i hope this place takes off, reddit sucks and has for a while, it just has a critical mass of users so as a forum it works well. but i digress. If this place takes off, it would be cool if the china community here isn't an anti-china circle-jerk like subreddit. that was getting pretty exhausting seeing burnt out expats delighting themselves at any misery experienced in china. /r/china and /r/sino were basically just two sides of the same jaded, acidic coin. it would be pretty cool if we had actual mainland chinese people here, if we talked about living and working in china, interesting places to visit, social and economic news, and whats going on with the government with a bit more clear headed sobriety. i can't do another DAE hate Winnie the poo circle jerk post. or maybe im the one being annoying and pretentious, it would just be cool to have a place online about china that doesn't actively hate the country itself


welp fellas, after working shitty corporate jobs in America, making well above the nation and local average, i somehow have less money than i did working bullshit jobs in china. Life here kind of sucks, and while there are many beautiful places in America, i don't get to see them because im stuck at this shitty job all the time. I don't even see my family any more than i would if i lived in China. So. I have a walk on spot at an easy breezy university job, what do you think? Go back to china and live the easy life, but have to deal with their pain in the ass government, or stay in america and live a safer life, but have to deal with my pain in the ass job.