The green party really fell off ngl
  • Huldra Huldra 3d ago 100%

    His last sentence literally just sounds like the hasbara claiming that Muslims have a fundamental hatred in their blood against Jews.

    Also with the moronic anti-communist talking point comparing political ideology to religion.

  • Fuck you Bernie
  • Huldra Huldra 4d ago 100%

    I'm sorry but this is just wishful thinking and active whitewashing, sure he doesn't say Sinwar individually killed 1,200 "innocents", but he says Sinwar masterminded the attack that killed 1,200 "innocents."

    The only way history will show that Bernie had a good heart is if someone donates him a new one, where is the good heart in calling IOF soldiers innocents? He is treating Israelis as ontologically innocent.

  • Fuck you Bernie
  • Huldra Huldra 4d ago 100%

    It's a fundamental issue, Bernie showing his ass on it either means he considers Israelis ontologically innocent, or he is deeply lazy and dishonest figure who abandons any gesture towards integrity to instead appeal to American fascism.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • Huldra Huldra 4d ago 100%

    So frightened by literal sticks and stones thrown at their stupid drones by a one armed man, that they resort to shelling the building.

  • Enver Halil Hoxha - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of October 2024
  • Huldra Huldra 6d ago 100%

    You can move a pot or pan around pretty well on an induction, the only annoyance comes with dogshit "smart" features that beep and turn stuff off automatically without your control.

    I think there just plain is a valid argument for both personal and collective safety to move away from open flames and inflammable gas supplies in average homes.

  • Former British MP Warns of Ritual Sacrifice in the UK
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    That literally does just look like what people do when hunting if they aren't interested in doing anything with the innards, it's simpler to get everything out right away so that there's no risk of contamination.

    I'd say that assuming this is near a regular walking route its definitely some extremely bad manners from whoever did it in that case though. It's one thing to leave stuff out where it's safe to assume other animals will get to it, but near where regular people walk is nasty.

    Apparently there isn't supposed to be hunting around there, but the alternative scenario in that case surely would be that some other animal carried it there or whatever. What sort of supposed satanic ritual just coincidentally leaves a set of internal organs that look identical to when a hunter is trying not to puncture anything and get nasty organ stuff all over?

  • Former British MP Warns of Ritual Sacrifice in the UK
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    I think this kind of anti-African panic has been long simmering in the UK too, I recall reading about a 2002 case where the remains of a young black boy were discovered in the Thames, and the "loony" opinion was that it was satanists, while the measured and reasonable opinion printed in shit like the Telegraph was that it was probably "African witch doctors"

    Aside from that, the organs in the attached photo just actually look intact and relatively unremarkable aside from not being inside of an animal, surely the only thing you could test for in that case would be if stress hormones or similar are built up, which could be any kind of pain and stress, or like if they find weird poison in a stomach?

  • Battle of Virden (1898) - New General Megathread for the 12th-13th of October 2024
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    Sorry but just feels kind of besides the point, like the show has uniformed soldiers be unable to shoulder a rifle when firing it for no good reason.

    They launch plenty of sophisticated ambushes with RPGs or machine guns offscreen, once in a while an RPG might actually be shown firing onscreen, they have no issues wanting to hit their targets.

    The show might even have US soldiers commend the dead bodies of Iraqis for being brave or clever, but the second one is shown fighting on camera they adopt some mandated jihadi firing stance that involves squatting and firing wildly over their heads.

  • Battle of Virden (1898) - New General Megathread for the 12th-13th of October 2024
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    Watching Generation Kill cause I needed some mindless slop to lift to at home and man.

    Besides everything else that's been said about this fucking show, I'm pretty sure there's not a single shot of any non-American shooting a rifle properly.

    All competent enemy fire is either off screen or from a vehicle, but the second they are on camera, they are doing the squat and shooting over their heads.

    Like literally just racist to the most basic elements of the show, the incidental battle footage is filled with incompetent less than humans getting mowed down without a real fight.

  • The recent like EVERYTHING about games like Silent Hill 2 Remake or any recent movie staring a woman show that under fascism art is dead.
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    Whatever chuds are mad about with the SH2 Remake is definitely not caused by the project being treated like art, maybe besides the grander point but that game is a capital P product.

    Really they should be happy they get a game designed from the outset to provide the player with x amount of gameplay for the price tag.

  • Now There’s ANOTHER Disco Elysium Spin-Off Studio, and This One’s Coming Out With Some Proper Fighting Talk
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    Well yeah, but it's more about the principle of it, he's supposed to be a ZA/UM old guard and that was part of his value in being in the documentary, so it's not as if being fired should be a radicalizing moment.

    Basically I think he appears a bit too flexible, the radical rhetoric comes off leaning more towards branding than deep principle.

  • Now There’s ANOTHER Disco Elysium Spin-Off Studio, and This One’s Coming Out With Some Proper Fighting Talk
  • Huldra Huldra 1w ago 100%

    I don't really remember that tune coming out of Tuulik when he was still holding on to ZA/UM during the documentary lol.

    Pretty big shift from meekly suggesting that maybe Kurvitz could get a license to keep writing in the Elysium world.

    But whatever, they are making video games, time will tell if it will be interesting or not.

  • What is the deal with silent hill 2?
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    I'm probably a bad person to try and explain what to look out for in the remake compared to the original because I think the remake fundamentally has boring generic design for the gameplay. I think the original game has a unique experience with the atmosphere and the general traversal of the world, with the camera oftentimes deliberately forcing you to head towards unknown areas that you can't fully scout ahead of time, and a lot of the moment to moment scares within the gameplay rely on that, also it uses wide angles to emphasise isolation in a lot of the outside areas while using close ups to emphasise the cramped indoor spaces.

    As far as the combat gameplay goes it does seem like that's more of a draw for you so I definitely see how Signalis would work better, and the new remake might work better just by virtue of following very blatantly in the footsteps of RE2 and RE4s remakes with tactical locational damage as a pretty critical part of crowd management, from what I've seen.

  • Dagbladet: Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) raising threat level in Norway | Translation in post body
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    Probably more a combined campaign of intimidation towards leftists and the MENA minority populations, and then a circular self justification for legal crackdowns and police campaigns against them.

  • Dagbladet: Norwegian Police Security Service (PST) raising threat level in Norway | Translation in post body
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    I've been seeing Norwegian zionist shit on my for you page for 3 days straight, just entirely racism and anti-arab conspiracism without a single centrist or left leaning take.

    Definitely a major public opinion campaign push on this.

  • If you're a communist or other totalitarian, don't bother trying to get a green card in the US?
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    And people still attempt to "reclaim" totalitarianism as an idea for the left to use lmao.

  • (CW: Flashing images) AMV with a Movie Camera
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    Extremely funny that Man with a Movie Camera has orchestral score snobs among it's fans when the film actually just is edited like a modern amateur(positive) music video.

    Like if you go between the different uploads on youtube with the "cinematic orchestra" score(modern) and a trad score, the trad score comment section is full of people being smug as hell.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • Huldra Huldra 2w ago 100%

    People on twitter are acting pleasantly surprised that the Silent Hill 2 remake is getting good reviews as if its not blatant that every single creative decision made for the game is in service of review scores lol.

    The most attempted crowd pleaser game design I've seen in a while.

  • More like Star Shitizen am i right fellas?
  • Huldra Huldra 3w ago 100%

    What deadlines lol, every year they don't deliver anything important.

  • "The oven got pissed at me for making a ham sandwich again."
  • Huldra Huldra 3w ago 96%

    DE has mostly snappy dialogue lol, big blocks of text are used pretty strategically for overwhelming situations or monologues.


    Low budget TV movie that I found recommended on Twitter in the wake of the news breaking on James Earl Jones. What starts out like what you'd expect of a movie adapting a real alleged abduction actually ends up unfolding into an extremely effective relationship drama as the alleged abduction puts a strain on their mental health and already tenuous social standing as not just a mixed couple but also one featuring a divorced black man, all in the early 60s. Genuinely top class romantic acting from both James Earl Jones and his co-star Estelle Parsons, with James also turning out some really great acting of panic and terror during the hypnosis scenes.


    Time to see if I will have to eat my own words when I said that this guys videos feel much shorter than Hbomberguy videos of half the length.


    I don't care who shot JFK, I don't care how many guys it were, I don't care who planned it, I don't care who shot officer JD Tippett, I don't care why Jack Ruby shot Oswald nor do I care if the CIA gave him the MKULTRA brainwashing lung cancer, don't care who covered it up, and actually its way funnier if it was just two bumbling failures who did it on their own. Shut the fuck up and let me browse my slop in peace ![kitsuragi-depress]( "emoji kitsuragi-depress")

    9 This shit is fucking goofy, this is so fucking stupid I cant think of a better way to describe it than fucking moronic. Not a single decision in this was made by someone who wasnt an executive ghoul lobotomized by capitalism.


    Actually pretty funny Exorcist spoof, brings back some fond nostalgia from the "mad about video games" era of youtubers.


    TL;DR: Vinegar is being sold at concentrations unsafe for preservation without proper warnings, 4% vinegar is unsafe while 5% is safe to can and pickle with.


    To clarify, by people I mean regular NPCs who aren't designated as existing in a stage of berserker rage at your existence, but just like guys walking around in a town. Every gameplay I've seen of someone trying to shoot like a regular guy you can talk to seems to just result in the dumb incapacitation thing because its an essential NPC.


    Just the most relevant bits: > According to The Mexican Chile Pepper Cookbook by Dave DeWitt and José Marmolejo, 60 percent of jalapeños are sent to processing plants, 20 percent are smoke-dried into chipotles, and just 20 percent are sold fresh. Since big processors are the peppers’ main consumers, big processors get more sway over what the peppers taste like. > The salsa industry, Walker said, starts with a mild crop of peppers, then simply adds the heat extract necessary to reach medium and hot levels. She would know; she started her career working for a processed-food conglomerate. > “I’ve worked in peppers in my entire life,” she told me. “Jalapeños were originally prized as being a hot pepper grown in the field. When we were making hot sauce in my previous job, we had the same problem, that you couldn’t predict the heat. When you’re doing a huge run of salsa for shipment, and you want a hot label, medium label, mild label, it’s really important to predict what kind of heat you’ll get. We tried a statistical design from the fields, and it just didn’t work, because mother nature throws stressful events at you or, sometimes, does not bring stress.”


    [Bonus points in the replies where a Maupin cultist tries to justify this by pretending that the US is comparable to revolutionary era USSR and China, battling comprador burgeoise and foreign imperialists.](
