
If You’re Over 30 and Still Renting, You’ve Failed at Life

Let’s be real for a second—if you’re over 30 and still renting, you’ve officially screwed up. How hard is it to save a down payment and buy a house like a responsible adult? Oh wait, let me guess: you're "saving for the right time" or "waiting for the market to cool down."

Translation: you’re just bad with money and making excuses for your poor life choices.

Instead of wasting cash on avocado toast, fancy lattes, and overpriced apartments in trendy neighborhoods, maybe you should’ve thought about investing in something that actually builds wealth. Newsflash: renting isn’t “freedom,” it’s throwing your money down the drain every single month while making your landlord richer.

If you haven’t figured out how to buy property by 30, it’s time to reevaluate your priorities. Blame the economy all you want, but there are people out there with way less who’ve managed to buy a home.

So, stop crying about student loans and your low-paying job, and start making some grown-up decisions.

Otherwise, enjoy being a renter for life while the rest of us actually build something worth having.

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