Fundraising has been extremely slow this year so anything helps. Here are some pictures of work you all have helped enable in addition to last year's sundance. This is the trailer home we purchased for one of the elders here. ![]( This creek was barely running last year. We are cleaning it up and repairing the natural features that help slow the flow and raise the water level bringing back crawfish and other native plants and animals. ![]( In addition to the sundance we are in urgent need of preparations for winter which means major repairs on homes among other needs. We raised funds for firewood last year but even still, one elder died of exposure when their fire went out overnight. Thank you all for the support you have given us so far.


Secondarily there is also another urgent ask for a trailer for our permaculture specialists ![](

"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
mutual_aid ChunkaLutaNetwork 7mo ago 100%
2k Needed to Buy Each Tipi (4 available)

We are looking for help to buy as many of these 4 tipis as we can before they are gone, we will use them for temporary housing, and ceremonies to house guests and those who come who cannot afford their own tent. You can send donations to $ZitkatosTinCan or @zitkato on ven to help us get these or support our monthly via liberapay or patreon both found on any extra money will be put into a savings account we call the tipi/trailer fund Update 700/2000


Maybe not a megathread but still worth the read in my opinion, this effort post was brought to you by one of our amazing organizers with Eco Just Food Network, one of the more public parts of the CLN that operates in the Greater Toronto Area. Anyway this isn't about that amazing org (but there is a podcast episode coming soon c: ) instead we want to discuss an extremely influential Dakota Writer named Vine Deloria Jr who was born today. We feel discussing him and his work is a good starting point, to understanding a basic sentiment in NDN country, but also one that needs to be ruthlessly criticized through educated criticism instead of knee jerk reaction. His two biggest hot takes being 1) If Israel gets its land back we should get ours (zionist argument that legitimizes Israel, and can be said far better, but Deloria was being heavily influenced by the Mormon Zionist Hank Adams who helped play a large role in the 20 Points of the Trail of Broken Treaties. Ultimately what this means is of course the 20 Points are lackluster and demand a revolutionary update, but it should be noted that its influenced by the BPPs 10 Points) 2) The Indian New Deal brought prosperity to NDN people. In reality it was some NDN people, while many more were literally washed away by floods caused by dams built, that Vine is directly talking about and saying is good because "electricity could come to the reservation" when in many cases it still has not. Ultimately we must remember Vine is a liberal, but that doesn't stop him from having banger quotes and relevant opinions cast decades into the future that we must update and wrestle from reaction. One of the most important things Vine set out to do, was to challenge white supremacist academia, and the false notions of history it perpetuated about Indigenous people almost always to diminish the level of "civilization" present here. ![]( It is obscene that there are people who own homes and land in the US, that they can not work, and utilize without being forced to privatize, or forced to give it to a comprador political leader not chosen by the people and propped up by the colonial occupiers. When people have homes but freeze to death, what is a home? That's just shelter and bad shelter at that. ![]( Despite the milquetoast liberalism, being an Indigenous person and the chair of the National Congress of American Indians, had brought Vine into contact with radical and non radical Natives alike. Colorado was well known for its radical Indigenous scene as Denver was one of the major cities used during the relocation program that coerced Indians off our land under false promises, so to steal the land. In fact that's where my grandma and my mom moved when leaving South Dakota, but you also already had a large Indigenous presence in the state historically so it lent itself to being a good geographic base. Floyd and my grandma actually used to hang out ![]( My grandma is all the way on the right. She was his security during this photo, but it was this connection to Floyd that ultimately brought Vine in contact with the American Indian Movement, which had barely formed as Floyd and Vine met. ![]( Their relationship would go on to inspire the Red Power movement, but it would also be what helped bring AIM into the Trail of Broken Treaties altogether. The Trail of Broken Treaties was a cross country caravan of people that went from California to Washington DC to demand changes, to stop the clear systemic murdering of Indigenous people and demand treaty rights be upheld. This culminated in the 1971 occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs building in Washington DC which led to incredible acts of solidarity between the Black Panthers and AIM. ![]( It is important when we listen to Floyd's song we recognize the amateur anthropology often deployed my Marxists, usually rooted in the anthro work of Marx and Engels themselves. The number one argument against landback (besides that they dont know what it means) is that not every Indigenous person wants that, however what we do want is everything it entails. This pointless distinction of whether agree with the slogan or not is meaningless, if you look at the content of said slogan and the masses needs and wants in this current period. ![]( So when you see Marxist podcast, platforming but never paying Indigenous guests, that is an amateur anthro whose motives should be severely questioned. Especially when we consider the question, what have they given back with the wealth they accumulated beyond a podcast thats business model (whether for fiscal or social capital) doesnt work when you pay for peoples time and expertise? ![]( When talking about "Indian Experts" Vine is specifically drawing on his introduction where he explains how easy it is to be an Indian expert, and when you look at the arguments people try to waste my time with, you will often see the same thing Vine describes in the following: ![]( ![]( ![]( So much in the vein of opposing book worship, you must oppose Indian expertise! Unless you actually live with us you do not know us, and it is not enough to visit for a week. Some visit a powwow and suddenly they understand every nuance of an American flag in NDN country, albeit I think we should stop flying them. ![]( The irony of seeing the flag is not lost on us, and it has been a central prop in many demonstrations and used many ways, to represent are discontent. It also has a deep effect on our communities when so many people gave their lives fighting a foreign war for the first time ever in our peoples history. What is worse, was we were promised we would only be national guards. This and many other tragedies will have people laughing with pain in their eyes as they recall the generational trauma, that repeats over and over, only with new lies that prey on people who are desperate ![]( That's what makes it easy for white organizations reformist or revolutionary, to be quickly ignored in decolonial spaces, they often have barely even done the bare minimum to participate let alone not over step their station. There is a reason why no investigation, no right to speak, is such a crucial part of being a good communist. ![]( So often people come without an invitation, and it causes a great deal of problems, and gives people less time to plan. At any rate all these quotes came for Custer Died for Your Sins original published in 1969 and updated in 1988. We think it is time to utilize the decades of work, revolutionary experimentation, and historical development to update and harness the frameworks of this work and this is a sort of "toe dip" into the water. If you enjoyed this please find a way to support the many things we are doing via our Currently the most important ask we have is $900 to pay back our organizer who lent us the last bit we needed to get the shipping container on time, thats under the winter drive GFM and the remaining amount will be for our own broker/trucker or for another trailer depending on how fast Direct Aid is moving with their end of things (always have a plan b). In other news our permaculture experts arrive on Pine Ridge any minute now and we will have updates from their unload and everything else happening on that end. Anyway plenty of reasons to join the patreon or liberapay, but most importantly is to pay for these amazing organizers survival, and cost of organizing. I will be foregoing my own stipend as my organizing severely reduces to focus on my newborn kid. (also yknow if you want to say congratulations and help with diaper costs $ZitkatosTinCan) Thank you all for reading and look forward to the next thing. There wouldve been more but somehow I got Covid, weakened my immune system (my entire family then got sick), at the end of covid having our baby, then my firstborn got a double ear infection from the drainage of mucus caused by COVID. So Im exhausted lol. We are also always raising money for wood so if you are donating to wood make sure to leave a note!

"Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
hexbear 9mo ago
Two spooky think tanks with their eye on controlling the fediverse

A lot of people are unaware of Marlon Brandos extensive efforts to bring attention to Indigenous rights issues. From attempting to platform an Indigenous person during the Oscars, to giving an RV to the American Indian Movement that the feds would pull over in Wichita, it is no wonder we find him at the Fish-ins during 1964. The title image shows Brando with Puyallup tribal leader Bob Satiacum, Brando is holding one of 2 steelhead salmon he caught during the protest. ![]( It's important to note the real impetus of these protest not only being the Puyallup but the Nisqually people as well which, the right hand map shows in reference to Puyallup. Puyallup being in the middle of Tocoma, Nisqually is right outside the western city limits. All of this history of course is underpinned by settler-colonialism that we can't help but see being repeated (only with modern technology) in Palestine. ![]( Of course we all know Lewis and Clark to be foundational to western expansion, their expedition having ended in the PNW, it makes sense why when Ft. Lewis was built they would name it after Meriwether. This is why we can't colonial occupation and land grabs to something "hundreds of years ago" considering Bill Frank was born only 25 years after their treaty was signed and lived to be 101. Our elders and leaders have a living memory of this time because it really wasn't that long ago ![]( In total I have heard elders say 400 times the franks had been arrested, 40 were the times they were charged with a crime instead of only having property seized ![]( And if you are ever lucky enough to meet the people who grew up learning from the Frank's, you will see why I felt the need to inform people more about this topic. You see February 12th marked 50 years since the courts ruled in favor of the organizers ![]( Yet the salmon are not safe, and in fact are on the brink of extinction. When I went to the Pacific Northwest I went to Frank's Landing, I visited the Puyallup, and then I went North to Lummi. There I would have an interview with Children of the Setting Suns production crew, and would meet with Jewel James. There I learned about the effort to establish an International governing body to protect the salmon from over-exploitation called the Salmon Peoples Project, which would seek to connect people who rely on salmon for their way of life, to fight on behalf of the Salmon. ![]( Solidarity on an International level has always been at the root of Red Power, and is why I think people should learn to put down their hubris, and humble themselves to hear about the kinship between our nations and the other-than-human nations that are often hard for settlers to understand. ![]( There's a great song by the AIM activist Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (a grandpa of mine) called "They Didn't Listen" which is painfully relevant today, as is his song "Where were you when" when I mention humbling oneself to hear another world. While in Lummi I learned their traditional river only saw 3 salmon return, and I was honored with a can of smoked salmon of one of them, and feasted with them after being invited to an incredible ceremony to celebrate the end of a totem journey. ![]( This is despite the best conservation efforts of settler society, and the elders there believe this year there will be no salmon if the dams are not removed. There has been incredible efforts to do this, but the question remains what will happen? Have their predictions changed since 2019 and 2021 when I last heard them? We will see. ![]( I can only talk so much about this specific story out of respect for the people who I was a guest to, but you can read about it where I am actually behind the camera as the photo of the 3 of them is takem (Jewel being to the right). They were actually laughing and smiling right before the camera took the photo and had to take considerable effort to stop smiling. The totem pole shown above is my photo of the same one shown in the paper, and neither of us took a photo of the other side. On the other side was a red women waiting to be reborn through the salmon, this symbolized Indigenous resurgence through traditional food systems brought into the future and updated. It was an honor to have met these people and shared our stories, to hear how they valued the salmon like we value buffalo. I look forward to visiting again this year and to hear about the dams they are tearing down, and what theyre carving next. Most recently was a totem pole that was an orca being ridden by an Indigenous woman in reference to the same orca from 2018 that inspired the journey I saw the end of. They call orcas the people under the sea, and I think when we see literal organized attacks on yachts, we should consider what that means for organizing given stories of crows collecting change for people when trained to. Theres a lot you can do thinking outside the box, to me this is how we invent the future ![]( So if you learned something and want to help us out we are currently raising $1000 for an Anishinaabe families electric bill that got away from them with rising prices, and ultra cold, cold spells and weirdly warm spells making bills extremely unpredictable. As well, the utility is owned by enbridge who is being required to remove Line 5 from Bad River lands where this family lives, to us we believe there might be a case of mass retaliation through raising prices. We have 711/1000 we are also looking for help paying the storage costs of an elder and community leaders ceremonial items he has had to store to house 15 people during the winter. We have 87.50/200 needed to pay that bill. You can of course support these people monthly and our organizers via the patreon or liberapay (found on and hear the CLN podcast as soon as the episode is ready verse on the 20th of every month for the public feed. All content is eventually made free and we encourage that you steal and distribute it, who knows maybe a pirate RSS feed might appear to get patreon content for free at the same time. At any rate supporting us monthly will go towards paying $500 a month stipends for International organizers of a variety of orgs, that were they given that extra support could dedicate far more time to incredible work. We are increasing our first year goal to 3k/month as we have identified several candidates that we believe could do incredible work, if supported how people support podcasters doing the bare minimum. The podcast is a byproduct of easily produced theoretical and relevant discussions to the current moment and organizing our networks are doing. We are hoping to start writing more when the website launches and ask forgiveness for the delays in thats launch, as well as the delay in the audio documentary (we are doing some rewrites due to time constraints of the second narrator we wrote in and we are making all of the music ourselves now) anyway I promise it is worth the wait and things just take time to do right and not cheat people for the years of support theyve given me in pursuing this research. Its been a real honor and turned into the Chunka Luta Network so it really is just something else worth documenting the best I can the first time. However you can see rough drafts on patreon before publication lmao. Anyway thanks for reading all of this if you did


Is this how you thought the actual Wounded Knee post would be presented? Stroke of genius really, at any rate this is a history I have grown up hearing. I've known the broad strokes for so long it felt like I was an expert when I started the Bands of Turtle Island podcast when I was like 19 maybe just turned 20. I impressed people so much a producer from Jacobin reached out and offered 15k to tell this exact story, and we all know how much Jacobin sucks but it was a great little podcast called "People's History" named of Zinn's book. So I demanded artistic and editorial control. This was paid by 3 entities and paid to multiple people I received 10k which what I received for labor went back into the podcast to make it better. I visited 53 reservation communities and 18 urban organizers from a wide variety of parties/orgs to better understand the conditions of the US. Because of this I learned just how little I knew, and realized there is a missing piece to a larger question of why momentum of the movement slowed to a crawl and is properly better suited for a long form piece that doesnt need pictures to save characters. On February 27th, 1973 (51 Years Ago) my family helped lead the famous Wounded Knee Re-Occupation. There countless people came and went while a core 300 occupied the town for 71 days and declared the Independent Oglala Nation backed by the traditional chief Frank Fool's Crow and Matthew King who commanded considerable political sway among traditional communities on Pine Ridge (often "coincidentally" also the poorest) who were being harrassed and assaulted by Dick Wilson to coerce them into agreeing to sell off a tenth of the reservation to Uranium mines like Union Carbide. ![]( They chose Wounded Knee because of the symbolism in protesting there, it didn't turn into a re-occupation effort until AFTER Richard "Dick" Wilson set up road blocks, and used arms supplied by the US government to blockade. In Dicks mind AIM was coming to kill him, when they drove by the Tribal council building instead he chased them to Wounded Knee to instigate a fight while claiming the American Indian Movement was. In fact one of their supporters had survived the 1890 massacre, and is pictured above. ![]( My elders call this period the Reign of Terror. Dick Wilson killed the equivalent amount of people to Pinochet's first 3 years. My uncle Leo saw his uncle burned alive as the Dick Wilson and his GOON (Guardians of the Oglala Nation) Squad tried to firebomb Fool's Crow who wasn't in his home at the time. OSCRO was even able to successfully collect the signatures needed to impeach, only Dick Wilson oversaw his own impeachment trial. Of course he was innocent. ![]( Their argument was premised on the 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty which by precedent set by the Marshall Trilogy in the Supreme Court, was the supreme law of the land equal to the constitution. This led to it be conceived as a Civil Rights issue by the Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (which is ironic considering Sioux is a slur), who would be the ones to ask AIM to come protect them as they collected signatures. After the impeachment failed, what recourse were we left with a literal dictator murdering his political opponents? ![]( The reason this history is so mystified and hidden is because it lays bare so succinctly, the continuation of COINTELPRO after it was made public. The solution was a new far more encompassing program that was essentially a domestic Phoenix program called Garden plot at least at the time of the re-occupation. What its become now is anyone's guess but Newsweek uses the limited hangout phrase 'Signature Reduction' which stems from the Douglass Durham infiltration imo and is the premise of the book I am writing. ![]( During the period of 1965-1973 are 71 Red Power actions, one of which is led by Herb Powell and is the first example of a landback protest. This resulted in a lighthouse being returned and utilized as a Survival School and Indigenous spirituality led rehab center to combat the AA/NA Christianity underpinnings that often drove away Indigenous people. Akewsasne Notes are some of the most comprehensive resources available of the period beside archive footage and are archived online. Madonna is my aunt, sister to David Swallow Jr and Russell Means and you can learn so much about her in Warrior Women (just wait we will make it accessible) ![]( Madonna's daughter Marcella actually incredibly went to Cuba for the 11th World Youth Festival in 1978, she went and met the youth movement of the PLO around the same period too, my mom wrote the Denver youth program charter, this has always been one generation building of the other. Madonna calls it "a movement of families" I argue what we need is a family of movements united under one. ![]( It's no exaggeration either! David's grandpa rode with Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, Fool's Crow was 88 in 1974 (John Denver sang at his birthday oddly and we have the footage and me the people who filmed it) people think these things are so far away but literally up until the 90s you had to speak Lakota on my rez. Now the language is practically gone. Is it any wonder the ghost dance which caused so much fear they murdered a childs mother while still breastfeeding, while under a truce flag, caused just as much fear in the state agents hoping to kill more Indians? ![]( This year we were the ones who funded the gas, water and part of the food being provided, we are housing the victims of this violence after decades of continuously being tossed around. The photo under this one was taken by my former boss Nick Estes, in it you see a Palestinian Flag next to the AIM Flag and next to an upside down American Flag. When the flag is upside down it means you are under duress during war, this is a war. Its still be raged, just in the 90s under Clinton the ATF, FBI and more raided our Sundance accusing David of forming a militia and having bazookas. They found only a Buffalo gun. They are so afraid of us picking up the rifle again, and this spring David will be going to the senate and demanding the BIA and Tribal Council dissolve operations on our reservation. He will be demanding the reinstatement of the 1868 land claims, as a starting point to honest relations and building a future. This will be denied. There will be turmoil. You need to be ready. ![]( ![]( If you enjoy these posts, want to support this movement, and in general learn more about us check out our where you can see our other social media to get updates on our public works, read our first year organizing strategy, or find our patreon/liberapay links in order to support this work monthly. Otherwise right now we have a huge ask for $1000 for an electric bill that got away from the Indigenous family, enbridge owns their utility too and I just find it particularly moving to help them fight their electric being shut off by some one poisoning their lands right now as we speak. You can donate to $ZitkatosTinCan on cashapp and @zitkato on venmo we are hoping to fulfill this one by the 8th. We also have ask for that we currently are at 1500/4500 for a trailer to house an elder, unfortunately the trailers we got donated were falling apart and would definitely collapse on the journey to the Rez. This one is in Rapid City and we can haul it with a pick up and just need to winterize it and hook it up to electricity which we are estimating to be 1500+ as you can tell we always have a ton going on this will be the 2rd home we provided this year, and we are sending a permaculture crew to the land this March who will be staying in a Tipi until we build several A Frame Cabins this May-September during our construction caravans. We have been asked to also help develop an ID and passport production system like the Haudenosaunee have, and are looking for ideas and pointers. This is far more than a mutual aid organization, and people should learn just how much we are doing and how much our base already believes in us. I dont know any other party where we are, and we barely have our governing documents together so why not support us and see where we can go Lastly fuck commas and the English language


Sorry for the late post, we wanted to get this uploaded for the 14th but due to a clusterfuck of several things occurring all at once, my time on the computer was eaten by moving and planning a funeral at any rate we wanted to share these photos on here (and they were already shared on instagram on time albeit without alt text) as time allows a statement will be made wrt to what happened as its relevant, Otherwise no we did not use CLN funds to untag people from Instagram posts. We did however ask them to remove us, so whoever did it did us a favor we asked for a week prior to any animosity. This decision was made due to the effort we put into our posts, and the lack of effort involved in screenshotting your posts from one site and re posting them. While the drama and theatrics were carried out, I was studying the genocidal campaigns of Cook for a week and plenty of real life issues for a reasonable criticism to have gone so poorly handled. ![]( There is not a place on this Earth, Cook went, that he was actually respectful of the people. With all the typical euro-swagger of a "self-made" settler, turned explorer extraordinaire due to birth lottery, he sailed around the world finding himself related to the many colonial activities of the time carried out by Britain. ![]( The French-Indian War, or Seven Years Wars holds a lot of the contradictions the affected the Great Lakes Region and later expulsion of Indigenous nations across the Mississippi. His cartography would directly help several massacres occur nearby where I currently live, or have lived thanks to helping people navigate the St. Lawrence river easier. This essentially exacerbated tensions with peoples in the Great Lakes regions leading to Pontiac (Odawa) and Guyasata's (Seneca) War which is most known for the takeover of Ft. Detroit through a LaCrosse game. Thats a story for another time (trust me I tried to write that story short and we decided its worth its own book because I can reach all the way to Tecumseh and later) ![]( Cook's trajectory into later voyages was set by this initial colony effort, however benign his role seemed, mapping and land surveying are the first steps to colonial occupation. By using science as a means to fundraise efforts to colonize, one of the most insidious colonial tactics of claiming Indigenous people are anti-science for recognizing the white supremacy inherent in academia as it exists, was created. ![]( you can find the quote above here, as we discuss the red line on the shown map. Which began with colonial activities in Tahiti and islands across the ocean as they went. Ultimately this was to beat the Spanish and Dutch to finding Australia ![]( Of course they would map what was called New Zealand but is Aotearoa, being chased away for being assholes. Then due to sickness Cook was forced to stay close the ship when they landed in Australia ![]( Now there is amazing groups like our friends at the Black People's Union who you can hear us talk to their president on the Chunka Luta Podcast on wherever you listen to podcasts, who are showcasing the horrors of this legacy and how to build toward a future where the colonial relation has ended. ![]( I wish we could blame him for Climate Change, but Cook helps us understand the extent colonization changed the climate, with studies suggesting the genocide here on Turtle Island reduced the Earth's temperature. As well as acknowledging how the destruction of the bioregional agriculture practices established across the hemisphere, has sent the Earth's regulatory systems into a change. ![]( So sorry this was so late, we are currently raising money to help people pay for groceries and their electric bills due to several programs running out of funding on Pine Ridge. We have another effort post planned for the 27th so whoever is in charge of those Megathreads let me know or I guess Ill ask Nikolai (hands broken so trying not to bother) about the Wounded Knee Occupation which we helped fund the 51st annual Liberation Day walk to remember the people who gave their lives for the movement. ![]( If you are in the area I recommend you go see for yourself the gas we are cooking with. If you want to support those efforts and more related to send donation to $ZitkatosTinCan on CA or @zitkato for now as we finalize the org admin stuff to open up a collective bank account and have org accounts. You can also support us monthly via patreon or liberapay found on our We also had a new branch begin public organizing in the Vancouver Canada area, which will be launching a program this April to help houseless relatives in the Area. Interac PaypaI @vancouverchip And you can reach out to us to get ahold of them or email them at the same interac email There's Always more but this was a late post anyway so forgive me for not trying as hard as I might normally


We last left you discussing the concept of the bordertown and the racialized violence enacted there through settler vigilantism, which is obvious through physical violence. In a new era, however, what about online discourse? This is one thing I’d like to introduce to our discourse and hopefully help settler allies understand when they might accidentally dawn a hood and cape for the state. I see settler vigilantism as synonymous with Kluxism, or at least they stem from the same psyche. The spirit of Manifest Destiny seemingly possesses these settlers to act out in monstrous ways, depriving us and themselves of humanity and life. There are no more bounties to collect for a scalp, so this shows these actions to murder Indians are deeper than just monetary gain. It is always about the land. Briefly we spoke on Raymond Yellow Thunder and Wesley Bad Heart Bull, both victims of settler vigilantism. Raymond died due to injuries sustained in a fight, and Wesley was stabbed in a fight at a bar. Both resulted in AIMs activism, and ultimately pushed them further to Wounded Knee. Raymond Yellow Thunder was killed before the Trail of Broken Treaties in 1972, and inspired the famous “AIM Song” which is actually the Raymond Yellow Thunder Song and should be respected as such.There is a great deal of controversy still surround Raymond’s death, but from every perspective I’ve heard one thing remains true; it is colonialism that murdered him. ![]( Colonialism’s claws come from many directions, and it brings death in a systemic, planned and targeted manner, contrary to Engels' view of social murder. In a colony that target gives a slight reprieve for the colonizing nation’s working classes, and seemingly at the root of every boot strap story, is a mystified deluge of the eldritch horrors of capitalism and colonialism. These horrors which possess, steal, and murder are often described as primitive accumulation by contemporary Marxists (or the motor of capitalism), the tongue-in-cheek humor often becomes lost. Primitive accumulation which once derided the ruling class's view of themselves, now it is used by chauvinists to be synonymous with pre-Columbian political-economy. In the case of the Oceti Sakowin, we remained primitive in the eyes of these chauvinists until 1868. The people who make these arguments don’t seem to realize the cloak and hood they have proudly proclaimed as their own, but to us the colonized, we see the same two mouths our white siblings have become known for. ![]( English is known for its one word with many meanings, or perhaps many words with the same sounds, but each uniquely specific. In the case of Wesley Bad Heart Bull we can see this most clearly in the settler’s courts, which proclaim law and order, but really only on behalf of the landowner. When there is no clear land owner, it's about which party most represents the landowners. In a settler-colony with a case of assault with prior consideration to ‘kill him an Indian’ it is of course manslaughter when you kill somebody who was fighting another person. This is of course sarcasm, generally speaking when you “accidentally” kill someone it is still a degree of murder especially with prior expression to want to kill an Indian, and when the assailant wasn’t involved in the fight. Murdered in the street like so many before and after, and that was a well known fact of life in South Dakota. You could be murdered and like Raymond or Wesley, your attackers might get charged with a small fine and manslaughter, but when you ask every settler when justice comes they all play innocent. This is why AIM went to the streets. When you ask Pine Ridge elders when AIM became a symbol, you are told the Gordon protest. When Russell Means took the Chief of Police’s hat and threw it, David Swallow Jr recounted his feelings as “we can do that?” This is where a fire was reborn that still carries on today, as my nation’s president banned Kristi Noem from our reservation after she tried to stoke xenophobic fears at a rally. We are standing once again, and it is time to stand with us and learn our revolutionary history. ![]( So today on February 6th was the day of the Bad Heart Bull trial in Custer, South Dakota. To this day as landback grows more prominent and our elders and leaders move forward with decade old plans and conversations, the contradictions here grow. Because of this I’ve sought to see the perspective of various communities and generations, on the ‘Indian problem’ as it has always been called here. The Indigenous question is only the colonial question, and the communist movement has had a century, decade, and a year to discuss this since Stalin's publishing on the subject (1913, of course the conversation predates Stalin). One of Lenin’s last works was on this specific topic, and the question of who should be okay with having an autonomous region of their own in a larger state: is one that places great nations at the whim of the nations they oppressed. ![]( Because of the words Lenin has spoken on the subject, people like Ho Chi Minh froze all night just for a chance to see the great man’s body. The pan-African revolution, the third world movement, fourth world theory and so much more have a red light shining on them from the star that is Lenin streaking across the sky: calling us to revolution. We don’t know if that star was shining at the time the molotov was thrown, but when the court house went up in flames, it certainly caused a stir. Nobody knows who threw it either, I’ve talked to a considerable bulk of living participants, but it was thrown after the cops pushed Wesley’s mother down the stairs with a billy club. Only 3 people were going to be allowed into the courtroom, and when Dennis Banks, Russell Means, and David Hill entered the cops stood in the way of the mother of the victim, and brutalized her. David punched that pig-fucker in the face and the riot ensued. Custer is THE symbol of settlement in the Black Hills, it's one of the first towns, and to this day makes its money from exploiting the land and treating it like an amusement park. While people on my reservation don't have water, Rapid City has a water park. Custer had a literal amusement park that flew a replica of the 7th Calvary's flag; we already had the real one, so during the riot that replica flag was also taken. Cy Griffin was a film maker from the video freak movement that was there, he went back to New York and told his friends about everything happening there. A war in South Dakota is how he described it. We call it the Reign of Terror. See, it wasn’t just in the bordertown we were being murdered in the street, on Pine Ridge a seemingly innocuous man named Richard Wilson (only one parent was Lakota) became Tribal chairman. He employed his family (legal in our laws) , began embezzling money (not legal) and established a right-wing paramilitary called the GOONs (Guardians Of the Oglala Nation, questionably legal). The GOONs would enact violence on Dick Wilson’s political opponents by firebombing, drive-bys, and gunning people down in the street. This spurred the organization OSCRO (Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization) to form, and begin collecting signatures to impeach Wilson. They were successful in collecting the signatures, however Dick was the one who presided over the impeachment, and of course found himself not guilty. OSCRO is an often overlooked organization, and I believe this to be the goal of federal agents to remove the grassroots elements from these struggles and obfuscate the lessons we could learn. As mentioned in a previous post, Dick Wilson would oversee the equivalent amount in deaths to Pinochet’s first 3 years. This is in South Dakota, and nobody knows these facts, and pretend colonialism is some bygone era. Because of the fire lit in Custer, in Gordon, in the Pacific Northwest, in DC and so many more places, we see the modern land back movements stem. Those movements stemmed from the wars, those wars stemmed from the early capitalists accumulation of wealth to jump start global capital today. In these circles we see how yesterday is today, and only by understanding both can we move on to tomorrow. We must pull capitalism up from its roots which are soaked in the blood of the colonized, until we do that we are doomed to fail. We mentioned briefly how these concepts go beyond physical violence, and one way is the erasure and silencing of Indigenous and other marginalized voices. This might sound farfetched to the insensitive, but in a critical period of rupture, we have to make sure we don’t get bogged down in what is socially mainstream. If the mainstream is saying our talking points then we have failed to stay at the head of the movement, and are merely another voice consumed into the acceptable protest movement. We have to stand arm and arm with trans comrades as opportunists and state agents both turn their sights on them across the country, seeking to separate them from would-be allies who are worried they will lose mainstream support for daring to stand against the face of oppression. Those who can’t stand in solidarity with everyone, yet voice opposition to Israel in this critical moment, are capitalizing and being opportunists. This has to be combatted. People like Jackson Hinkle make Trans and Indigenous people their target for a reason and you should learn why. Especially if folks like Hinkle can sell stolen Palestinian Gold, and people give passes to communists defending him. The movement is in a critical moment where it has to struggle with the colonial contradictions, failure to do so, means failure to form a vanguard. In our next post we will discuss Captain Cook and his death on February 14th, my birthday is then next so y’know if you like these posts and the work we do I recommend supporting us! We have a with all of our social media, gofundme efforts we are engaged in, a liberapay and a patreon that all go to supporting the work CLN does. This post was short as it's mostly a timely bridge to send us on our way to the real Wounded Knee 1973 post at the end of the month, so lots of learning to do. I also recommend checking out the Indigenous Anti-Colonial Institute podcast and the CLN podcast for more education. Our patreon also has a ton of episodes, and there’s also Marx Madness where we read you theory. Right now we are reading a custom Gramsci Reader that you can check out in our library listed on the I also want to stress, don't wait for us to learn about this stuff, start with Blood of the Land by Rex Weyler, read the Erdoes biographies, and then ask what a Marxist perspective on this stuff should be. I will be releasing a companion to the book later this month hopefully, of a stream of thought journal kept on my 3rd read through.


Here is a bit of an update post for CLN and the many things we have underway, our goals, and plans to accomplish them though it is in slide form, just trying to condense larger documents that are being finalized ![]( Our main goal is to offer an actual Marxist-Leninist position on landback, that is easier to articulate than the current offerings by many groups that all boil to Indigenous self determination and ending of global colonial exploitation ![]( We are a organization based in demcent, and scientific socialism. There are many like minded groups and individuals working towards the collective liberation of the land, and life from the contradictions of colonialism and Imperialism. ![]( Our goal is to go beyond cheerleading, and instead enable people to lead. This was my largest criticism of The Red Nations "The Red Deal" and you can hear more of my in depth thoughts starting Season 8 on the Marx Madness podcast. I offer 40 hours of reading you the book word for word and offering my criticism as openly as I could. ![]( The specific house at risk of seizure is my dad's who is a Union member, and my brother who has a different dad but live with my dad also live there. They have 3 kids in the house and he's a native with a record in a bordertown so the financial situation has been hard after some medical issues occurred, some legal issues, and then some neighbor issues on top of the city raising water rates and their bill being $400 this month so they could really use this help and can even pay people back if you want after they get their tax return which has been delayed for one reason or another due to paper work taking a while to get to them. ![]( Our biggest goal is self determination through dual power systems during a war of position. Through this preparation we demonstrate an ability to build, plan, and lead. This we think is an important ability for any cadre, and we do this through building up cadres in different regions across the world. ![]( ![]( One of these groups is in Toronto and is working to send the shipping container we are raising money for to pay back the organizers who fronted the last portions to assure we got the container in time for the deadline. ![]( We are of course most excited about the future so I encourage people to keep their eye out for the website where we will be uploading public viewable financial information, there we will also replace the patreon and liberapay but for now you can find links to those as well as various GFM links to efforts mentioned in the updates ![]( We are doing great things and I think everyone should check out our friends at the Nation of Hawai'i, Black Peoples Union in Australia, and more

Today (January 22nd) is Gramsci's Birthday
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    Theres actually a lot of nuances youre missing to your example but your heart is in the right place, Native Americans arent a monolith, the pretext used to claim the island though morally and spiritually correct; had no legal reality, and the tribe whose land it actually was was erased from the history, and crudely copy and pasted in now. The Audio documentary I am releasing will take the time to open up some of these contradictions and due to previous partners on the project limiting the scope, we have chosen to go through and add back information that was previously being held back for fear of being too controversial. We will also be doing an interview with Malcolm Harris who wrought the must read Palo Alto: History of California, Imperialism and the World (subtitle might be wrong), who is working with Ohlone going to the senate this spring in a large caravan of Indigenous nations being wronged in specific ways. For the Ohlone in the 1930s (date could be wrong) or so, were just declared gone by an anthropologist similarly to how Spain repeatedly tried to pen and paper Indigenous people out of existence. For use the Oceti Sakowin, our treaty council will be going there and demanding the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Reorganization Act end on Oceti Sakowin land, and will be demanding the return of the Black Hills utilizing the Palestinian issue to point out; we too are born in open air prisons designed to murder us slowly. We have seen the US enact the same level of violence and depravity in the same location even, only 50 years ago, and before that 130 years ago. When we stand we expect that violence again. Be ready to stand with us. Of course for some reason I only know of a dozen communists who are even mildly aware of this reality and the upheaval about to happen, when we are asking ourselves who is the vanguard; it certainly is not all those who will talk about this once the testimonies happen. Those who wait til then, are obvious tailists as this information is available and ready to be heard, our thought leaders simply are bad at thinking and I should know I was friends and worked for many

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 9mo ago
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    Well see people can't really taste the pear by reading it, just like people can't understand the full extent of our connections, goals, achievements, and influence without a deeper investigation. This is mostly due to really good opsec I maintained until I failed at unaliving myself and the party I was in refused to utilize these connections, and then voted to be tailists literally. I then said on Twitter august like 2022 I guess now, that I will be utilizing clout as a tool to push education material and mutual aid, and so have developed a fairly successful fundraising strategy to better enable a group that already existed and was just struggling to do this same work. All I did was direct people to a good place to donate, verse some grifter like Lakotaman1 or New Amuata. Theres a lot going on that is hard to find time to write down as we weld struggles across the continent and world together in solidarity, by becoming monthly sustainers you bring us closer to providing stipends to worthwhile organizers we have identified that deserve the support patreon podcasters on the left get to make jokes and say the r-slur, or use slurs for my nation. Im trying to be brief by alluding to everything going but like I said; you thought you were asking a simple question. The point is when you read those posts theres a lot more to them then what was written, that stuff should be being investigated with absolute fervor by the movement long before my works are published on it. Though hammer away I will

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 9mo ago
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 9mo ago
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    Yes and will be centralized and posted on our website when it launches which has been delayed for several reasons, the documentation is the bank statements and this will be the first year an accountant goes over everything which is when it will be organized and made easier to view for the public. Until then, in the discord I post every in and out and where it goes, and you can help make those decisions

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 9mo ago
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    The issue is you think youre asking a simple question, youre not. 1) We are building dual power systems wherever we are asked 2) our work with the Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council (who is not the US installed government on the reservation often called the Tribal Council) is much like any other nations, they need the tools to administer a nation and will not be given those by the settler-colonial government occupying them and stealing from them. 3) Our org doesn't exist in a void it is an ongoing part of a much larger history being covered in depth and at length to explain it in its fullest why we are doing what we are doing. Our work on Pine Ridge brings us to the forefront of the struggle of the oppressed due to the leadership and organizers we back and built relationships with, who are responsible for combatting zionism in Indigenous organizing early on in the 70s and 80s, formation of the IITC, and a variety of other name droppable moments in history that we can skip over for now. 4) Passports and IDs are a standard part of any nation, if a nation asks you to help obtain those things, do you say no when your goal is represent that base?

  • In Gramsci, I think a lot of working class people who struggled to become educated, will find themselves and be glad when they do. If you are like me at a young age you began to work to help pay bills, and so did Gramsci pulling him from schooling after his father went to prison for embezzlement. Because of this their family was reduced in status, but ultimately a foundation was laid that his brother expanded. ![]( The images accompany this post to include more information I will try and synopsize in the text, but will allude to the photo to save character space. In the CLN podcast Marx Madness (where we read you theory) we had the help of our friend and comrade Prez from the Minyan podcast (an anti-Zionist Jewish podcast from a Marxist-Leninist perspective) come on to season 9 and develop for us a custom Gramsci reader to best understand his Prison notebooks. This choice was made to present the contents (which can sometimes be stream of though about the smell of his cell mate) in a more organized fashion useful to our education and full understanding of the useful writing he did. Our reader also covers relevant writing leading to the prison notebooks, in order to provide a fuller understanding of Gramsci's development, and in the podcast we try to cover relevant history. One of the essential pieces imo is 'War in the Colonies' written 1919 in the New Order. ![]( ![]( "The colonized were not even left their eyes to weep" ![]( It is no wonder Lenin would commission Stalin to write On the National and Colonial Question, and it was in response to the same dialogue I am referencing that Ho Chi Minh, Gramsci, Hoxha, Tito, Mao, Kim etc would find the Soviet's position to be lacking at various periods of time. This to me indicates a larger contradiction going unexamined to its fullest, and I'd argue it is the realities of colonialism. The red star rose over the Third World, and with it a light was shown on the Fourth World. These are nations occupied by Imperial core nations, who suffer the same material conditions as the periphery. ![]( The expansion of our analysis to include Fourth Worldism not only incorporates Third Worldism into a larger theory (yet less known) theory, while moving beyond its shortcomings in analysis and success: though it is third world movements that lead the global movement today (China and Cuba were pillars of Third Worldism, and now where is the Soviet Union or Tito). Like any contradiction communists fail to fully understand in their material conditions, when its important enough the weight of subsequent contradictions spawned from that rot, will cause an easy point for the Imperialists to press on. ![]( This often unspoken, taboo, and mystified contradiction, is the same unconscious bias and unconscious vampirism, I and Gramsci spoke about; and is settler-colonialism. I'd argue it was the Soviets refusal, or inability, to wrestle with the settler-colonial realities of the Russian Empire that were left over, that led to the chauvinists and bad actors who were able to garner power and undermine an experiment in scientific socialism. We can't copy and paste, but we can see the echoes and rhymes of history, as we march ever faithfully to the new world as it struggles to be born. ![]( Yes we will win because we have to, but if we don't that means its the failure of the movement to form a capable vanguard. Yes outside reaction will occur, and inside agitation from opposition, operatives, and opportunists, but capable carries a specific connotation and that includes defending the project. We chose Pine Ridge as our primary organizing location due to a variety of reasons, but it is primarily due to the proven leadership their communities have, the stark and obvious economic void that is easy to fill, and Sungmanitu's family having lived there since their family rode with Crazy Horse only a few generations ago. Instead of reinventing the wheel, Sungmanitu analyzed the old movements and found a severe under education of AIM after Wounded Knee 1973. This is due to a concerted effort by state actors to mystify and hide the real struggle at the root of oppression here on Turtle Island, and that is the one against settler colonialism and the subsequent systems and oppression it wrought. ![]( As Gramsci rotted, our leaders like Leonard Peltier do too only thanks to modern medicine, even the US gulag system has yet to kill him. Leonard Peltier was building community gardens when the US fabricated consent to raid the Jumping Bull Ranch, under the false pretexts that a potato cellar was a new bunker like AIM built at Wounded Knee. What initiated the raid was the execution of a false warrant claiming Jimmy Eagle was there, and had stolen boots in a bar fight. This is a post for a later time of course, but this is to say these same fabricated stories have already been deployed on Oceti Sakowin Treaty Council Headsmen, David Swallow Jr in the 90s by the Clinton administration and failed. We expect that same repression as our success grows undeniable. We owe it to everyone who has died for our movement, and as now is the time of monsters, we must prepare for the shape of things to come. If we don't another reign of terror will be brought upon my people and the communist movement. ![]( You can support our efforts to prepare and build, find the mentioned reader, and the various podcast on the as I update it and try to localize information better. Our website is in development and will launch soon, and I am writing several effortposts to talk about the history of Wounded Knee as the audio documentary I have been writing for the last 3 years is delayed by one thing or another. When the website launches we will also publish our 5 year plan, and principles of unity, so people can better understand the full scope of our organization and network as people don't seem to get the big picture quite yet. Which to me is a good thing as it gives us a clear direction to educate AND more importantly means as it becomes easier to understand who we are, and what we are about, support will undoubtedly become greater then it already is. I look forward to further updating people on things as of right now we are at 600/1000 needed to connect a trailer we bought a community member to the electric grid, thus providing a larger cushion for our organizers there. You can donate to $ZitkatosTinCan on CA or @zitkato on ven, or on paypal. You can also become a monthly sustainer of these efforts as mentioned before on the via patreon or liberapay. Our goal is 2k/month to provide 500 stipends to our strongest organizers to make their survival easier, thus helping boost their organizing and the overall organization of CLN. I think you'll regret not doing it sooner

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 9mo ago
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    You clearly have a very bare understanding on NDN politics and I recommend trying to understand the actualities verse you preconceived notions of what these words mean. Theres about 50 years of history youre asking for TL:DR for that we have tried to explain over many posts so theres a lot of repeating Id do here

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ChunkaLutaNetwork 9mo ago 99%
    Good News! Help Still Needed- $1000 needed to connect new trailer

    Earlier this month we were able to purchase a community member a trailer home, and are now trying to fundraise money to connect this trailer to the electric grid. You can direct money to $ZitkatosTinCan on CA or @zitkato on ven, or on Paypal. We got a ton going on already this year, and I think we more then proven our ability to do great things with your support, so please support this endeavor to provide basic amenities most people enjoy. The reason we do not have access to this electricity easy or cheaply is due to the design of the Indian Reorganization Act and Allotment Acts (Dawes Acts), and New Deal public works projects like Pick-Sloan Plan which though producing a lot of electricity does not service the reservations it helped undermine the traditional social organizing in river valleys that were flooded. A land grab not for profit, but for public land for public good, to quote the national parks program. Beyond this goal which we have 45/1000 of we are seeking an additional $800 for either more wood or more nights in the hotel depending on time it takes to get repairs done. We are also trying to get a shipping container for 2500, we have 1121, that will be filled in Toronto by several organization (EcoJust Food Network, Beads Against Fascism, Fellow Travelers, etc) with a variety of aid to be distributed and then the container will be utilized to store building materials. It will also be used by the permaculture experts who will arrive in March, they will be staying in a Tipi and tents until we can build an A-Frame cabin so the container will also be their main storage. This will be shipped with the help of the org Direct Aid, who also ship more furniture and appliances then what we do in our container, only we dont get to keep their trucks but they handle the brokers and truckers which was a larger barrier to our goals. There is a lot more going on this year so I recommend following our other social medias while I get better at updating here and participating in the communities. has all of our links, as well as a patreon and liberapay you can join to provide stipends for our organizers across the world (this isnt an exaggeration and we have member in Bulgaria, Germany, Japan, Australia and more!) Our goal is 2k/month this year we are already more than half way there and look how much we accomplished before getting that first 1k. I know there are software engineers and such on here with a lot of money that they probably give to podcasts, well we have a podcast and we do so much more than the average Joe. Help us show a better way, be a part of something amazing ![]( ![]( You're gonna regret not supporting sooner!

    Our First Year Public Organizing Strategy
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    9mo ago 100%

    Theyre already there, its trees we steward that are already planted lmao why they chose to plant them there I really couldn't tell you besides we have a lot of Colorado connections

  • Here is a dossier we have been developing for the last year, that's gone through a review by the communities we serve, as well as our organizers, and now it is time for our public review: That is why I am posting this here ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Along with videos in development, a further public five year plan, and several theoretical pieces of our unique contribution to the contemporary theoretical landscape, we have joined with the budding Indigenous Anti-Colonial Institute that you can find the first episode on youtube and spotify idk about anything else yet. Already this year we brought a 20' Uhaul full of wood, winter gear, hygiene materials, gardening materials, and whatever else we could fit like a child's bed. We also raised the money to purchase a new home on the land, are in the process of sending 40 lbs of socks to the Rez, raised 500/2500 of the storage container costs we need by the end of the month, are finalizing our Principles of Unity, facilitating 4 nation to nation treaties, are halfway to our goal of 2k a month to support our organizers survival with 500 stipends, and have raised several thousand dollars in the last day to keep folks alive during this deadly weather ![]( I am attempting to bypass the character limit via the photos so forgive me. However we are on a great trajectory and the momentum is undeniable. On you can see several fundraising efforts we are doing and see our liberpay and patreon options to become monthly sustainers of our efforts, our website will be launching later this year, and really get involved. Help out. Theres so many ways and I think we are proving ourselves very capable at organizing great things, and you will see us move mountains this year. So follow our various social medias, and Im seriously going to try to engage here this year. I just hate social media in general and this doesnt give me a bright notification on my phone. We also highly encourage sharing and in our library (once I update the materials available) stuff like this will be readily accessible for your posting pleasure

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 10mo ago
    We did it
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    10mo ago 100%

    800/2000 needed and there is another cold front coming next monday, lets try and get it done by then

  • here's a great video featuring more of the Swallow family, new media from the winter drive coming soon check out our for ways to support our work and organizing efforts. >

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 10mo ago
    We did it
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid 10mo ago
    We did it
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ChunkaLutaNetwork 10mo ago 100%
    We did it

    Here is a link to a current winter drive, part of the money is intended to get land for the organization to hold in trust and steward. Leo is a big source of where we are buying the land as he does not want to sell to /just/ anybody, and trusts us as we have saved his life already before. We still need to raise about $1700 to buy a 2 bedroom trailer home with free hauling to location, in return for a parcel of land. This is overall more than a 15k dollar value and I really hope one of you tech bro types see whats happening here. There is a lot of good places to use your ill gotten wealth specifically on NDN land. If you make more than 2k a year you make more than the average person on my reservation, we are bringing several jobs this year with the help of the Nation of Hawai'i, and helping with some incredible historical achievements as well that you will read about. I can confidently say that. So be apart of something bigger than whats on offer because we will move mountains this year, especially as the people become our mountains. Our governing documents will release this year along with our website but if youre holding out then I recommend just actually investigating our social media listed on also just so you know this isnt like hes comfortably sleeping on someones couch. We were only just able to get him a cot and he sleeps everynight in a snow suit like he's going to chop wood. He deserves a home

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ChunkaLutaNetwork 10mo ago 100%
    URGENT BY TUESDAY! Car Troubles need 600

    Our organizers on Pine Ridge are in need of $600 to make some much needed repairs for the used car they were able to buy after the heater in their old vehicle broke; if anyone is extra wealthy and feeling kind they also could use a break from keeping a fire going all night to survive. So we are trying to raise an additional 500 to get several rooms for a few nights for the 15 people staying in their home right now. I think this is a worthwhile donation for anyone who sees the work we have been doing here ![]( I brought a 20' Uhaul full of stuff and they're already done distributing everything but the wood, which we are also fundraising gas to pay for the delivery and chopping of the wood with a chainsaw as a major storms rolls in. The only opening for the mechanic is Tuesday so please help our endeavors in keeping people alive. Please send donations to $ZitkatosTinCan on CA, @zitkato on ven, for Paypal, or join our liberpay or Patreon listed at to sustain our efforts more consistently. This is a big year and trust me you'll see why as time permits me to update


    This is only one of the many shitty statues in this godforsaken bordertown. Theyre all private property too so cant be removed by legal means besides by the owner. Theres so much bullshit about that place fucking hate it. Gonna start regularly using hexbear more so hopefully people like hearing me rant about Rapid City because I got a whole ass post Im gonna make and you know how my effort posting goes. GWB will get the least of it by the time Im done haha

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ChunkaLutaNetwork 10mo ago 96%
    URGENT! We need 500 for Groceries for a house of 15, and gas for wood

    We are in urgent need of 500 for groceries for a household of 15 this winter, gas to gather wood and a Christmas dinner for 30 people send to $ZitkatosTinCan on Cashapp or @zitkato on Venmo and then Paypal is just generally theres not nazis here so not too worried


    Today we launch the official feed for the Chunka Luta Podcast that is replacing the former Bands of Turtle Island pod. BOTI was started to tell the story of AIM, then I got paid to tell that story so why would I keep posting it free if Im posting it free down the line and actually well produced? The last few episodes on the feed will be that story completing a circle I started at 19, and we will start this circle with that same story; the story of Wounded Knee 1973. While documenting this story, somehow I ended up forming an International collective of Decolonial Marxists (MLs to be more correct, as to mean the scientists of Liberation) we have plenty in the pipeline for this podcast so I highly recommend following it and staying up-to-date. You can find all the links at our and find the patreon where you can gain access to content earlier than others, or the liberpay which yknow I can email the content or something early? Idk trying to figure out a work around but they dont take cuts so are urging people support there. On the is also a GFM to help our comrade Juche Gang, or Leaping Larry on Twitch, we already raised 3k before launching the GFM but he still needs help recovering from several storms. Supporting us monthly helps us help Indigenous families like Larry's easier, and enables professional organizing of very successful project so far; so who knows what the future will hold. The elevator pitch is this: For only 1800 a month we would have 2 full time organizers (paid a stipend of 500 USD/month) and a transcriptionist paid at 2 USD/raw transcription audio minute to the extent their groceries and rent are paid, usually 360-400 USD, and they are always willing to help with admin tasks which has been invaluable behind the scenes this year. The last 400 is for our Media Teams needs, that is $35/month in web hosting, $35/month for a proposed newsletter and zine email thing, $105 for streamyard including taxes (im bad at math though), $100 a month for a constant stream of high quality b-roll, $20 for a subscription, VPN, and a social media tool to allow easy cross posting for $50 a month, and another $100 for the 1 podcast a month promise we are aiming for, and all extra will be just done by me as time frees up and more of the organization is taken off my shoulders. All extra fund then gained after that go directly into organizing fundraising as they have been since restarting the patreon, and this disclaimer is a public accounting of our plans for the money and our current goals. By enable 2 full time organizers you allow another person to pursue the level of organizing capabilities as I have shown is possible over this last year. I will be taking on a second job to supplement the 1100 still needed, but I really hope people recognize how much we have accomplished as a network in a year. The podcast covers the project briefly, and of course we plan to explain more in a episode coming out next year about everything we accomplished from the 2022 Winter Fundraiser to this current one you can also find at the (the Uhaul part is already paid for so now we are raising for a car, and then a storage container, and then more land to bring into trust and help an elder build a house) theres a lot of moving pieces, and so I am hoping this year in review episode will help explain things better; until then, here I will try to not mess up formatting normally Nikolai helps. ![]( For those unaware the org and year began as I arrived home in the uhaul I raised in response to a devastating blizzard that swept the continent, literally arriving in time to celebrate New Years as we brought my son up to bed. Since then the org has grown to include over a hundred direct organizers, over a thousand associated organizers, and more sympathizers then I care to actually count as I know the number will only grow. In total we estimate around 70k to have been raised and will be hiring an accountant to handle everything that will be posted to the website for public view, bearing in mind the anonymity of individuals and censure of doxxing information. From providing the funds for a traditional ceremony, moving a house for the headsmen of the nation as well as the logs for another home, and are designing a community center we will begin actual construction of next year from which we will build a buffalo prairie to provide food FREELY to the people, and to give them away for ceremony. We will also be building food forests and community gardens to address the food insecurity, and developing a textile mill to process the 40 acres of self seeding hemp already on the land. A lot is happening beyond that but lets wait til things are more presentable before counting our chickens. However til then expect lots of photos and videos, also sorry the website is taking so long we will have update photos soon! Lastly we have a library on our even including the required reading for our organizers and cadre. I look forward to showing you just what we are and that we have a road to follow, thats wide enough for us all to walk to the next world together. We need only build the bridge there, and we have to do it together. As Ngugi Wa'Thiongo says "decolonization is colonizer and colonized..." we must work together to become human again, and it is by landback by which we can reclaim our humanity and dignity


    cross-posted from: > > > There's a lot of misleading things about this presentation; for one only the poorest of people were crossing the plains and Mountains. Instead those who could afford it preferred to sail to Nicaragua and walk across the isthmus, to then sail up to the West Coast. Yes the mountains were tough to pass, but not because they are mountains, but because the easiest paths are controlled by, and tolls are enforce by Indigenous nations across the west. Meaning it was not the Mountains that discouraged them, but instead the idea of following Indigenous laws; i.e. it's a political barrier. This barrier prevents a western expansion preferring instead almost a Roman style, build a fort around your enemy, style of invasion. > > >Palo Alto was further from the White House than it was from Mexico City. Frémont felt safe massacring unarmed indigenous groups in 1846, but the Anglo settlers were vastly outnumbered, and the tables could turn fast -never mind the European powers and wildcards like Russia and the Chinese. In the West, the United States was out on a limb. What the United States needed was for a bunch of people to go to California and stay there, anchor the territory, and ready it for statehood. The problem was that there were not a whole lot of reasons for settlers to try it. The sea routes around the Cape of Good Hope or down to British Nicaragua and up the West Coast after an overland trek were long, dangerous, and expensive; the Oregon Trail across the continent was even worse. When they got to the California territory, settlers found unsurpassed natural beauty and unbelievable biodiversity, but the pecuniary prospects the only thing that could lure them in large numbers were not all that great at first. There was plenty of land but no one was especially enthusiastic about working it for profit. Indians comprised the vast majority of laborers (as they comprised the vast majority of the population), but their connection to the land always left them an exit if the contracted terms were insufficiently remunerative. > > So while people like Leland and William Randolph Hearst's dad fled the eastern side of the Mississippi after ending slavery cut into prophets, it became clear it was very easy to rip people off in California; and anti-slavery laws didn't apply to Indigenous workers who were disregarded as people, so remained a cheap if not free source of labor. A lot of folks then assume the railroad was made to cheapen the costs of traveling to the west, but in reality that was more of a marketing ploy by a group known as the Combine, or 'the Associates' that Leland Stanford would be made a de facto face of, hell he was even made the de facto governor. According to the eugenics science that was pioneered in Stanford University later in Leland's life, he was a great man because of great genetics. In reality it is birth lottery, as is always the case, and a uncanny ability to somehow take credit for everyone else's work making him the best of the capitalists. > > He couldn't even pretend to be self made. Even his associates often made jokes about how all of his money is made for him, he doesn't have to do anything. At any rate it was land speculation by which this profit was made, just as George Washington's was made before him, this business was the American dream; the get rich quick scheme. One that practically presents itself to him after squandering the perfect opportunity he had on the Erie Canal. These excerpts come from Palo Alto a must read for movement members today. > >After an apprenticeship, he opened his own law office, which suffered from his total lack of German-language proficiency, given that German immigrants formed the bulk of the settler population. A run for district attorney on the progressive Whig line flopped. In 1850 he briefly returned to Albany to marry Jane Lathrop, a merchant's daughter from his hometown milieu. Back in Port Washington, Leland's office burned down, taking with it his law books and legal career, such as it was. Leland's life to that point - he was in his mid-twenties - was a total loss. Despite the cosmic luck of being born alongside the Erie Canal, he'd squandered the little he put together. What he did have left was family, including four surviving brothers. He (scandalously) deposited his new wife back home, and set out to join the rest of the Stanford boys in California. With his family's support, he took the ritziest of the three routes west: a ship down to British-occupied Nicaragua, an overland trek, and another boat up the continent's flank. > > > >Born at the edge of a commercial frontier, Leland was a restless young man, moving from mediocre school to mediocre school, performing in accordance with his surroundings. Leland liked reading more than he liked working, and he didn't like reading all that much. He decided on a career in law, perhaps with a quick transition to politics, a professional path forever beloved by ambitious slackers. A politician needs a good name, and so Leland dropped the biblical Hebrew Amasa, which, fittingly, means "burden." The frontier had lower standards than New York did, so he took the law books his father bought him and in 1848 moved to Port Washington. > > (Cont. in comment)
