Why are they still clinging on to the 'brat' thing?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    Of course, can't keep doing the one thing that actually worked!

  • Why are they still clinging on to the 'brat' thing?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    I fucking hate her

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    Makes sense she focused on Palestine since this was hosted by local Palestinian groups!

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    I was there, she hit all the high points and mainly focused on Palestinian liberation. Didn't answer my question on China. Oh well

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    "I don't advocate for Russia. I advocate for peace."

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%

    She is addressing the "Russian asset" smear right now lol

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 10h ago 100%


    I don't think she's anti-vaxx. She seems normal to me as I hear her talk. The "weirdest" thing so far is she made a minor error calling Kennedy a candidate.

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 11h ago 100%

    Oh no IDK this. Show me?

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 12h ago 100%

    Question submitted...

  • I'm going to meet Jill Stein soon. What should I ask her?
  • MayoPete MayoPete 13h ago 100%

    I think I will ask for her opinion on China 🇨🇳

  • I think I may have almost convinced my lib mom to vote for Stein
  • MayoPete MayoPete 14h ago 100%

    Voters SHOULD be extremely disillusioned over both parties. They are both materially supporting a genocide doomer

  • I want to learn more about her/Green Party's theory of change & try to understand if they've learned from past campaigns.

    What the fuck.
  • MayoPete MayoPete 1d ago 100%

    Some people actually hand write these too. Old people love wasting their time doing this.

  • What the fuck.
  • MayoPete MayoPete 1d ago 100%

    They don't do it to everybody, just whoever is on their targets list. There's a voter file with a "Dem Score" for each person based on voting history, party registration, and then a bunch of consumer data the DNC pays for. There's a "turnout score" for estimating how likely people are to vote.

    Typical GOTV universe starts by narrowing down to people between 50-70 on support and 70+ on turnout scores.

    Congrats, OP! You're on the GOTV list... enjoy getting harassed endlessly until you vote pete

  • It's quite telling that liberals have to defend Kamala by using hypotheticals
  • MayoPete MayoPete 2d ago 100%

    Yeah, why win and have to do things when you can lose and raise more money?

  • It's quite telling that liberals have to defend Kamala by using hypotheticals
  • MayoPete MayoPete 2d ago 100%

    The sense of entitlement is the worst

  • It's quite telling that liberals have to defend Kamala by using hypotheticals
  • MayoPete MayoPete 2d ago 100%

    And they could do things to the Supreme Court RIGHt NOW but they won't

  • "Bro learned that living things need to work" Tell that to my 🐈 How do you handle these types of arguments in general?


    **Intro** Pic related. It's me. I have to come clean. I'm a lib-for-hire. I need income, and what do you know, it's campaign season and I know how this works... so here I am getting paid to "get out the vote" for this year's elections. I'm not going to provide details, and I'm not going to say anything that can pinpoint who I work for or where I work, for obvious reasons. I'm also not going to divulge any "trade secrets" or screenshots of things like VAN, again because I need to keep this job... I'm writing this partly to clear my head, partly to reckon with the lib job I have, and partly to help educate my comrades on some lessons they can learn from this part of electoralism. Some of this will be disjointed because that's how my brain works. If you have any questions about campaigns drop them in the comments and I'll answer to the best of my ability. **Why care about this?** The Democratic (and I assume to a smaller extent, GOP) "industry" makes up a decent chunk of economic activity in a handful of states every two to four years. A huge chunk of groups with millions in funding swoop in, hire up hundreds to thousands of people at a time for temp work, then lets them all go in November. As leftists, we should understand how this niche within Capitalism exists. This can help explain why some people in this world act the way they do: *because their paycheck depends on it*. There are material realities behind "having high, high hopes for a living". These are not GREAT jobs, but for a lot of people they are better jobs than what they have access to during off years. I know of someone who was thankful for their Field Organizer role because it helped them cover the bills in the way their fast food jobs didn't. There's also a psychological factor at play with these campaign jobs. A lot of Field Organizers are coming into swing states from out of state. They are college-aged, idealistic, and taking a semester off school to do a job that is often 6-7 days per week and stretching to 70+ hours per week when it's time for "GOTV". Imagine being told the thing you just spent your entire October working for is a sham ![scared](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Feaad3f1f-92a4-4b1f-8181-3a582a36629a.png "emoji scared") **We act like a c3 during VR, then switch to c4 work for GOTV** Like most industries, the campaign industry comes with it's own unique insider vocabulary. c3/c4 - This is a legal status for IRS purposes. Long story short, c3 groups can only do non-partisan work, while c4s can do more partisan type campaigning. c3 work might look like issues campaigns, nonpartisan voter registration drives, or general voter education mailings. They can't talk about candidates and can't take stances on issues in a partisan manner. c4s can do those things. Some big orgs have both c3 and c4 organizations. Planned Parenthood is the one that comes to mind immediately. VR - Voter Registration. By law some states require this work to be non-partisan, so a lot of orgs tend to do this regardless of their tax status. This typically boils down to running tables in public spaces or walking around with a clipboard in busy areas to find people to fill our a voter registration form. The forms are collected, details are then copied into VAN for contacting these people later, and then they are counted up and sent to the local boards of elections. GOTV - Get Out The Vote. This is what you're about to see all over the country, but really in just a handful states (PA, WI, MI, NC, GA, NV, AZ). People are going out door-to-door, or making phone calls, or doing "relational organizing", or a few other ways to basically get you to talk to them about "making a plan to vote". There's some studies showing that doing these things increases voter turnout by enough to be worth pouring Scrooge McDuck swimming pools of money into doing every election. Talking to a voter in person and getting them to create a "plan to vote" is considered the most effective form of GOTV and is the one you'll see starting anywhere from 1-3 weeks from now depending on the election calendar in your area. Note these are NOT persuasion attempts. They don't work. There's some mild talking points that canvassers have to read off, but they're told to move on if there's any resistance to the script. Turns out you can't change someone's ideology based on their life experience by knocking on their door...


    It's rant time because depression and racing thoughts are *fun*. I've been thinking about all of the more blatant Dem actions lately to push the "left" away from the party as far as possible. Part of me is confused. Why push away a potential voting block? After all, aren't you calling yourselves the "big tent" party? Part of me wants to think that there is an ideological push from the centrist and Conservative Dems to get us out of their way. That they honestly did a 180 on the border and suddenly love cops, etc. Maybe part of it is fear? Are Democrats getting enough credible death threats behind the scenes that they are running to the right out of fear? A material analysis might come up with this: Democrats know how their bread is buttered and want to keep the money flowing. **There is a large "industry" or NGOs, 501c3/4 orgs, party organizations, vendors, and other groups that make their money from donations or grants to push for this or that reform.** If abortion becomes legal, Planned Parenthood Action Fund doesn't need to exist. If elections stop being close Priorities USA PAC can go away. Money comes from all of the bullshit PACs like the Lincoln Project getting funded by bazinga-brained dipshits from Silicon Valley that believe in "both sides"/"unity" crap. They have all of the money, so those are the PACs we get. Black Lives Matter doesn't have money, so there are no orgs to sponsor it, which means no staffers needing to cover their asses. Of course AIPAC is a huge part of this as well. All the shitty Dem behavior kind of makes sense when you see it as a bunch of career staffers trying to protect their paychecks. They may not even be thinking about things this way, but they sure are acting like it. What do you think?


    ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F63213692-168d-40d9-8570-1a1dca4efed9.jpeg) Trading stocks only radicalized me more. Lunch at a fast food spot is now over $15. Meanwhile it's possible to make a "trade" that nets more profit than a Popeyes employee earns in a day of work. This can't last... or can it?


    Or do bookstores only stock right wing books? The most "left" book I can find at this Books A Million is the latest from Bernie Sanders 🙃


    Adult content 🤔


    With ever more Supreme Court fuckery going on I'd like to help comrades in my local org be better secured against potential breaches. Ideally I'd like to recommend 1-3 options that meet these needs: - Easy to use - Can be used on phones as well as mobile devices - Doesn't retain any network traffic data Any ideas on what options we have?


    I get 1-2 of these per day, paste in my question, and never hear back.


    Fascist policy has moved quickly in response to the recent solidarity encampments that sprang up to support Palestine. It seems like every state action right now is geared toward either making sure these camps can never again exist, or they can legally be crushed by any fascist who wishes to do so. I'm NGL, it's a scary time to be an American with left views right now. What's happening just off the top of my head: - Camps are being destroyed and dispersed by armed police, attacked by right-wing mobs, and harassed by Zionist propaganda shops. - Positive coverage of the protests on mainstream media is near-zero. Same thing we saw during BLM protests in 2020. - Individual protestors are facing consequences ranging from doxxing to harassment, to school suspensions, expulsion, and jail time. That's all run-of-the-mill, seen that before. *What's new:* - A man who was convicted, by a jury, of **murdering** protestors was just pardoned by the Governor of Texas. - Protests continue to be attacked by fascists in vehicles. - The federal government & many states are passing laws changing the definition of antisemitism to include the messages that the students were using at the camps, making it that much easier to legally suppress them. - At least one state (NC) is about to change it's mask law to prevent protestors from wearing masks to protect themselves from Zionist retaliation. So... protesting is basically banned, extremely dangerous, and silenced due to media blackout, state oppression, and social media bias. I know showing solidarity is important but I am struggling with seeing the local camp my local org helped support, a group of peaceful students and activists, just utterly crushed. IDK what to say to the people who effectively lost their rights to free speech. **Any ideas on what to do? How to escalate? How to protest in a way that is more effective and safer for the folks involved?** I know the state is scared of these movements growing because of the sheer amount of action it is taking to quell these. At the same time I see these tactics working. I am tired of seeing good people dragged into jail. I'm tired of seeing them speared under the false charges of "anti-Semitism". I'm afraid of losing the life I have if I speak out. It feels like literally everyone is against us and it is depressing af. I originally wanted to post a question about defending against vehicular attacks, but I remembered everything going on and realized there's a lot more stopping protests than that. I don't have the answers but hopefully we can collectively figure out some options.


    Feeling like shit right now ngl ![deeper-sadness](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F94fdf373-254c-40bb-8f7d-a190a4a3a986.png "emoji deeper-sadness")


    ![hillgasm](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/cd5eb510-af1e-439a-968e-f29649083ba9.png "emoji hillgasm")


    **Disclaimers** tl;dr at the end My perspective comes from living in part of Burgerland (aka the US) and will be focused on the left "movement" in this country. I'm not going to do the typical American thing of assuming my experiences and perspectives are the only ones that matter, so please let me know in the comments how other countries handle what I'm about to cover. Also this post has been kicking around my head for a while, so apologies if it ends up long-winded or hard to read. The way I think is all over the place, so I have lots of headers and sections to keep things organized. **Intro: Messaging from the left = Capitalist Realism** Mark Fisher (RIP) wrote a very important book about a phenomenon he called Capitalist Realism. I highly recommend every leftist reads at least the opening chapter to this book. In this piece Fisher describes a widespread cultural attitude that Capitalism is inevitable, the only system that can exist in this "end of history". No alternatives are possible, so don't bother trying. And if you do try, you will be made an example of, another reason on a long list of reasons not to try again, so don't even bother. Or worse, your criticisms of Capitalism are used to help keep Capitalism going! Your efforts co-opted and integrated seamlessly into the machine. "Sorry To Bother You", but I doubt "Don't Look Up" got throngs of people who never heard of Socialism to sign up with ![PSL](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F91d352b1-d61f-4e05-b149-dbeced28364a.png "emoji PSL") *The left, unknowingly(?), contributes to Capitalist Realism* Look at the news feeds, the posts on here, all of the updates on all of your favorite Reddit subs, left Twitter, etc. Overwhelmingly negative stories about how Capitalism is screwing us, how this week a company is caught poisoning food, or how capitalist governments are suppressing speech, or some shitty Conservative politician pushing the latest woman-hating bill. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Capitalism sucks. No one here needs convincing of that. What I want you to focus on is how this deluge of negative stories affects activists and organizers. More in comments.


    I know DSA gets dunked on here pretty hard, so hoping we can have a constructive conversation about how to make things better. I'm a DSA member. Plz don't Ban me... It's a smaller chapter in the deep south. There's a mix of people including MLS, Anarchists, and some baby-leftists. No ![liberalism](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/301c12fe-4eda-4a2b-ac71-c39c57d39c2d.png "emoji liberalism") and we make fun of Democrats all the time. What we're doing: New member education BDS, in particular handing out flyers with a list of companies to boycott Attending Palestinian rallies and supporting the Palestinian rights orgs in our area Tabling at Pride Brake light clinics ...and we're starting a public transit campaign to improve service What are we missing? What could we do better?


    I love it when libs think living in places like China or Cuba is like living in a wasteland. The way some people talk about these countries you'd think these places looked like something out of Mad Max instead of thriving, prosperous nations. I'd like to write up some agit prop as a go-to resource on these countries. Examples of info I'd like to have handy: Life expectancy Cost of Healthcare How much does it cost to ride an ambulance? How much does childbirth cost? What if I'm diabetic? What if I need therapy for mental health issues? Crime rates, ex: number of thefts / 10000 people Rates of people suffering from depression Suicide rates Etc. I believe the average person living in China has a higher quality of life than I do in burgerland, but I don't have hard figures to prove it. Help plz?


    I am working on some proposals for my local DSA chapter (I know, ![LIB](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/f737e650-47c9-4d1b-b03c-0d75e5a4f692.png "emoji LIB")) and am trying to find things we can do that a) actually help Palestine, b) aren't just performative, and c) aren't going to get my comrades arrested or fired. I have a couple ideas but am hoping folks here have better ones: - Print pro-Palestine stickers, put on business store fronts (taken from https://hexbear.net/post/956137) - Research businesses in the area that fund Israel or do business with Israel. Expose them - Create information campaign "this business supports genocide." Create stickers, graphics, and flyers to inform people about Sabra, Burger King, McDonald's support for genocide. "McGenocide... I'm loving it?", "Welcome To Burger King... where bombing children's hospitals rule" - Individual targeting campaign. A tit-for-tat against Zionist doxing of college students who speak in support of Palestine. Are there prominent CEOs, influential figures, elected officials in the area who have publicly supported Israel's genocide or attacked Palestine? Let's expose them, let their neighbors know who they live near, etc. I posted something like this yesterday but it was buried deep in a thread. Any ideas? Anything obvious I missed?
