insane take on Ta-Nehisi Coate's book
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1w ago 100%

    Only Zionists have the audacity to use racist imagery of non-white men sexually assaulting white women to justify "retaliatory" violence (ranging from "individual" lynching to collective punishment/pogroms) and then act incredulous when someone from a group historically targeted by that violence doesn't want to fuck with them.

    (Yes, I know many non-white Israelis exist and can be just as much Zionist-fascist pigs. Doesn't mean Israelis aren't perceived to be whiter and more "Western" than Palestinians by Westoids, which is something that the Zionists themselves love to exploit)

  • insane take on Ta-Nehisi Coate's book
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1w ago 100%

    When Liberia was founded, the “Americo-Liberians” subjugated local Africans and placed them on the bottom of the social hierarchy even after “equality was formally mandated and the True Whigs’ dominance in politics lessened. It was one of several galvanizing factors of the Liberian Civil War.

    So the fact that she made that comparison is interesting…

  • The “brigading” (for lack of a better word) of that Jacobin post really shows just how much the very memory of Che fucks with libs and reactionaries. The man was cool in every sense of the word. Even after he liberated Cuba from a corrupt US-puppet dictatorship, he took the fight to injustice all over the world until the day he died, in Africa and South America in particular. His death at the hands of the US-backed Bolivian dictatorship also had the “unfortunate” side effect of his visage being forever ingrained into the world, even within the US. Him being handsome is just icing on the cake. So, they have to smear him in the wildest ways in an attempt to tear that down in bad faith. It also shows whenever they make up stuff about Che’s attitudes/actions with regard to black and LGBT people, the former of which is especially hilarious because Che was tearing into the US’s injustice and hypocrisy for its own treatment of African Americans at the time. [Link](

    Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare Finally Heads to PC - FullCleared
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 2w ago 100%

    I remember when people thought it was going to happen around RDR2’s announcement only to get the usual rockstar disappointment lmao

    Better 8 years late than never, I guess.


    It also has Souls-like elements, somehow (particularly in atmosphere and in having optional boss fights with the "Symbols of the World"). Not going to say anything else about the game since I recommend going in completely blind. It's... an experience. Completely sold on the game for when it actually comes out. Between this, Ashes, Selaco, and Thatcher's Techbase, I'm curious just how many more bangers the Doom modding community has and will produce.

    Hearts of Iron 4 is going to get the ultimate wehraboo bait DLC
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 2w ago 100%

    The Raid system seems interesting and might make strategic bombers more useful beyond supply drops and the occasional paratrooper operation.

    The special weapons project system has me curious, especially w/r/t nukes. As of now, nukes are piss easy to get as any country and are only really useful as tactical weapons against armies. Now, it seems like there will be an actual challenge in acquiring them and they can be an actual game changer diplomatically (they also mentioned late game content so it would be really neat to see the start of an early Cold War system).

    Also, urban warfare is getting expanded to be an actual meat grinder (a la Stalingrad), but idk how much of that is part of the free update.

  • Hearts of Iron 4 is going to get the ultimate wehraboo bait DLC
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 2w ago 100%

    In fairness, it means "Twilight of the Gods" and is a fancy byword for apocalypse. Funny thing is that the word is commonly associated with Nazi Germany's downfall in the last days of the war before Addy made his greatest contribution to humanity in the Fuhrerbunker.

    Ironically, it was lifted straight from Richard Wagner's concluding musical act on the Nibelungenlied, which German nationalists used to evoke the "stab in the back" myth (specifically Siegfried's betrayal at the hands of Hagen).


    *Dmitri, get the Pe-2s* On the plus side, you can avenge Rosa and Karl by turning Germany communist. ![GDR]( "emoji GDR") ![rosa-salute]( "emoji rosa-salute")

    What should folks be picking up in the turn based RPG steam sale?
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 3w ago 100%

    Songs of Conquest has been something I've been eye-ing but idk. Maybe someone here who has played it can get back to me.

  • The era of conflict with Hezbollah has ended
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 3w ago 100%

    The enemy operates like Orks in W40K where killing the Warboss causes them to all turn on each other very-intelligent

  • wtf Bethesda
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 3w ago 100%

    This one NPC has more personality than entire holds in Skyrim.

  • I’m glad siding with fascists to put down “autocratic” workers and farmers in order to form a dysfunctional bourgeois republic worked out in the end!
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 3w ago 100%

    Just one more attempt at bourgeois democracy bro, it will work this time bro, it won't eventually succumb to the tightening contradictions of Capital I swear

  • Can I repost this on the dunk tank to ask a question?
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 3w ago 100%

    I assume the light red indicates coups as opposed to outright military invasions (but even then, there should be a lot more of that in that case).

    Also, border conflicts aside, China literally invaded Vietnam for the crime of overthrowing their puppet butcher in Cambodia. It also invaded South Korea, regardless of how justified that was or wasn’t. Not sure why that’s omitted since it’s still a massive discrepancy between China and the US.

  • SocDems are surprisingly casual about how they’d take barbarism over socialism every single time. Also, maybe it’s just me but r/propagandaposters has been more populated with shitlibs and Zionists as of late. [Source](

    earth 1mo ago
    A reminder that Triceratops regularly destroyed T. rex's
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1mo ago 100%

    AT-TE vs AT-AT be like

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    Disco Elysium's narrator is going to stream Disco Elysium to raise funds for Palestine
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1mo ago 100%

    I’ve never felt the need to watch a game stream until now.

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    it was tastefully done, of course
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1mo ago 100%

    Temple of Dibella, you mean? Or maybe you meant the Witch Covens.

  • games
    games 1mo ago
    it was tastefully done, of course
  • RamrodBaguette RamrodBaguette 1mo ago 100%

    Game was a lot more ambitious (and lewd) on the drawing board. There used to be a "Prostitutes" faction that was canned (alongside other minor factions representing professions that the player could engage in, like Bards and such) but the sprites (NSFW ofc) were left in the final release in random locations just because. Some of them made sense (like in Inns and Temples of Dibella) but others were... just there.

    I still love the Daggerfall we got (the later versions cleaned up on UESP and released in Unity particular) but I sometimes wonder about what could have been.

  • You, cringe petit-bourgeois liberal: I hope the Polish Home Army kills more Nazis Me, well-versed in theory and understanding that it’s wrong to wish death on goose-stepping class traitor proletarian foot soldiers of settler-colonialism: okay fascist Crossposted from TDT since low-hanging fruit


    If you loved FEAR or the newer Wolfenstein games like I did, you'll likely enjoy Selaco too. It takes after those games the most (and even bits of other 2000s FPSs like Half-Life 2) despite getting labelled as a "boomer shooter", being chock-full of secrets/references and running on GZDoom. The base price of 25 USD might seem a bit steep for an indie title and the game is still in EA, but this is the rare case where you'll get your money's worth in my opinion. The now-released first act (pre-update) is clearly an indicator that the overall design, gameplay loop and vision for the game has been nailed down to a T even if they still semi-regularly update it to tweak it further. From the updates, it also seems they actually have a plan for the next two acts to be released by this century (2025 and 2026 respectively). That all being said, the story elements (beyond visual story-telling and logs/emails) have been left out for now and there's a big story update coming in by the end of the year so you can also hold off until then. :dawn-salute: [Here's a review](


    > Tsar Pogromas II may have enforced the Pale of Settlement and directed massacres of Jews at such a rate that even other European powers, themselves virulently antisemitic, were condemning Russia, but compared to the later Soviets who committed the heinous crime of opposing my cherished Bantustan settler-colony and supporting Palestinian statehood, he was a saint! Damn, maybe he shouldn't have entered the war then ![lenin-laugh]( "emoji lenin-laugh") Doesn't take too long to find her ranting about "self-hating Jews" either, because of course. The cream on top is that she's also a Shahist Iranian Gusano, living in ![ukkk]( "emoji ukkk") no less, so this is pretty tame compared to what usually comes out of their mouths. [Link if you want radiation exposure](


    IDK, maybe when more people here are getting screwed over, libs will radicalize and get off their asses instead of trying to guilt us for not giving legitimacy unconditionally to their favorite “lesser evil” bourgeois party. Of course, using their meager leverage to extract concessions from the people supposedly representing them never crosses their minds… Also imagine having the audacity to call us privileged when you see what’s going on in Gaza as a “single issue” instead of an escalation of violence by the ruling class that can and will go back to us.


    Violence to uproot a US-backed dictatorship which shoves dissidents into mass graves every other week? Unacceptable and unnatural. Violence to assist an ethnonationalist settler colonial project in eliminating resistance in the ghetto they shoved the indigenous population into for the past 75 years? What violence? Simply is a natural process. Not even getting into the violence the American state used to entrench itself during its own revolution (against royalists, natives, farmers who want to pay less taxes like the Whiskey Rebellion) and, today, wages abroad and on its own citizens every other day (poverty, imprisonment, police brutality) to maintain itself. Remember, the “hypocrisy” is the point when it comes to defending Empire. Deep down, they simply believe it’s a team sport. [Link to this dipshit](


    “My tax dollars going into ruining that country so yeah it is an "our on issues"” [“other than america funding Israel how tho??” ]( ![lenin-rage]( "emoji lenin-rage") Is it normal for communists to feel as dismally about the people of their own country as I do now?


    [Original Meme]( TIL, after years of playing Stardew Valley on-off, that Pierre apparently has quite the (well-deserved) hatedom. ![morshupls]( "emoji morshupls")


    OOTL: Protests happen outside of synagogues holding sale of stolen Palestinian land. MSM outlets, right and “left”, react predictably. This was under a [post pointing it out.]( On the ad itself, I can’t help but wonder what goes through the hollow skull of a thin-blue-like MAGA hog who thinks ~~the Jews~~ George Soros is funding “antisemitism” while also controlling the Democrats bending over backwards for Israel because… reasons.


    [“I see the tankies have found this reply.”]( ![chefs-kiss]( "emoji chefs-kiss")


    There are few beings as Hitler particle dense as a Finnish or Eastern European NAFOid who bemoans Ruzzian imperialism but firmly aligns with NATO and Israel. Also includes current “pro-democracy” Georgians. [If you hate your mental health](


    Genius move trying to deflect blame to the guy Biden is willing to pit the "free world" against the ICC for, after sending him weapons in bulk every other day. Fr, I'm wondering if Blue Dog liberals will ever come to understand that treating the people they are trying to "win over" like imbeciles who don't have access to a 24/7 news stream through the tiny computer in their pocket isn't "the strategy".


    Sure is a wonder why Israel has so many friends from the likes of Bolsonaro and Milei supporters. Inb4 liberal Zionists find the [tweet]( and talk about how Israel is a pluralistic liberal democracy which needs to let the “right fringe” (ie. The Israeli Overton window) have a voice and that extends to all its overseas supporters.


    “All of these countries are ethnostates! Why can’t we have one? Because we’re Jewish?” “Because genocide.” “Point being?”


    Also admitting that you’d side against WWII partisans who killed German settlers (as had happened in the Zamość uprising among many other instances) as well as ANC-associated militias who attacked Apartheid government workers and Boer “farmers” is not having you beat the Hitlerite allegations any time soon. Especially funny when you go down his own thread and see him bend over backwards to try to defend himself, like saying Ukrainians can have their own October 7th as a treat because [it’s “proportionate”.](


    > Game starts in 1337 instead of 1444 Pre-Aztec Mexico ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go")


    ![lea-breakdown]( "emoji lea-breakdown") 👀 ![maw]( "emoji maw")
