
The Myth of the 'Self-Made' American: Exposing the Privilege and Entitlement of the Conservative Elite

Let's talk about the biggest myth of all: the idea that anyone can 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' and achieve the American Dream through hard work and determination alone.

Newsflash: it's a lie. A lie perpetuated by the conservative elite to justify their own privilege and entitlement.

The truth is, the vast majority of successful people in this country have had a leg up on the competition. They've had access to better education, better healthcare, and better job opportunities. They've had connections and networks that have helped them get ahead.

And yet, they have the audacity to lecture the rest of us about 'personal responsibility' and 'hard work'? Give me a break.

Meanwhile, the conservative elite is more than happy to dismantle the very social safety nets and institutions that help level the playing field for those who aren't as fortunate.

Want to talk about 'dependency'? How about the dependency on government subsidies and tax breaks that the fossil fuel industry receives? Or the dependency on cheap labor that the agricultural industry relies on?

And don't even get me started on the so-called 'free market'. A market that is rigged against the little guy and favors the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

The truth is, the conservative elite is more interested in preserving their own privilege and power than in actually helping people. They're more interested in perpetuating the myth of the'self-made' American than in acknowledging the systemic injustices that hold people back.

So, to all the conservatives out there who claim to be 'fiscally responsible' and 'pro-business', let me ask you: what have you actually done to help the most vulnerable members of society? Have you advocated for policies that benefit the many, not just the few?

Or are you just a bunch of self-serving, entitled, and hypocritical elitists who only care about lining your own pockets and maintaining your grip on power?

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