that anybody thinks they have a legitimate seat at the table.

    “It has driven me crazy in the past six years that governments are just oblivious to history. We know that the tobacco industry lied through their teeth for decades. The lead industry did the same. The asbestos industry did the same. The plastics industry has done the same. The pesticide industry has done the same.”

  • Dropping Cellular for VoIP? Daily Phone use.
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1mo ago 100%

    Still so much 2FA via SMS where I am in Aus.

    I'd prefer to move everything over to something like Signal but I neeed a phone # to register for that but how do u tell the bank my Signal ID is @hanrhan.666

  • Tesla Cybertruck Owners Shocked That Tires Are Barely Lasting 6,000 Miles
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1mo ago 100%

    Guy yesyerday on Whirlpool saying he had to replace the tyres on his BMW i4, at 40,000km. He was shocked :)

    The new like for like tyres were $2500 (in Australian banana dollars).

    Tyre pollution is a real killer and made much worse with EVs :(

  • Large crowd of protesters gather at Land Forces defence expo in Melbourne's CBD
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1mo ago 33%

    Sure, thats why the police shouldn't be there, they only ever escalate, antognise and make it worse.

  • Anonymous Torrenting With I2P
  • hanrahan hanrahan 1mo ago 100%

    Is there a how to for Linux?
