
Use the ALL listing at to find good communities

Lemmy is a federated news aggregator, which means that most of the posts and communities that have the most activity don't reside on this server. At, we do a lot of work trying to find those remote communities and make them easy for you to find and subscribe to.

If you're looking for a community, head to our community list and click on "all." When we find a good, active remote community, we make sure to subscribe to it so that it appears there. This list will continually grow!

edit: Well, in the intervening days since this post, we've changed from an allow-list approach to a block-list approach when it comes to federating with other communities. Doing this had an unexpected impact on our community list -- it started auto-populating. That means that it's slowly filling with communities that we haven't curated. That's okay, though; as we grow, you can use the subscriber counts on the community list to get an idea of what is popular across all of the Lemmy and kbin communities!

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