What are You Working on Wednesday
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Tempting, but in order to reduce the potential attack surface, I'm likely just to create a simple simulator instead now.

    If it's good enough to fool the first few interactions of an automated script, that'll probably do. That'll give me the curl/wget target they're trying to insect me with, most likely.

    It means I can potentially create a single binary docker instance that can be reset practically instantly by deleting/reimporting.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Yep.. sigh

    me@somewhere:~$ ssh -p 8022 root@localhost
    The authenticity of host '[localhost]:8022 ([]:8022)' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:W6aKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+cvaaaaaaaaaaaw.
    This key is not known by any other names
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:8022' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@localhost's password: 
    Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.4-31-generic x86_64)
    * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
    * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
    * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantage
    54 packages can be updated.
    20 updates are security updates.
    Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS                          built 2016-10-10
    last login: Sun Nov 19 19:40:44 2017 from
    root@host:~$ whoami
    root@host:~$ ls
    README log.txt
    root@host:~$ cat README
    # NOTE: Do not reset this server, as it provides essential services.
    root@host:~$ cat log.txt
    Mar  3 15:37:01 root kernel: Boot time configuration written to /etc/default/grub
    Mar  3 15:37:02 root kernel: Loading initial ram disk images...
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Linux version 4.9.0-6-amd64 (buildid@Debian) (gcc version 8.2.0 ( Ubuntu 8.2.0-14-ga )) #1 SMP Debian 4.9.141-1 (2017-03-09)
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Linux command line options: ro root=UUID=6f8e4a7c-35d5-4b2d-93a4-a4335a95f58c rw initramfs-version=4.9.0-6-amd64 rd.driver.video=i915
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Boot arguments: ro root=UUID=6f8e4a7c-35d5-4b2d-93a4-a4335a95f58c rw initramfs-version=4.9.0-6-amd64 rd.driver.video=i915
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Kernel arguments: ro root=UUID=6f8e4a7c-35d5-4b2d-93a4-a4335a95f58c rw initramfs-version=4.9.0-6-amd64 rd.driver.video=i915
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Mounting system...
    Mar  3 15:37:03 root kernel: Mounted system...
    root@host:~$ echo "testing1234" > somefile.txt
    root@host:~$ echo "testing 23456" >> somefile.txt
    root@host:~$ cat somefile.txt
    testing 23456
    root@host:~$ echo tell me a story about a dragon
    Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a magnificent dragon named Scorch. Scorch was the most feared creature in all the land, with scales that shone like gold in the sunlight and eyes that glowed like embers. He roamed the countryside, breathing fire and destruction wherever he went, and no one dared to cross...
  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    A medium interaction SSH honeypot backed by a basic LLM that believes it's bash.

    I'm impressed at the ability to retain limited state, and respond 'reasonably enough' that it'll probably allow first stage automated attacks to be captured.. but at the moment, it's way too easy to peer behind the curtain.

    It's quite jarring when your bash terminal starts telling you a story about a happy dragon in response to some weird command.

  • Your guide to edible Australian flora
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Yeah, they're pretty good!

    Particularly if you can get them young enough before the internal 'stringy' bit gets too hard.

    South coast of nsw is a pretty good option. Great as an accompaniment to snapper or flathead.

    Native cherries aren't too bad either.. but it's a tough ask to get them after they lose their astringency and before the birds get them. The broad leaf variety are even harder.

  • Your guide to edible Australian flora
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Good stuff. Just about everything in my garden is edible. I'm particularly fond of the midjim berries and Lilli pillis. Still waiting for my Macadamia to flower.

    Soy/curry kangaroo wrapped in big blanched Warrigal greens leaves (new Zealand spinach), when you can find them, are also a favourite. Sadly, I don't live where samphire grows any more; it's a good side dish if you can get young shoots.

  • Wires in the wind
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Wires and false colour can be pretty awesome.

    Anyone else have wire themes pics?

  • Wires in the wind
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Great use of black and white.

  • Daily Discussion Thread - Tue Aug 08 2023
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Lizards are starting to come out in the late winter sunshine.

  • Magpie bothered by noisy miners
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Pied: Bingo

    Yep, noisy miners. They're aggressive little buggers. One of the reasons that park designers are encouraged to include small shrubs with thick foliage, is to give smaller birds somewhere to hide from the miners, otherwise you tend to get a bit of a monoculture of miners.

    Yeah not too many mynahs around here thankfully. Partly due to the Butcher birds!

  • Hornsund - Svalbard
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    I literally just got out of the water after giving the hull a de-barnacleing in the middle of winter, and I'm lucky enough to live somewhere where that's possible.

    That said, pictures like this of cold water sailing fascinate me.

  • Magpie bothered by noisy miners
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Butcher birds are generally smaller, have a different pattern to their colours, and are a bit different in their vocalisations. Magpies tend to warble, whereas Butcher birds generally have a distinct series of tones (that varies a bit around the country). They also tend to hop more than walk - much shorter legs. The beak is a tiny bit different to a magpie too.

    The adults are black and white, but the juveniles are usually light grey and white.

    The noisy mynahs tend to be a bit more paranoid around Butcher birds too. Maggie's are less likely to actively hunt them. ;)

    If you hear a bunch of mynahs going off in a group, it'll most likely be a snake, an owl, or one of these guys.

  • Magpie bothered by noisy miners
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    And another on the same theme.

  • Magpie bothered by noisy miners
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Related. :)

  • Magpie bothered by noisy miners
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%


    Butcher bird though.

  • Marine heatwave off north-east Australia sets off alarm over health of Great Barrier Reef
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    It's... not fun.

    I've spent a little time around the Keppels. I remember kayaking out to Humpy island in August 2010, and being astounded by the vivid blue staghorn coral at the reef edge.

    I've been back many times since, and though the coral health surges and wanes, the general trend is definitely negative. There are still small hints of colour in the reef around Humpy, but white, and white with hints of brown, predominates. In the last year or so I've started to see a few deeper water corals start to regenerate a little, and some of the more distant bays seem to be surging a little - but they're fighting a losing battle.

    We're seeing less of this.

    .. and more of this.

    .. and fair enough, that second shot shows indications of damage unrelated to heat (maybe a boat anchor perhaps?) - but it's indicative. For better or worse, heat means that coral resilience drops through the floor. Anchor damage, tsunami, cyclone, crown-of-thorns. Things that it used to be able to shrug off in a reasonable timeframe, now cause long term issues.

  • Roll on
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    I remember kayaking up near Peel Island when I saw one of these roll in from the gold coast.

    No chance of making it back to base in time, so I pulled into the beach, found a place to sit out the storm, and asked the Mrs to call me when she spotted a clear weather window to make it back home again.

  • pics
    Pictures RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%
    Roll on

    Incoming storm, Cleveland Queensland.

    yall cool with beachcat sailors?
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Some of my most fun trips were on a Hobie adventure island.

    If it has sails, it's all good.

  • Dugongs on the Amity banks over near Straddie
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Around 14 surrounded the boat - didn't seem too worried by us. Kinda wished I had a drone available; with the winter water clarity, it would have been interesting!

  • Brisbane Foto Friday
  • RedPhoenix RedPhoenix 1y ago 100%

    Rainbow, looking south towards peel island, during a brief rain squall.

  • youtu.be

    Popped out chasing some winter whiting on the weekend. These guys showed up and checked us out.


    Rainy day from a trip down to Melbourne


    Starting to see whales more consistently while out fishing. If you're heading out on a whale watching trip, mid to late June, untill early August, are pretty safe bets. The young humpbacks seem to be quite jumpy around early July - particularly around Flat Rock near Stradbroke island, but off the north east coast of Moreton island is a pretty good option also.
