Do you struggle to write every day? Come join an accountability team and compete for the prize of most consistent writers! Here's how it works: 1️⃣ Reply to this message seeking an accountability partner, or reply to another user's request. Each team must consist of exactly two members. 2️⃣ This coming week, keep track of the number of days you have spent at least fifteen minutes working on your book, blog, or other writing project. The number of successful days is your score. 3️⃣ Add your score together with your partner's. The maximum number of points a team can earn is 14. 4️⃣ Next week on Sunday, a new announcement will be posted. One member of your team must reply with the team's score. Be honest. If you lie, your pants will spontaneously burst into flames. 5️⃣ The team with the highest score will be declared the winner! In the event of a tie, the winning team will be chosen randomly. Remember, the goal is not to write a million words. Rather, the goal is consistency—writing every day. 🎉 Prizes! 🏆 Bragging rights Becoming a better writer Two links of your choice (one from you and one from your partner) will appear at the top of next week's announcement. This week's competition will run 1/14 - 1/21. Happy writing!

"You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it."
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 100%

    I love this way of looking at it. My first novel was crap -- I just didn't know it.

    But the only way to advance through the levels is to write.

    Keep writing!

  • > You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence. > > -- Octavia E. Butler

    Write every day, and win a trip to the closest restroom!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 75%

    Congratulations on winning this week! If you have content to promote, please let me know what two links you'd like to have pinned at the top of Sunday's announcement.

    Keep writing!

  • X tells advertisers to spend $1,000 per month or risk losing verification status
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 75%

    What's the purpose of the megathread? I'm so confused what's going on with this community...

  • > The easy-looking, and the simple things in all art matters are more difficult than the complex and intricate. It is a rule that easy reading is hard writing, and to construct anything that the mind takes in without effort, and without being puzzled by it, is a triumph of art. > > -- [Charles Allston Collins](, 1860


    > My life is, by every objective measurement, very very good. > > And in spite of all of that, I struggle every day with my self esteem, my self worth, and my value not only as an actor and writer, but as a human being. > > That’s because I live with Depression and Anxiety, the tag team champions of the World Wrestling With Mental Illness Federation.


    In 1876, Leo Tolstoy lamented to a friend that the book he was writing had become “sickening to me,” “unbearably repulsive,” “terribly disgusting and nasty,” and “a bore, insipid as a bitter radish.” After nearly two years without making any progress, a concert sparked an intense surge of inspiration. Tolstoy wept as the music surged. Reinvigorated, Tolstoy returned to writing, viewing his characters with newfound empathy. After two uninterrupted weeks of writing, Tolstoy completed what would become his most influential -- "Anna Karenina". [article]( / [mirror](


    Linda went to an Ivy League university, but, like many others, found that the prestigious education came with its own set of challenges and pitfalls. [article]( / [mirror](

    Write every day, and win a trip to the closest restroom!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 100%

    The only real rule is you need to be writing. Other than this, you can do anything 👍

  • 📢 Write every day, and win disappointingly mediocre prizes!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    I made a new thread for this week. Reply with your score and you just might win!

  • 📢 Write every day, and win disappointingly mediocre prizes!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    Sorry you didn't find a partner... I've started a new thread for this week. Hopefully you'll find a partner this time!

  • Do you struggle to write every day? Come join an accountability team and compete for the prize of most consistent writers! *Last week's contestants: please reply with your score. Everyone else, keep reading!* Here's how it works: 1️⃣ Reply to this message seeking an accountability partner, or reply to another user's request. Each team must consist of exactly two members. 2️⃣ This coming week, keep track of the number of days you have spent at least fifteen minutes working on your book, blog, or other writing project. The number of successful days is your score. 3️⃣ Add your score together with your partner's. The maximum number of points a team can earn is 14. 4️⃣ Next week on Sunday, a new announcement will be posted. One member of your team must reply with the team's score. **Be honest. If you lie, your pants will spontaneously burst into flames.** 5️⃣ The team with the highest score will be declared the winner! In the event of a tie, the winning team will be chosen randomly. _Remember, the goal is not to write a million words. Rather, the goal is consistency—writing every day._ **🎉 Prizes! 🎁🏆** - An all-expense paid trip to your own restroom (toilet paper not included) - Bragging rights - Becoming a better writer - Two links of your choice (one from you and one from your partner) will be pinned in a comment at the top of the following week's announcement. This week's competition will begin once we have at least two teams signed up. Happy writing!


    > The soul—let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances—is plagiarism. > **All ideas are secondhand**, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources, and daily used by the garnerer with a pride and satisfaction born of the superstition that he originated them; whereas there is not a rag of originality about them anywhere except the little discoloration they get from his mental and moral caliber and his temperament, and which is revealed in characteristics of phrasing. > **When a great orator makes a great speech, you are listening to ten centuries and ten thousand men**—but we call it his speech, and really some exceedingly small portion of it is his. But not enough to signify. It is merely a Waterloo. It is Wellington’s battle, in some degree, and we call it his; but there are others that contributed. **It takes a thousand men to invent a telegraph, or a steam engine, or a phonograph, or a photograph, or a telephone, or any other important thing—and the last man gets the credit, and we forget the others. He added his little mite—that is all he did.** -- Mark Twain If you're interested in the context behind this letter, I wrote an [article]( *([mirror](* about it.

    Reddit's pathetic attempt to quash dissent
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 98%

    What are you upset about? $0/hr is a generous salary.

  • Whenever I'm not at my computer, I think, "I really want to write". Then I get to my computer and get paralyzed with anxiety, then get distracted by something else.
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    Oh! I just thought of something -- disconnecting my computer from WiFi! I'm going to go try that as soon as I get a chance ☺️

  • Whenever I'm not at my computer, I think, "I really want to write". Then I get to my computer and get paralyzed with anxiety, then get distracted by something else.
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    Oh, old school paper... never thought of that! I'll have to try doing something I can do to help get the thoughts out. Hmm...

  • 📢 Write every day, and win disappointingly mediocre prizes!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 50%

    Yes, my username on discord is caspianxi. Feel free to message me!

  • What are you guys working on right now?
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    A video game sounds cool! Are you a developer? Or are you using a drag and drop engine?

    Most of my writing is for my blog, but I'd really like to get back into working on a novel of mine. It's just such a beast of a project, and blog posts are just so easy because of their bitesize nature. But I really miss the feeling of working on something huge...

  • How do I gently tell someone their writing is bad (as in, needs significant work)?
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 50%

    I've always been very critical with both myself and others. I, personally, don't like it when people give me all positive feedback and no negative because I don't get any valuable ideas about how to improve.

    To me, launching into a laundry list of negatives feels natural. But I'm starting to wonder whether most people might not feel the same. I'll have to try to be more sensitive in the future.

  • How do I gently tell someone their writing is bad (as in, needs significant work)?
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 50%

    You know, that's exactly what I did -- a whole truckload of suggestions at once.

    I have a very critical eye when it comes to editing, and I was eager to help. (Also, I forgot to say anything positive about her writing.) I think it came across as an attack against her writing.

    Next time, I'll remember to give the critiques one at a time. Thanks for the feedback.

  • How do I gently tell someone their writing is bad (as in, needs significant work)?
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 66%

    In hindsight, I was too harsh. I was so focused on helping her improve that I forgot to say anything positive.

    But that's a good point about stating my genuine intentions to help. I think I tend to be overly critical as part of my personality, and it doesn't really come across that I have good intentions.

  • How do I gently tell someone their writing is bad (as in, needs significant work)?
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 50%

    Sorry, I posted this too soon, and didn't provide any context. I've edited (as in -- completely rewritten) my post to provide more details.

  • 📢 Write every day, and win disappointingly mediocre prizes!
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 50%

    I just sent you a message. The messaging system on Lemmy is a bit clunky, so let me know if you want to switch to another service. I have email, google hangouts, LINE, and What's App. Let me know which one you prefer :).

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 95%

    I write a blog on Medium.

    You need to have a ton of content to make any amount of money. After writing 200 articles, I started making a consistent $100/month. Not quitting my day job any time soon, but I have a lot of downtime at work, so it's a productive way to pass the time.

    Oh, and the $100/month is pretty consistent. I took a month off from writing, and they still sent me money for the read time on my old articles. The pay is low... but my boss wouldn't send me a small stipend if I decided not to show up for a month. So, I really can't complain.

  • Ernest Hemingway survived anthrax, malaria, pneumonia, dysentery, cancer, hepatitis, anemia, diabetes, and two plane crashes; ruptured kidney, spleen, and liver; fractured vertebra, and skull.
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 83%

    All things in moderation.

    I'd never recommend dangerous thrill seeking to try to get some more experiences to write about. But never feel as if your scars are holding you back.

  • I am sick and tired of characters not communicating for the sake of drama
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 75%

    There was a quote from Dan Brown (sorry, couldn't find it after a few minutes of googling) where he explains how to write characters smarter than yourself. Brown would spend days -- sometimes even weeks -- coming up with an explanation for how his characters would realize something in a matter of minutes.

    Writing brilliant characters is hard. But that's part of what makes good writing so worth reading.

  • I am sick and tired of characters not communicating for the sake of drama
  • CaspianXI CaspianXI 1y ago 83%

    Idiots are way too easy to write, but it takes a genius to write a genius. That’s why we have so many idiots in books and TV…
