
This was found in a 1987-1989 Power Squadrons Piloting Course manual. It has a lot of cool and useful stuff in it. It turns out Ships Logs and Journaling have a lot in common!


My wife just got me a "moleskine" (it's not name-brand, but good quality for the price) and a fountain pen (Zebra V301 FP). I absolutely love them and it has reignited my interest in fountain pens and pocket notebooks, but I'm at a loss as to what to write anymore. I've been wanting a pocket notebook to increase my security with complex passwords, but that only takes up a few pages. I wrote a few quotes in it, but I don't want to fill it with cheesy cliches. I suck at drawing, so I'm not even going to try doing that in ink lol. I need a pencil to practice with, and I want to use this pen. I'm having a hard time coming up with inspiration for something cool to put in this thing. Any ideas are appreciated.


i realize that the decline of my journal usage (or commonplace book) is due to my recent discovery of a threading system that lets me iterate on ideas frictionlessly. telegram might not be the best tool for this but it's been good to me from the start because of its direct reply functionality. the only threading method that works on an analogue system that's familiar to me is something i learned in the youtube bullet journal community years ago. the concept is straightforward but mainly functions on ONE topic of interest. you basically thread the entries on a topic of your choice by writing the page number of the previous entry on the top left corner of the spread and the page number of the next entry on the opposite corner. (can't find the source of this anymore as it was YEARS ago already. i was a preteen and didn't care much about citing sources. sorry.) i do still use the system to this day but it would be too limiting for what i'm trying to achieve now. my WHY on a threading functionality similar to direct replies is essentially to track and iterate on ideas. the logic would be reminiscent of niklas luhmann's zettelkasten BUT instead of using cards, i'd like the portability of a humble notebook. TDLR: do you know any threading system that would work in an analogue journal?


I've never done cover pages before, my entries have always just run on one from the next, but I fell into the habit of doing a doodle calendar, then it expanded to two pages, then I needed to fill a blank page so the calendar would be on a single spread... You know, the usual evolution of journaling, haha. ![]( ![](


I created a second pen loop by sewing together the the spare bands that were already there. Might have to think of something else for the ruler when I get to like the last third or so, but for now I'm really pleased with having everything in place like this.


Hey, I am a big proponent of writing in a journal - I think it really helps me unload the scrambled mess in my brain. The thing is though, writing in my journal takes 1-2 hours of my time - not to mention the time it takes to get into the mood to write for 1-2 hours a day. How do you guys write daily / regularly? When I'm on vacation it's super helpful to write in there, and I wish I could do that during the week. Typing _is_ a solution, but I feel like I write with less efficacy since I don't have a lot of time between sentences. My sentences while writing are a lot more well formed, I think. What do you guys do?


Why shouldn't adults be allowed to have fun colouring stuff?


Sometimes life gives you what you need, just when the previous journal (Leuchtturm) is about to run out of pages. I am currently sick at home and had some meds delivered. They added this free notebook to the bag. I wouldn't normaly get a spiral bind, but beggars can't be choosers... Anxiously, I opend it up, afraid to find lines, squares or dots, but rejoice: I had recieved a book full of blank pages, just how I like it. (I can't say how many times I didn't buy a gorgeous notebook because of this.) Added the frame and the white title field to make it truly mine. Then I went and cancelled my online order for a new journal I had placed just yesterday.


When I remember I add bits and pieces to my journal (I go through stages and then forget to collect stuff). I mostly use double-sided tape from the paint department at my local hardware store but I have a bottle of clear Elmers glue too, since I've seen that recommended quite a bit. I used the glue to add some business cards from a local restaurant, only they were gloss cards and the glue gave out completely within a week, leaving a nice glossy expanse of nothing. What do you use to add things to your journal? Any brand you swear by, or would avoid like the plague?


Hey! I've been journaling for about 7 years now (Wow... already) and an issue I've always had is when I have to write on a specific page but run out of space and can't go to the next one because it's already used. I've tried post-its, loose sheets with a clip, give up and turn a couple pages and title the new page "Monday, contiued" or whatever. And all those solutions have felt very "Meh" and lacking elegance. Do you have a clever trick or system to fit extra stuff in a page that is already surrounded? Should I just learn to embrace some chaos and use a new page not in order?


This link popped up in my RSS feed today and it looks really promising - the writer is looking more at the how-to side of journaling than sharing pretty pictures.


Hey! I’ve written a digital journal for the last couple of years. Backup there wasn’t a problem. But I struggled with finding the „perfect tool“ and switched from app to app and back until I just took a notebook and a fountain pen and started writing couple of months ago. My question now is: what’s a good way to achieve and protect a full journal physically and what’s your personal backup strategy to back up your journal in a digital way so that you still have your memories in case of your house burning down or another catastrophic event. Thank you in advance!


Mine is "What is your current favorite quote and why?"


A huge bucket of family drama was upended on me yesterday and when I sat down to write about it, I got all vague and glossed over it, even though I probably need to get it out somehow. I trust the people in my life not to read my journal but seemed like a risk or even a betrayal of confidence to put the words down. Do you hold anything back, or is it all laid out bare? How did you get past the internal censor so you could write to clear your head?


I'm working on getting back into Journaling again but have been having a hard time finding the one right for me. I found a few that let me use my own handwriting (surface pro), but they upload everything to a cloud. Which I don't want because A) I'm not going to be sharing my journal and B) I don't want to have to pay for storage or delete entries as I inevitably run out of space. So what are you guys using? What are your favorite features?


Wanna get a post out to show appreciation for all types of journaling. Personally I’m boring and traditional with weekly entries that can be pages long of just emotional venting or thought processing. All of course written with a fountain pen with sparkly ink. I kinda want to switch it up a bit, get the creative juices flowing or maybe some productivity integrated somewhere. So how do you journal? Feel free to show off some entries (if you’re comfortable) or of your journal cover.


I've started and stopped journalling more times than I can count. I keep getting advertised the [Hero's Journal]( and am trying the free version out. Have you used it? What are your thoughts and did you keep using it?


Sometimes we like to shake things up or just see how other people do things. Currently I have a super simple set up, hardcover Moleskine notebook with a fountain pen. Thinking about changing it out when it’s done due to minor bleed through.


Thank you for creating this community, it's good to see more hobby communities start to appear around the 'verse.