The boys
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 3d ago 100%

    What are their names? They're adorable!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 6d ago 100%

    Attended a fair on Saturday as a vendor but didn't make back the table fee, which is really kind of a shame. The weather was brisk and incredibly windy, which contributed to folks not really coming through. While I lost some cash doing it, maybe half of the other vendors had broken tents and merchandise by ninety minutes in, so I have to be grateful that our plants are a little heavier than that and I bring enough weights to hold our tent in place. What I missed in dollars I may have made up for in contacts, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    My parents visited for the first time since our daughter was born, which was really nice for everyone involved. They even babysat so my wife and I could go out for our 7th wedding anniversary! Five minutes into being seated at the restaurant, my wife took my hand, gazed deeply into my eyes, and said "do you think she's behaving for them?" XD

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    bee heart emoji (mod hat on) It might not seem like much ado for you, but I think posting about your plan would be a good starting point for some conversations and might encourage some other folks to emulate you /mod hat

    Did they talk to you about solarizing next spring using tarps? Given what I know about your rough geography, that might cut down on your time between weed seed germination and die off. In the meantime, check with the pet store you're a regular at and ask after their pallet slips for your cardboard sourcing. Because their use might be on food bearing pallets, they have stricter rules than other shipping box cardboard and also don't have flaps to worry about overlapping.

  • The sky above my house this evening
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    but just looking and seeing some truly cosmic stuff in front of your unassisted eyes hits different.

    It's so true. I've gotten to see them before, way up Maine, but not as brightly as this evening and it was breathtaking. Our whole dead end street was all out at the same time, we could hear each other marveling at it all

  • The sky above my house this evening
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    I'm so glad you got to catch it this time!

  • The sky above my house this evening
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    From my wife's coworker who lives nearby:

  • [Image description: the Aurora borealis painted the night sky with streaks of red, purple, and green all the way down to the 43rd parallel this evening]

    ‘It Smells Like a Rat’: The Nasty Feud That Could Flip Wisconsin
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    Tbh I'm fine missing out on it if it's as dismissive as the reply to @alyaza's direct firsthand experiences working with a local politician who faced issues campaigning which are completely germane to this conversation.

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    That's fantastic! When did you make it, in relation to that workshop you went to? Seriously, your yard makeover plans deserve their own post bee fingerguns cool emoji

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    bee aww emoji that's great! Our cat kills windowsill plants so you're way ahead of me there.

    Keep in mind that I'm incredibly fortunate to have space in an agricultural district of a rural town and have neighbors who have years' worth of gardening experience and collected plants that they've shared with me

  • ‘It Smells Like a Rat’: The Nasty Feud That Could Flip Wisconsin
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 1w ago 100%

    They’ve had the power several times over the last 16 years to make life better for the working class and the poor, and they seem to always elect to protect and promote the lives of the billionaire class.

    Someone took the time to politely correct this misconception a few days ago, their reply from then is pasted below:

    In the past you have stated that the Democrats had control of Congress and the presidency under Biden and Obama, yet they were unable to do things like get a public option in the ACA or codify roe v Wade. However this continues to be a misunderstanding of the situation.

    While I can agree I am disappointed in the inability to get these things done, and Obama saying it was no longer a priority, I don’t see how you can pin this all on the Democrats as some kind of monolithic entity.

    The fact of the matter is during Obama’s terms, there were anti abortion Democrats. These Democrats were enough to keep abortion access out of the ACA and prevent roe being codified.

    Fast forward to Bidens terms, and we now have a filibuster rule that requires 60 senators in order to pass stuff in the Senate. There were not 60 senators who supported roe codification when the Democrats “controlled” the Senate.


    The fact that there are still anti choice democrats in our legislatures is a failing on the part of all the left-leaning voters in their districts and states (myself included) to organize and replace them with people who will advocate and vote for our policy goals. Alternative parties could capitalize on those races by representing the wants of those left leaning voters in off election years but choose not to.

    I, and many others, do not blame other parties when the dems shoot themselves in the foot, we blame the dems for their poor decisions. Likewise, we blame the green party for running a quadrennial grift on the disaffected leftists who know enough to be upset but who wrongly believe the extent of their voting power is only this one race.

  • ‘It Smells Like a Rat’: The Nasty Feud That Could Flip Wisconsin
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    Most local candidates have to work to live, and making outlandish statements to these effects weaken a person's rhetorical standing. From the article you posted:

    While they have little infrastructure in the county, within the last decade, Madison has nevertheless elected 10 Green candidates to different sorts of local office, more than almost any other city of its size in the nation.

    Across the country, the Green Party barely has a footprint. It has little money or political organization, no members of Congress or statewide officeholders and just a few local ones. Every four years, though, the Greens run a candidate for president

    In fact, they’ve [the Greens] pursued the opposite tack — they’ve directed efforts toward close battleground states where the party is sure to get more attention.

    The Green party could clean house in Maine where we've actually got Ranked Choice Voting and they could win seats, but we're not a swing state and the greens don't act like they're interested. Neither does the Socialist party, or SocDems for that matter. But I do see their campaigning in battleground states, promising things out of their presidential candidates that are squarely the purview of congress, in which they're clearly not interested in having representation.

  • I am a bit swamped this week, as I am prepping for a fair on Saturday and also trying to get things squared around the house for my parents to come meet their granddaughter. Our tomatoes are pretty much done for the season, and I think I'm going to have to clip and cure some of our pumpkins in the hoophouse rather than leaving them on the vine. This morning a friend let me take a truck bed's worth of wild elderberry cuttings for the fair and other fall sales, which was super nice of her. What's growing on with you all?

    ‘It Smells Like a Rat’: The Nasty Feud That Could Flip Wisconsin
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    Being frank, the Green Party and Socialist Party do so little organizing when it's not a presidential election year that it ought to be a joke among all leftists. They aren't doing the outreach or work necessary to implement any of their grand promises made every four years, because they're not getting local party members elected in downballot races. I've been on both party's mailing lists for 22 years and in three different states and have almost never seen anything come of it. Well... besides fundraising emails every four years.

  • Animals have been impacted by hurricane too
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    Posts about be(e)ing kind to animals are always welcomed here! If any of you have the means to donate, please consider doing so! If you have other charity drives to help different veterinarian offices in the area impacted by Helene, message us and we'll see about getting a stickied thread going for the remainder of hurricane season so everyone can contribute in a way they can in an area that needs it bee hug cat heart emoji bee hug wolf heart emoji

  • [Image description: four male Muscovy ducks resting in a row amid grasses and low forbs. One is a light brown with some white around his neck. Next to him is a white one with even lighter brown along his wings and on the top of his head. The third is a mottled gray boy with white highlights and a black head, while the fourth is black and green on his wings with a black head and white belly]

    I lost hope
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    No, certainly not. We need and want you here, advocating for a better future alongside us and organizing with those around you for change 💕

  • Are there resources for learning social skills?
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    Yes, but those skills of effective communication are able to be universally applied, even in private conversation. The fact that it's a positive environment and one focused on constructive feedback is why I feel that it might be an avenue for OP

  • Are there resources for learning social skills?
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    Try finding an open club with Toastmasters and go practice speaking and communicating with folks who are also there to practice speaking and communicating. That kind of space alone may give you the chance to see differences between their interactions and yours, but it's an incredibly helpful group for so many people who struggle with their communication in everyday life.

  • Why You Should Do Your Spring Planting in the Fall
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    As a broad rule of thumb, any bulbs can be planted during the fall - onion sets and garlics do very well for us when planted this way in usda zone 5 / Trewartha Dca. The same goes for things like daffodils, irises, and other bulbing plants. Trees, shrubs, and perennial herbaceous plants will also benefit from fall planting, and come into the following growing season with a more extensive root system for it. We've also had success with things like kale, chard, and other hardyish cut-and-come-again leafy greens, so that might be worth experimenting with.

    True summer veggies - peppers, tomatoes, anything that melts at the first frost - I don't start until late winter or early spring (and those are started inside). Annual summer flowers get pretty much the same treatment, especially any that have a relatively short time to maturity. You could work those seeds into areas during the fall, but you'll have a wider range of results and less direct control (but chaos gardening is cool).

  • Don't do it.
  • LallyLuckFarm LallyLuckFarm 2w ago 100%

    My wife has gotten used to this but some of the neighbors still judge a bit. Then again, we're the house with the hummingbirds and tons of other nesting migratory birds as well as the house with lightning bugs

  • [Image description: text which says "You're a 10 but it's on the pH scale". Underneath is a picture of a woman whose face suggests she is dropping hard truths. OP has since learned that this is a character from a show saying "You're basic" and that the post is accidentally self-referential]


    [Image description: small black seeds attached to white fluff have taken the place of the purple flowers that adorned this Sweet Joe Pye Weed] I'm out collecting seeds from some Sweet Joe Pye Weed (*Eutrochium purpureum*) with our newborn in a wrap, rockin' that Kuato vibe pretty hard. If you haven't yet, pop over to [this pinned thread]( to shout out a nursery that you've had a good experience with, possibly even one that's local to your area. What's growing on with you all?


    [Image description: a three-panel meme with text. The first panel shows a person marked "caterpillars" asking "Hey, why'd you plant all these native plants for us?" In the second panel the person marked "me" replies "I want to feed the baby birds". The third panel has no text but shows the person marked "caterpillars" looking at me with surprise and alarm.]


    Hey folks, I gave my presentation at our town library last night and had promised to share some links with you all, so here they are: [A link to the .pptx file can be found here (non google link)]( [A link to the google slides page can be found here]( [A link to the youtube video for anyone who wants to hear me speak can be found here](, runtime is 33 and a half minutes. I've been experiencing trouble getting alternate links for you all so if someone has a suggestion I'm happy to edit and provide one.


    Hey everybody! It's autumn in the northern hemisphere, which means we're coming up on the best time for planting trees, shrubs, and other perennials. With that in mind, I thought it would be good to have a list of nurseries that do fall shipping or provide bare root plants for their communities. I'll sticky this thread until winter-ish, at which point we'll add it to the sidebar as a resource to refer back to. Please share nurseries with which you've had good experiences, or whose ethics you appreciate, or any that generally give good vibes - this is your chance to reward them with additional business for being good community members and stewards. Please remember to add some kind of geographical information as well! There are plenty of nurseries that have large shipping areas, but the people who use your suggestion will be best served by having access to regionally acclimated plants.


    There's so much to do this time of year that the days are a blur! But my garlic is all planted out now, and I'm working on seed collecting as well. I've got my propagation presentation this Monday, sadly light on the memes so far (but working on it, if anyone has asexual-plant-reproduction-adjacent memery to offer). What's growing on with you all?


    [Image description: a four panel meme of fictional character Poison Ivy dancing, science-ing, and smiling with a beaker in hand. In the middle of the image is text that reads "POV: When I successfully propagate those expensive cuttings"]


    [Image description: a half-inch long caterpillar takes a break and enjoys the breeze on the tip of my big toe] It looks similar to *Galgula partita*, the Wedgling Moth (at least to me)


    [Image description: our Australian shepherd gently and respectfully sniffs our newborn as I hold her for the introduction] Sudo has been absolutely wonderful towards her - he'll come give the top of her head a small kiss when she gets fussy and then backs off to let us take care of the cause. I'll try to catch his =/ face the next time I tell him it's his turn to change the diaper


    This past week has been a bit of a blur trying to grow a little Juniper, most of my time in the garden has been observation rather than interaction. What's growing on with you all? I hope your gardens are bringing you joy


    Hey folks! I am at the hospital with my wife waiting for our child to be born and my wife would like memes. Lots of memes. Stupid ones, funny ones, all manner of memes to distract her and produce happy hormones in her brain. Puns and dad jokes are also very welcome ETA: seriously, thank you everyone! She's gotten some really hearty chuckles out of this and it's definitely helped keep her mood afloat. ETA2: y'all are the best, li'l Juniper Mayhem joined us after 24 hours of labor and our sanity would have been in tatters if it weren't for all of you ![bee heart emoji]( "emoji bee_heart")


    I saw a few trees beginning to change color and senesce on the drive home the other day and had a hard time believing it's already September. How have your gardens done this summer, and what are you looking forward to this autumn? What sorts of cool fall flowers or foliage are on their way for you? What's growing on with you all?


    [Image description: a two panel meme. In the top panel, a person labeled "my customers" asks the question "how do I keep bugs off my plants?" In the bottom panel, a person labeled "me, a native plant nursery owner" says "that's the neat part, you don't"]


    [Image description: a very fuzzy, day old yellow duckling warms up in my hand on a chilly morning.] This little nugget decided to spend a few extra minutes in my hand after we found its mother. The temperature was hovering around 60F which is a little too chilly for a duckling this young.


    [Image description: several ducklings inspect my toes for caterpillars, occasionally grabbing the toes instead] One of them found an inchworm on my foot the other day and now whenever I stop moving they go nuts trying to find more. It's cute until one grabs a toe or the hairs and does a death shake.


    My family is visiting for the week, so I have an extra outlet for all these squashes and zucchini. One of our pumpkins is going haam and I'm excited for those to start ripening. What's growing on with you all?
