covid NoLeftLeftWhereILive 2mo ago 100%

My partner has it again. I'm so affraid and tired.

I posted after Christmas on how my "it's just a cold" wing of the family came to Christmas dinner sick and gave my partner and me covid. My partner was almost hospitalized and developed type 2 diabetes after. I spent months almost throwing up every time I started to move more, daily nausea and GI issues and lots of back and joint pain. Also palpitations and brachycardia, so much shit.

My partner just got his fitness back up so he was able to run his beloved easy 5k runs again and I was rid of the nausea and pain mostly. Doing stairs at work without feeling like death and winded after felt pretty good. We were so happy about this, just talked about it last week. That we might get our lives back, one more time. We have been down the covid/postcovid road too many times now.

Then we had a birthday party last weekend for my family. My dad has just been on an IV antibiotic and he was also there. I thought beforehand that surely nobody comes sick this time because our dad and surely Christmas was a lesson.

But nope, the "you ruin our vibes if you mention covid"-team came to the party with illness in the family. One of their voices sounded off/congested and I was like, oh no. I didn't dare ask because last time I did, I got yelled at.

Today, two days after this party my partner gets a sore throat. By evening he has a 39 C fever that isn't responding to otc meds and red bloodshot eyes. We do a test, it's covid.

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