
Good Friendship Precedes the Noble Eightfold Path (SN 45.49)

Good Friendship Precedes the Noble Eightfold Path (SN 45.49)

"Bhikkhus, just as the dawn precedes and predicts the rising of the sun, so too does good friendship precede and predict the arising of the noble eightfold path for a bhikkhu. For a bhikkhu with good friends, it is expected that he will develop and extensively cultivate the noble eightfold path.

How, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu with good friends develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path?

  1. Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu develops right view supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  2. He develops right intention supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  3. He develops right speech supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  4. He develops right action supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  5. He develops right livelihood supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  6. He develops right effort supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  7. He develops right mindfulness supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment

  8. He develops right collectedness supported by seclusion, dispassion, cessation, and leading to complete relinquishment.

Thus indeed, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu with good friends develops and extensively cultivates the noble eightfold path."

Related Teachings:

Teachings on the harmful and beneficial qualities (AN) ↗️ - In this teaching on contrasting pairs, the Buddha shares that harmful qualities when pursued, lead to one's decline in morality, generosity, faith, concentration, and wisdom.

The effects of cultivating the eightfold path are gradual (DhP 273)

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