RPGgreentext Zagorath 1y ago 95%

An evil campaign gone...good?

An evil campaign gone...good?


A series of 4chan posts.

A picture of a girl in a red hood sitting on the ground, in front of a kneeling deer, with a tree in the background.

Anonymous 05/28/12(Mon)19:01 No.19278319

My DM and group decided to start an evil campaign, something I didn't really want to take part in and in hindsight should have not joined at all.

My character was in a group that contained a barbarian cannibal, a witch that poisoned wells on whims, and a wizard that wanted to take over the world. I was playing a rogue.

In our party's downtime, which was spent in a city the wizard wanted to take over, we each did our own thing. The barbarian started an underground arena where he ate the losers, the witch and wizard experimented on slaves, and my character stalked a young girl.

That's it. Just making hide checks and watching a young girl from a distance. Whatever my intents were, I didn't reveal them, and this made everyone feel what I consider unreasonably uncomfortable.

The barbarian, who enjoyed describing the different parts of the humans he ate as supple or juicy, was the first to tell me out of character that I was fucked up.

The rest of the group chimed in, but when I reminded them that no one said anything when the witch injected demon blood into a pregnant slave's belly in an attempt to artificially create a half-demon (and ended up just poisoning both the mother and the fetus), the grudgingly kept quiet.

Anonymous 05/28/12(Mon)19:01 No.19278326

The DM, as if to try and dissuade me from my chosen course, had the young girl's life be remarkably uneventful. She woke up, had breakfast, and went to the academy where she studied. After classes, she went home, had dinner, studied some more, and went to sleep.

After six months of in-game time, the barbarian had a small group of cannibalistic gladiators as his underlings, the witch had successfully started a part-demon breeding project, and the wizard had infiltrated the High Council of the city and had started secretly administering a highly addictive drug. My character had learned the young girl's name, knew her favorite foods, saw which students she got along with, and even had a pretty good idea of which boys fancied her.

At first, I had thought that the rest of the group was uncomfortable with me stalking the young girl because they thought my character was doing it for sexual purposes. Slowly, I realized it was because over the course of the game sessions, they had all started to care, in their own small ways, about this studious little girl. Though their characters did horrible, unspeakable things to people, those people were all nameless strangers that none of them saw as humans. My character, however, was getting to know his intended victim, carefully and diligently, with the rest of the group slowly getting to know her as well.

Anonymous 05/28/12(Mon)19:02 No.19278334

By the time the wizard had full control of the city, his player knew that the little girl wanted to study exotic plants, especially flowers. The academy that he now had complete control over was her favorite place in the world, and her worst fear was if something ever happened to it.

The witch had minor demos raping slaves in secret chambers within the sewers, with many of their foul progeny spilling out into the streets above. A few of these chambers were dangerously close to the roads the young girl took to get to school, though thankfully for her the monsters only came out during the night.

The barbarian had been tracked down by a trio of bastards he had spawned many years ago, each of them seeking to kill the father who had abandoned them. After the barbarian had killed and devoured them, in the end the player knew less about his character's own children than he did about the stranger that the party's rogue had decided to stalk.

Anonymous 05/28/12(Mon)19:02 No.19278339

By then, everyone had started to suspect that I had no ill intent towards the girl. I had done nothing to interact with the girl, nothing even remotely involved with her, besides being a stone's throw away from her as much as possible. The barbarian proposed a theory, in that my character's only intent was to hone his stealth skill during his free time and that I, being unwilling to actually commit to being evil, had chosen a "mildly evil-themed" approach. I didn't refute this theory.

After that moment, the group seemed to actually take an interest in the young girl. From a callous perspective, they were just using her to provide their characters with someone they could be good towards just to create a greater sense of depravity in the evil they committed. From a kinder perspective, the players were good people at heart and just couldn't be evil to the young girl.

The Academy was provided with extra funding, and a set of greenhouses were built for the exclusive use of the students. The demon blood experiments were now under close supervision, with nightly patrols to help eradicate the escaped specimens. The barbarian, straightforward as ever, simply approached the girl, gave her a rare potted plant, and told her that if she ever wanted anything, she could ask him for it.

!/jexuKnPKY 05/28/12(Mon)19:03 No.19278342

In the following months, she became a sort of mascot for the group. Though all of their methods were evil, they now justified their actions by saying they were for the benefit of this young girl, who they secretly (and not so secretly) doted upon. At first, only the barbarian was on speaking terms with the girl, but after the wizard took an official position as a governor of the school and the witch soon followed after him, they all came to know the girl, more than they had simply through my character's observations.

Our campaign was slowly, ever so slowly, shifting in alignment as the players began to question their character's methods. As they grew closer to the young girl, it became harder and harder to conceal their experiments and activities. At first, they only stopped the most obvious ones, but eventually the die hard evil group had shifted to a rather neutral, if not partially good, party.

Our DM, who loved character arcs and unlikely story progression, praised my character for introducing an element into the story that allowed a group of evil people to redeem themselves. As he described the young girl walking home from the greenhouses, the DM took a moment to also say that he suspected that I had always planned to eventually turn the evil campaign into an ordinary one.

Laughing, I told him I had never had such an intent, and then I told him how my character silently emerged from the shadows, stalked towards the girl, and stabbed her in the neck.

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