
What kind of content do you want to see more of?

I have temporarily paused my weekly news reports to pause for a moment and take stock to better gauge the content you all care about (and want to see more of in this community).

What sort of topics or areas of content would you like for me to cover every week or so?

I won't guarantee I'll be the best journalist in this regard, but I'd be more than happy writing or R&D'ing about any concept that was useful or interesting for one of your ideas or workflows.

I am still somewhat busy brainstorming standardized workflows to fine-tune and publish a fosai model to HuggingFace, but I'm all ears between now and then.

Let me know if there is something you'd like to see more of here at !!

EDIT: I am actively rewriting all ! guides, so that's one thing coming down the pipeline before the end of the month! Share more of your ideas or wish list items in the comments below.

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