The Truth About Tim Walz

> “I think all of us know, the electoral college needs to go,” Walz told donors at a gathering at the home of the California governor, Gavin Newsom.


cross-posted from: > Tim Walz, you've been fact checked! > > > Trump reported millions in negative income in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020, and he paid only $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017. > >


People think vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is nice. But is he... too nice? From his dangerously folksy upbringing, to the National Guard, to teaching America's future enemies in China, Tim Walz's "nice" act isn't fooling anyone. This is the Dailyshowography of Tim Walz.


Can this man even do the one thing that *his own name* suggests he should be able to?? If not, how can we trust him to help the American people?


cross-posted from:


Following CNN's [fake news slander]( of upstanding champion of freedom Mark Robinson, Newsmax today dropped a bombshell investigative report on Tim Walz, showing a consistent record over at least *eight years* of Walz *lying* to his children about the existence of Santa Claus (a socialist, by the way, giving kids *free* presents when there's no such thing as a free lunch!!) Walz would, for instance, tell his kids that the Super Soakers he got them *at Toys "R" Us* and – crucially – *not the North Pole* were given to them by "Santa" for free for good behavior (a way to indoctrinate his kids to fall in line with a communist government instead of teaching them the merits of capitalism that bought them the Super Soakers!) But then at some point, he told them that Santa Claus *wasn't* real, by his own admission even making Gus feel "a bit bummed out". When questioned on this issue, Walz replied that he thought this was "really pretty common" and that he doesn't even see an *issue* with it. Is this the kind of man we want as our vice president?!


My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Tim pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


Minnesota Public Radio broke the news today that in 2011, Tim Walz told his kids that breakfast was ready and to come to the kitchen. When they came in, to their shock, breakfast still had a few minutes left to go but Walz wanted them to set the table first. If he's willing to lie to his kids, he's willing to lie to the American people. Will we ever know the true depth of this man's deceit??


Unnamed sources have confirmed that Walz once claimed a task would be “a piece of cake” when it, in fact, turned out to be somewhat challenging. When will this madness end?


That man shook my hand, looked me straight in the eye, and said with a smile, "It's really nice to meet you." I am, in fact, incredibly unpleasant. WHAT ELSE IS HE LYING ABOUT?!