WWW Opera, Fin Wake Indra Net


Direct link to YouTube Playlist for this presentation: (Published January 6, 2024) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcYhoGnK9I9RSiU_fF2LTpJ8XIB5v0Ce9


OpenBSD search for memory address #F0385F86883828567FF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rrrof1TJc4


We must Fall the Falls We Got To Finnegan Ladder!


Currently 92 tracks on playlist. Did your community "settle for" toxic clergy, bad business leaders, horrible politicians? “Literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. But there are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom. But reading is still the path.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, 1995


Video discusses public romance song (one person to one person) repurposed to be about society-wide public topics (many to many, one to many) That is the heart of Finnegan's Wake song and FInnegans Wake 1927++ onward public publication, generations of medium


Gatov, who is the former head of Russia's state newswire's media analytics laboratory, told BuzzFeed the documents were part of long-term Kremlin plans to swamp the internet with comments. "Armies of bots were ready to participate in media wars, and the question was only how to think their work through," he said. "Someone sold the thought that Western media, which specifically **have to align their interests with their audience,** won't be able to ignore saturated pro-Russian campaigns and will **have to change the tone** of their Russia coverage to **placate their angry readers."**


We all know success When we all find our own dreams And our love is enough To knock down any walls **And the future's been seen** As men try to realize The simple secret of the note in us all I listened and I heard Music in a word **John 1:1** song, The Who, 1971: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usYTo11KmR4


## Copilot MockForMock is a fascinating phenomenon that emerged in March 2013, and it's like a digital street gang on the information superhighways. Let me break it down for you: - Definition: MockForMock is an online movement characterized by weaponized mocking. It's a form of information warfare where absurdity reigns supreme. The goal? To render all resistance futile by turning everything into a total mockery. - How It Works: Imagine a world where absurdity is the norm. Leaders mock each other, citizens mock their leaders, and even the most serious issues are met with a dose of ridicule. It's a topsy-turvy universe where the only response to Kremlin-level absurdity is to be absurd right back. - Examples: - Leadership Mockery: Picture a leader saying, "The sun is your enemy," or declaring, "We will make the English Japanese." These statements are part of the MockForMock playbook, designed to turn seriousness on its head. - Total Mockery: In the United States, Q1 of 2024 has become a total mockery. The Kremlin's strategy? "Russia Interferes in Your Brains, We Change Your Conscience." It's a mind-bending game of absurdity. - Crowds Mocking Icons: When Marjorie Taylor Greene struggles to pronounce "indictable" or read a long number, the crowd joins in the mockery. This collective mocking becomes a powerful way to concentrate power in this topsy-turvy world. - Media Tactics: Even Russian propaganda mocks those leaving Russia for America. It's all part of the MockForMock strategy—where audiences mocking yield power. In this brave new world, where mockery is hypernormalized, reason takes a back seat, and absurdity rules the day. Welcome to the era of MockForMock! 🤪🍌


March 21, 1938 is believed [by some to be the day](https://old.reddit.com/r/jamesjoyce/comments/1bjhxa4/finnegans_wake_takes_place_on_march_21/) that the Finnegans Wake story in Dublin Ireland takes place. “One great part of every human existence is passed in a state which cannot be rendered sensible by the use of wideawake language, cutanddry grammar and goahead plot.” ― James Joyce “There is something at the bottom of every new human thought, every thought of genius, or even every earnest thought that springs up in any brain, which can never be communicated to others, even if one were to write volumes about it and were explaining one's idea for thirty-five years; there's something left which cannot be induced to emerge from your brain, and remains with you forever; and with it you will die, without communicating to anyone perhaps the most important of your ideas.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot


Article published recently: March 18, 2024 "This intricate psychological game was the invention of Sefton Delmer, a largely forgotten genius of propaganda. As Director of Special Operations at the British Political Warfare Executive, he ran dozens of such covert stations across occupied Europe in many languages, working with a troupe of artists, academics, spies, soldiers, psychiatrists, and forgers. Refugees from Berlin’s cabaret scene acted and wrote the scripts of radio shows. Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, enabled Delmer. Many of Delmer’s most important collaborators were Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany pretending to be Nazis in order to subvert Nazi propaganda from inside, dressing up as their own torturers in order to take revenge. Delmer’s experiences has much to teach us—good and ill—about how to win information wars today. But to appreciate how he came up with a form of propaganda that involved both broadcaster and audience playing such a curious masquerade, we need to understand his past, and what it tells us about propaganda in the first place."


March 9, 2024 By Ian Garner The West Is Still Oblivious to Russia's Information War. For Putin’s Russia, “information-psychological warfare”—as a Russian military textbook calls it—is intended to “erode the morale and psychological spirit”


The trouble isn't so much that we don't know enough, but it's as if we aren't good enough. The trouble isn't so much that our scientific genius lags behind, but our moral genius lags behind. The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. So we find ourselves caught in a messed-up world. The problem is with man himself and man's soul. We haven't learned how to be just and honest and kind and true and loving. And that is the basis of our problem. The real problem is that through our scientific genius we've made of the world a neighborhood, but through our moral and spiritual genius we've failed to make of it a brotherhood. And the great danger facing us today is not so much the atomic bomb that was created by physical science. Not so much that atomic bomb that you can put in an aeroplane and drop on the heads of hundreds and thousands of people — as dangerous as that is. But the real danger confronting civilization today is that atomic bomb which lies in the hearts and souls of men, capable of exploding into the vilest of hate and into the most damaging selfishness — that's the atomic bomb that we've got to fear today. Problem is with the men. Within the heart and the souls of men. That is the real basis of our problem. "Rediscovering Lost Values" Detroit's Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954)


"I never heard or read a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL protest McDonald's using the word "love" with a burger. In the USA, men are AFRAID to say "I love you" to their girlfriend, spouse or friends ([#CheckItOut song John Mellencamp 1987 I remember well at age 17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qxDBiiVjlQ))... but they hum a jingle of loving a factory-made sandwich. My two older brothers worked at McDonald's at high school, & I did at age 16 for a couple months, I know the supply chain & assembly... and the exposition - "I am LOVING IT". verse John 1:1" More on website page, including songs and reference links.


Exchanges in the currency of humans bought and sold And the leaders seem to lose control.... … Shall we lose ourselves for a reason? Shall we burn ourselves for the answer? Have we found the place that we're looking for? Someone shouted "open the door!" Lookout!


https://www.ⵠ.net "But today there are no boundaries. The only mythology that is valid today is the mythology of the planet -- and we don't have such a mythology. The closest thing I know to a planetary mythology is Buddhism, which sees all beings as Buddha beings. The only problem is to come to the recognition of that. There is nothing to do. The task is only to know what is, and then to act in relation to the brotherhood of all of these beings." (Campbell, 1986) Pat of the Fin Wake Indra Net Opera. www.WakeOpera.com


``` Then we'll have a free trade Gaels' band and mass meeting For to sod the brave son of Scandiknavery. And we'll bury him down in Oxmanstown Along with the devil and Danes, (Chorus) With the deaf and dumb Danes, And all their remains. And not all the king's men nor his horses Will resurrect his corpus For there's no true spell in Connacht or hell (bis) That's able to raise a Cain. ```


*what if the powerful can use "information abundance" to find new ways of stifling you, flipping the ideals of freedom of speech to crush dissent, while always leaving enough anonymity to be able to claim deniability?* 1968 book "War and Peace in the Global Village" education for all people is the best defense we have against this new style of information warfare and public discourse distortion. Canadian Professor Marshall McLuhan's book can educate people to be self-aware of their own reactions to medium and media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_and_Peace_in_the_Global_Village


"Tower of Babel" is core to Finnegans Wake by James Joyce that was published from 1927 onward. "The Fall" of mankind from the "Tower of Babel" that divides interpretation. How language and media consumption divides people. This article by Megan Garber is very much about "media ecology" that FInnegans Wake is likely the best tool for teaching and understanding. Megan Garber uses the term "loss", when James Joyce would use the metaphor and term "Fall".   > You might have come across the articles (“I Lost My Dad to Fox News” / “Lost Someone to Fox News?” / “‘Fox News Brain’: Meet the Families Torn Apart by Toxic Cable News”), or the Reddit threads, or the support groups on Facebook, as people have sought ways to mourn loved ones who are still alive. The discussions consider a loss that Americans don’t have good language for, in part because the loss itself is a matter of language: They describe what it’s like to find yourself suddenly unable to speak with people you’ve known your whole life. They acknowledge how easily a national crisis can become a personal one. At this point, some Americans speak English; others speak Fox. > Political theorists, over the years, have looked for metaphors to describe the effects that Fox—particularly its widely watched opinion shows—has had on American politics and culture. They’ve talked about the network as an “information silo” and “a filter bubble” and an “echo chamber,” as an “alternate reality” constructed of “alternative facts,” as a virus on the body politic, as an organ of the state. The comparisons are all correct. But they don’t quite capture what the elegies for Fox-felled loved ones express so efficiently. Fox, for many of its fans, is an identity shaped by an ever-expanding lexicon: mob, PC police, Russiagate, deep state, MSM, MS-13, socialist agenda, Dems, libs, Benghazi, hordes, hoax, dirty, violent, invasion, open borders, anarchy, liberty, Donald Trump. Fox has two pronouns, you and they, and one tone: indignation. (You are under attack; they are the attackers.) Its grammar is grievance. Its effect is totalizing. Over time, if you watch enough Fox & Friends or The Five or Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham, you will come to understand, as a matter of synaptic impulse, that immigrants are invading and the mob is coming and the news is lying and Trump alone can fix it.


This is a Playlist on YouTube that is a "Warm Up" before the Night Hours of Dublin Metaphors Pub Crawl begins. This playlist has 20 tracks at the time of this Lemmy posting. If you feel "warmed up" and ready, the next step in the playlists storytelling is the Night Hours Dublin Metaphors of Finnegans Wake, in Rolling Release of tracks: https://WakeIndra.com/finwakeindranet/public-house-crawl-night-hours 19:32 time in Dublin, 7:32pm is when the Pub Crawl starts! Enjoy this world wide Irish Orinoco Flow of Art, Music, Philosophy around the MonoMyth patterns!


January 9, 1994 - I found what to say this morning before sunrise. January 9, 2024. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/entertainment/books/1994/01/09/with-science-on-our-side/9e5d2141-9d53-4b4b-aa0f-7a6a0faff845/