Knowledge Fight

In the side panel, I use the suggestion of #75 simply because that was on But honestly, so much has changed. That was before the TX & CT awards were found by the juries. That was before the default judgements. That was before Covid. What episodes are good to start with for a more updated Zeitgeist? The ones that are too current, I feel Alex is a little too pathetic for anyone to care.


Have you been listening through the episode archives? Did you want say something about one from way back without sounding like Jim Gaffigan discussing Heat? Well here is the place.


I’m a huge KF fan and listen through their catalog… probably more often than is healthy. I’m curious if this community is still active. If it is - tell me about your favorite episodes! Or Alex stories. Or Dan & Jordan being themselves and how absolutely delightful that is. My favorites vary, but I’ve been listening to all the deposition episodes again, and who doesn’t love those?


I would like to at least post the bright spots to encourage engagement in this community. Recently, I've been failing, but I don't want this community (I wish lemmy used a less generic word than "community") to fail with me. Please feel free to make posts here. I am curious how you out there in the fediverse engage with Dan and Jordan's respective POVs. Of course, lurkers are free to lurk, but I don't want to feel like this is _my_ community just because I am a resident KF superfan. I'm just willing to remove hate speech for you folks. I want to be a mod, not a leader. I want to hear your voices, not just feedback. But feedback is a great place to start chatting. I will get back in the swing of things soon and will be able to make routine posts. This post started as an apology (and it is) but I rambled and I wanted to hear from our still small lemmy/c. (I think lemmy/c is what i'll call a lemmy community until someone says something better.)


I was hyping the podcast in a [c/politics thread]( when someone asked for a link for a pizzagate debunking. They made the interesting point that most debunkings are merely "there is no basement". I must confess. I find this argument pretty compelling, but are there any deep-dives into the conspiracy origins from KF. Due to what I confessed, I never really followed the details of this one. It seemed to morph into QAnon conspiracies rather seamlessly. It seemed to be all claims, no known damages. What immediately came to mind is [Episode #39]( in which Dan does a deep-dive into Jack Posobiec and analyzes the Comet Ping Periscope video that Owen Shroyer reports about. (No, I didn't have the episode number off the dome.) But that is more Jack Posobiec is full of shit because pizzagate is full of shit. I love this episode. But the periscope video is more about two infowariors' total inability to "act natural". But it's not really a pizzagate debunking, I suppose. Still comedy gold in my opinion.


[Episode #890: January 16, 2024 ]( aired Jan 19, 2024. Dan's bright spot: The Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. [Here is a review of it.]( Jordan's bright spot: Got the ink done mentioned last episode. Still healing. So he can't show it off.


[Episode #889: The Debate Of The Century, Part 2 aired Jan 15, 2024.]( Dan's bright spot: New season of Traitors. [Here]( is a promotional article. Jordan's bright spot: New tattoo. A band around the arm drawn by his wife inspired by the four Elements in the Legend of Korra. I assume the motifs will look like ![]( which a scaled down version of work done by Ebelin at


After listening to the new episode of Knowledge Fight, here are lessons to be learned from Alex Jones's style of "debate"..... 1) Yelling all the time and never stop talking 2) Gish Gallop (spewing lots of talking points so nobody can fact-check or counter) 3) Name calling by pretending to misremember your opponent's name (eg, calling Destiny "Ding Dong" and claims that he forgets his name) 4) Generalisation your opponents' talking point to make them look bad (eg, twisting your opponent's statement that Ashley wasn't get beaten in the head by saying that "HE THINKS Ashley didn't get shot!") 5) Whataboustism 6) Distracting by bringing other topics instead (talking about vaccines or Trump ballot during the Jan 6 debate) Any other tactics you guys see here?


[Episode #888: The Debate Of The Century, Part 1 aired Jan 12, 2024.]( Dan's bright spot: Doughboys with Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger put out the episode [Chop Stop with Tim Baltz.]( Jordan's bright spot: [Built Then Burnt [Hurrah! Hurrah!] by Silver Mt. Zion.]( A poem.