art 5d ago
Solarpunk Cargo Ship
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 3d ago 100%

    What an amazing job compiling this amount information, and it's quite organized too, hahahaha. Great job!

    I'm curious as to how would the relevance of efficiency change when considering saling ships. With fuels, you carry a limited ammount of them, and more efficiency would make it possible to travel longer distances. But what happens when wind is the propulsion method? What does efficiency imply? Just traveling faster and possibly being able yo move with weaker winds? If that is the case, is it really that worth it? (I'm saying this because the hull shapes and other modifications are made mainly for that purpose, so they would not be necessary if efficiency didn't play such an important role, I guess)

  • Funky guys I found in my last hunt.
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 6d ago 100%

    I screwed up when I posted it, but I thought I managed to edit it out. Is it still flagged as NSFW?

  • Funky guys I found in my last hunt.
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 6d ago 100%

    Not close, I'm afraid, I found these in Spain. I am certain about the family, but I'm not sure about the species; I could look it up if you want.

  • Funky guys I found in my last hunt.
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 6d ago 100%

    Hehe, nice ;)

  • I found this textbook *Amanita muscaria* while searching for *Lactarius deliciosus*. There was a huge patch of them. ![]( also found some *Tricholoma equestre* ![]( and a bunch of *Russula* ![](


    I love using boost but it would be great if there was a more obvious way to know what account are you loged in as, especially when creating a post (I tend to forget it midway and second guess myself). Having different settings and colour schemes for each account would be awesome too. If there is a way to do this and I missed it, please let me know. Otherwise, thanks for reading my request!

    News 1mo ago
    Man Self-Immolates Outside Boston Israeli Consulate in Protest of Gaza Genocide
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1mo ago 100%

    I know you specifically said you did not want people talking to you to make you feel better, but what kind of rotten society would we live in if everyone just turned a blind eye? isn't precisely that behaviour what drove this man to self-immolate?

    I can't really be of much help to you beyond maybe chatting, and I have not been in your shoes, but if some rando on the internet can care about you, definitely someone from a closer circle will too. And maybe you don't need someone actively trying to make you feel better, but someone with whom you can be honest and sincere about how you feel. You don't have to carry that burden alone, even if it sometimes feels like its the only way.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that choices and opinions tend to change with time... if you let them, and you, as well as people around you, nudge them in the right direction.

    About the self-sacrifice, I find the situation that drove him to do that utterly horrific and unacceptable, but the act itself I can not bring myself to support. Yes, it worked and it had an impact, but at what cost? was it really worth the price he paid? couldn't he have made a huge impact (even if lesser) without paying such a heavy price? We can't really tell, but the saddest part is that, now, we will never be able to.

    Forming bonds with others, relying on them, supporting others and getting help is what makes us a community, and that is a core aspect of being human. Sharing our lives with others is nothing to be ashamed of, quite the contrary, it is something that defines us.

  • Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona: the 10 Major Works
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 3mo ago 100%

    I always found Park Güell to be an outstanding proof of concept of organic architecture, specially since it was thought as a housing complex. It's true that it's quite extravagant, but the design ideas regarding space, light and ventilation behind it are very interesting to say the least.

  • art
    art 3mo ago
    Solarpunk flag out of construction paper
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 3mo ago 100%

    That's actually brilliant! I feel it would look great as a clock with the inner part moving with the minute hand.

  • Solarpunk x FrutigerAero ?
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 9mo ago 100%

    I might arrive a bit late to the party, but I don't feel an aesthetic is necessarily tied to an ideology or a way of thinking. You can see that with solarpunk aesthetic (greenery, livability and all that sort of stuff) os used by totalitarian regimes and capitalist companies.

    Although it is true some aesthetics and styles always carry the nostalgia of their previous uses, as is happening in your case, I think claiming, reclaiming or simply broadening the use of a specific style is accomplishable and not unheard of. In that spirit, I would suggest we keep using them and tweaking the topics shown to move away from a possible corporativist/capitalist reading and make the message of sostenibility more clear.

    Wether this type of artistic approach shows a remotely realistic future and if this mught pose a problem, and wether companies making green efforts carries more problem than benefits, are both topics worth thinking about; I feel this play also an importan role in the way you feel towards Frutiger Aero.

  • Cohesive architectural aesthetics in solarpunk - are they possible (or desirable)?
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 11mo ago 100%

    For livable and more relaistic purposes, I say a joined aesthetic is almost impossible. Solarpunk has a lot of communal elements in it, so cultural differences would be a big deal, and also, as you say, enviroments can vary a lot, so even the widespread notion of greenery might not be practical in deserts or tundras.

    Maybe the more general hints of solarpunk could be man grown plants and some form of green power source, even though it will vary depending on the region. As for the rest, I feel there are too many facets to cover, as you show in your postcards; abandoned cities, small mountain villages, desert plains, so many styles of farming...

    As for your art, I would say it's a second stage inside of the movement. It's not the type of artwork you show people without context, I would do that with the more green utopia ones with blue sky; but when showing your postcards, I would also show their explanation, they need the context of the movement and of themselves. The first stage is for getting poeple interested with a nice view (and here common themes are more consolidated), but the second one is as personal (or communal) as any implementation of solarpunk features in real life.

    (I'm not sure I made myself clear :$, just let me know if I haven't)

  • If you recall, []( offered in their last post to make a new banner and icon for the community, and I'm very happy to update them today! They are currently taking graphic design commissions (icons, banners, posters, adds, flyers…), so if you want to commission a cool new icon, you can do so [here]( You should also definitely check their [webpage](, it's very cool. Lastly, they did this for free, but if you happened to have some money to spare, you can donate some to them if you feel like it (you might have to get in touch with them). No need to feel obliged to do this, the banner will be ok to use regardless.

    Thinking of making a new banner and logo for the solarpunk aesthetics community (think of leaning it towards Art Nouevau). Thoughts/ideas so far?
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 12mo ago 100%

    As far as I'm concerned, go for it! You can change it as much as you want! Just DM me when you have it so I can change it (or post it here, same thing ;) )

    When doing it I tried to keep in mind the diferent aspects of aesthetics, and not just the artsy part, but feel free to make what you feel most comfortable with.

    I think art nouveau would look great, and, like others, that optimistic future suits solarpunk greatly, but maybe it can be put together with old technology somehow, since I agree that old appliances are sometimes more efficient than their modern counterparts. Also, if it works, why throw it away? Reusability is a big aspect of ecofriendliness :)

    Anything else you need, just let me know :D

  • art
    art 1y ago
    High Speed Rail - Postcard from a Solarpunk Future (by me)
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Another very nice and thought-through post :)

    I have to say, I completely understand your drive to include ruins ans the like, but rusted cars in the middle of the road, specially having co-op recovery groups as in your previous post and some people using the roads, seems quite unlikely. Still, it emphasises your message very nicely.

  • art
    art 1y ago
    Botanica by Natalie Dombois
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Very stunning, and what an amazing palette!

  • I am looking for solarpunk drip.
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    This is quite a hard topic. If you look for solarpunk clothing online, you'll find fashion clothing mostly in green and with leaf patterns or such, like this, but I find this to be too unrealistic, as most designer fashion, in the sense that nobody would wear that in a daily context.

    But actual wearable solarpunk clothes, at least for me, would be a mix of work-focused very resistant clothing, like this work overalls or this cargo pants, with a mix of weather thoughtful pieces of clothing, like this cross pants, which are quite fresh while protecting your legs from scrapes, or, if you lean more into breaking the gender-norm, some long loose dresses are quite comfortable, specially in hot weather (and the flow is so nice!)

    In my opinion, any durable and useful piece of clothing can be considered solarpunk, even more if it is field-work or nature-oriented, like mountain boots or cargo pants (also, any patched clothing does the trick, although it's best that it happens organically rather than buying it). And as a final personal note, I find colourful or patterned clothes quite nice when they're not overwhelming, so for example cross pants or a loose oversized shirt, although it is quite uncommon in male clothing (I could not find a picture of T-shirt and shirt other than with the flannel shirts or plain ones) and I'm not sure how environmentally friendly cloth dye is (but the same could be said about the clothing industry altogether). Hope this helps, even if just a bit :)

  • art
    art 1y ago
    Tech CO-OP Recovering Usable Technology by me
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    I really enjoy this "down to earth" artistic takes on solarpunk. Usually, I enjoy when art pieces have an undertone of fantasy or unrealism, since that allows for highlighting some key aspects of whatever is in focus. But this way of depicting something I can very much see happening right now, specially with all the backstory/documentation you've added, makes for a very piece. Congratulations! I hope to see more of your work around :)

  • art
    art 1y ago
    Tech CO-OP Recovering Usable Technology by me
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    I partially agree, but ransacking broken technology does not need to make the building unsuitable for other community functions, quite the contrary, it could even help. For example, a decayed server room can be dangerous due to heavy metals or other components and would serve no real purpose to a community-oriented building (as well as so many satellite dishes). So the raiding could both make use of the materials and make the building safe for other uses.

  • art
    art 1y ago
    Off-Grid Solarpunk Homestead by Ole Kristian Halstensen
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 75%

    Basing the lack of accessibility on the fact that something is fictitious is actually a pretty lame excuse. If we can't be inclusive in fiction, where it comes down to adding a sentence or the stoke of a brush, how could we even try to make reality inclusive, the solution being so much more complex and time-consuming than that?

  • Art by [Atlas0](

    DIY 1y ago
    Make your own seed bombs to garden on the go
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    I love the addendum at the end saying

    _ This story has been updated to emphasize that readers should not plant seed bombs in spaces they’re not authorized to access. _

    Not gonna happen, beware public patches of dirt!

  • Art by [adamkuczek](


    Beautiful artwork by [Sedeptra](


    Drone friend :D *Artwork by [q1r0z](*


    Ah! While browsing for pictures for the banner I stumbled upon this japanese building which vibes very much with solarpunk, so here you go!


    I ended up doing a collage of things :P I'm not sure if the writing is not readable enough, since in the icon it displays too small and the colours are not that distinguisable. If you have any other opinions on it I can remake parts or change stuff if you let me know. Hopefully the community is a bit more colorful now hehe. Cheers! :)

    No Mow May and How I Learned I'm Allergic to Grass
  • WanderingPhoenix WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    If you suffer from it also while being around it, it might be time to get rid of it, sadly :( But if it is just when cutting it, wearing a ffp2 mask or similar makes a huge difference, or at leat it does for me (Also rolling around in it might not be a great idea XD). Other than that, just power throught the 2 weeks/ month the worst part lasts for I guess, at least the bees will keep you company :)

  • So I'm trying to subscribe to the fountainpens community at and it seems I'm incapable of doing so. I think the problem is that the name of their community in their own instance is not "/c/fountainpens", but "/c/", as you can see from their instance [here](, so when I look for "!" in our search bar, I get nothing. Even if I try typing on the browser searchbar "" or "", I get nothing. Am I making a mistake somewhere? And if not, is there a way to make this work, or do I have to have an account at to post in this community?


    Hey everyone! I was looking for an icon for this community (since it is kind of sad without it (as is my profile rn)) but I am quite unsure what to look for, since I want something other than drawings, since we have /c/art for that. So I am asking you about it, a bit of democracy never hurt anyone, right? *Ignores the anarchists yelling in the back*. So, what do you feel would be a faithful representation of solarpunk aeshetics? Some wearable gear? Gardens in buildings? A backtard garden? A plant-friendly sculpture? Leave your ideas (or links to pictures if you have them) in the comments. Thank you for your participation :D

    art WanderingPhoenix 1y ago 100%
    New Mod!

    (This is the same message I wrote in /c/aesthetic, so no need to read it if you already have!) Heya! I saw both this community and /c/aesthetic for adoption and decided to take both their moderation roles, since they seems like sister communities to me :). Hopefully you'll see me around more often and we can make the artsy part of shine :D If you're curious about me, I'm a refugee from Reddit and, like many of us, I don't want to look back. I have always wanted to moderate a community, but Reddit seemed so big and overwhelming that never took up the challenge (so please, be gentle with me X$). I've also been a solarpunker since before I knew the term and I was really glad to find a community with matching interests. Any other questions you might have about me or anything else, write them down in the comments. Cheers to you all, and very glad to be working for you! Phoe.


    Heya! I saw both this community and /c/art for adoption and decided to take both their moderation roles, since they seems like sister communities to me :). Hopefully you'll see me around more often and we can make the artsy part of shine :D If you're curious about me, I'm a refugee from Reddit and, like many of us, I don't want to look back. I have always wanted to moderate a community, but Reddit seemed so big and overwhelming that never took up the challenge (so please, be gentle with me X$). I've also been a solarpunker since before I knew the term and I was really glad to find a community with matching interests. Any other questions you might have about me or anything else, write them down in the comments. Now I'm going to copy-paste this into /c/art bc I'm a bit lazy, hehe. Cheers to you all, and very glad to be working for you! Phoe.
