UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs

Video Description: >Dave Grusch is a former 14-year high ranking intelligence officer who left government in early '23 to blow the whistle on UFO’s. In 2019, he was tasked by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and Pentagon to investigate UFO’s as part of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Task Force (or UAPTF). In that context, he slowly started to uncover a covert UFO reverse engineering program being concealed from the civilian government. In June of '23, he outed himself to the public. In July of '23, he testified before Congress. We sat down for hours and talked about the entire history of UFO's, UFO and Atomic secrecy, Presidents and their relationships to UFO's and the insane world of Anti-Gravity research. *** 12:00 onwards - Grusch outlines that leakers are under penalty of imprisonment and execution. 16:50 onward “non human Biologics” he stated in an interview previously they’re pilots and he doesn’t know what their actual job was. They were “nonhuman intelligence” pilots. 18:00 onward he was cleared by the Pentagon to talk about this. 19:00 onward Grusch insinuates that the initial reasoning for hiding the information was the ontological shock it would cause in society due to society’s religiousness at the time, along with concealing the information from adversaries like Russia. 20:40 onward - the officials involved in the Manhattan Project also created the laws related to obfuscation and secrecy of the topic. 21:28 - retrieved UAP materials that give off radiation are classified under the Atomic Energy Act (intentionally). 23:00 onward - there was a deeper classified project (related to the Manhattan Project) studying UFOs aside from Project Blue Book 28:00 onward- Grusch states that it’s hard to tell how far ahead their (the nonhuman intelligence) technology is. “It’s hard to state how far in advance it is. You’re just assuming some sort of linear progression. They’ve made an asymptotal leap that put them over the edge. They’re similarly as advanced as us but they’ve had an asymmetric evolution they went a different path than us. While we’ve made nuclear weapons, they’ve made a propulsion discovery but they’re not that much more advanced than you and I”. 29:50- Grusch states that once we unlocked nuclear power we made major technological strides. We may be one discovery away from manipulating spacetime. 30:29- the UFOs are interested in our nuclear technology. 36:00 onward - Grusch references Lue Elizondo’s comment on the ETs studying us and it’s possible the UFO crashes were intentionally seeded to test humanity’s development in relation to being exposed to this technology. 42:00 onwards - there may have been scientific breakthroughs that were hidden from the public. 44:00 - Dr Hal Puthoff of the Pentagon insinuates that antigravity research did get somewhere (made progress) and then was hidden. 47:00 onward - UFO metamaterials are discussed. 59:50- the connection of the “UFO Disclosure” movement (and intentional disinformation) to the “elite” is described by the host. 1:04:00 onwards - there’s a long history of “UFO debunkers” being directly linked to government organizations that have actually studied UAP. 1:17:28- this portion is interesting since it references information that Elizondo and Dr Garry Nolan have stated. For background, Elizondo (Pentagon), Dr. Garry Nolan (accomplished academic who was approached by the CIA to study UAPs, also stated they told him information regarding the beings operating the crafts), and John Ramirez [CIA- was referenced as having worked there separately by Jim Semivan of the CIA, referenced in this article ( have all stated, in summary, that members within the defense establishment believe these beings are bioengineered AI. Grusch notably references this at this time stamp as a possibility to what these beings are. If you notice, he goes out of his way to reference specifically what Elizondo had stated in a past interview, that the ETs are designed to look humanoid to interact with humans. (In Elizondo’s interview, he brought up an example of how zookeepers in China disguise themselves as pandas to interact with the pandas, and what we are seeing is a similar situation). 1:19:30- ETs being our descendants from the future is discussed. The host describes this as being a possible reason for the ET non-interventionism. As in, they don’t want to harm the timeline too much such that their own existence is nullified. (My note: it would be interesting if some of what people have witnessed is in fact humans from the future that have mastered ET propulsion and time travel technology, which is why they only appear fleetingly in some instances and choose not to intervene in major events). 1:27:00 onward - military sensory systems disproportionately detect UFOs since their collection mechanisms are more advanced than what’s available to the average person. 1:32:30 onward - Grusch details how being on the Autism spectrum have shaped his interactions. Grusch background (wiki): David Charles Grusch is a decorated Afghanistan combat veteran and former Air Force intelligence officer[1] who worked in the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).[2][3][4][5] From 2019 to 2021, he was the representative of the NRO to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.[3][4][6] From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the co-lead for UAP analysis at the NGA and its representative to the task force.[2] He assisted in drafting the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023,[7] which includes provisions for reporting of UFOs, including whistleblower protections and exemptions to non-disclosure orders and agreements.[8][9][10] Congressional interest in UFO sightings immediately prior to Grusch's public claims surrounded questions about the four objects that the Air Force shot down in February 2023.[11]


TL;DR - Please remain civil and follow the community rules listed in the sidebar. *** UAP Community, I hope this message finds you well. As our community continues to expand, we will undoubtedly attract individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. UAP and The Phenomenon as a whole have been associated with a myriad of sightings and encounters. Whether you deem this as mere nonsense, believe in it wholeheartedly, or are just here to gain a deeper understanding, I urge everyone to maintain civility. It's perfectly acceptable to downvote or disagree while providing your reasoning. However, derogatory statements lacking substance will no longer be tolerated. From this point onwards, such remarks will be deleted, and the responsible user will be warned. Lemmy [logs]( any actions taken by mods for the sake of transparency. To the ardent believers and those who've experienced these phenomena firsthand, I want to ensure you feel safe and encouraged to share your stories. I also ask for your patience and a willingness to seek common ground with our more skeptical members. Conversely, I urge the skeptics among us to approach this topic with an open mind and humility. Before offering commentary, I recommend investing some time in researching classic UAP cases—our sidebar offers valuable resources. I personally recommend the excellent post [An Extensive Collection of Compelling Evidence and My Rational Defense of the Existence of UAP]( by user [GONADS125]( It becomes evident who has genuinely delved into the subject and who has merely skimmed it. Most skeptics who've taken the time to research may still desire further evidence or data, while those unfamiliar with the topic often resort to derogatory comments or dismissive gestures. This distinction will become even more pronounced when discussions veer into more controversial or 'woo' territories. If you're unsure what I mean, you might need to acquaint yourself more with the subject matter. Apologies for the lengthy message; I'll conclude now. Remember, we are all members of the human family. We've gathered in this community driven by a shared curiosity about the nature of our existence and our role within the cosmos. I welcome each one of you, regardless of your beliefs or backgrounds. Please, enter this community with an open heart and mind and leave your ego and any preconceptions at the door. Whether there's a mundane explanation for UAP, or the reality is more mystifying than we can comprehend, our collective quest for understanding continues. Thank you all for your time and understanding. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. SignullGone


# User Investigations - [Magenta, Italy 1933]( - User [HM05_Me]( - [An Extensive Collection of Compelling Evidence and My Rational Defense of the Existence of UAP]( - User [GONADS125]( *** # Featured Posts *Oldest (now archived) to Newest (currently featured)* - [UAP Whistleblower - David Grusch - Megathread]( - [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 - Megathread]( - [House Committee on Oversight and Accountability UAP Hearing - Megathread]( - [Community Post Regarding Civility During Discussions]( - [UFO Whistleblower Dave Grusch Tells Me Everything - Jesse Michels](


cross-posted from: > [Comments](


AC 04.2025 Date: October 10, 2024 Memorandum to Federal Agency Records Officers: Transfer of Publicly Releasable Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Records This memo is for federal agencies with UAP records responsive to sections 1841–1843 of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (Public Law 118-31) (now at 44 U.S.C. 2107 note). No later than September 30, 2025, federal agencies must transfer to NARA digital copies of all UAP records identified by October 20, 2024, that can be publicly disclosed, including those that were publicly available on December 22, 2023, the date of the enactment of the Act. We request that agencies transfer materials on a rolling basis and as soon as possible rather than waiting until the deadline. Agencies with publicly releasable UAP records should contact NARA at as soon as possible to provide information as to their transfer plans and to initiate transfer of publicly releasable UAP records in advance of September 30, 2025. Each publicly releasable UAP record must include metadata according to the guidance to agencies announced in AC 26.2024. For any publicly releasable records that include redactions, agencies must simultaneously transfer redacted and unredacted copies to NARA. NARA will only accept digital versions of UAP records. UAP records transferred to NARA in accordance with the Act will be part of Record Group 615, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection. Further guidance on the review and transfer procedures for classified or otherwise restricted UAP records using the standards for withholding specified in Section 1843 of the Act will be forthcoming. WILLIAM FISCHER Chief Records Officer for the U.S. Government (Acting) CHRIS NAYLOR Executive for Research Services


Shermer is a skeptic, not a debunker. He brings up convincing arguments that I would certainly like to see answers to. He mentions that he reached out to Lue for an interview. I personally would really like to see how Lue would handle questioning from someone like Shermer or even Mick West.


I am very much pro-disclosure. However, Mick West has some convincing arguments about how Elizondo got many of the technical details wrong regarding the most well known UAP videos. This, West argues, brings all other claims Elizondo makes into question. Personally I would like to see Elizondos response to Wests recent criticism.


- Should look at the image of this post. Perhaps ways to see the image larger could for example click on the image icon and click the image or right click the image to open in a new tab or window or drag and drop the image into a tab to perhaps load the image URL. Alternatively maybe when loaded in this post can click the title or right click the title to open in a new tab or window or drag and drop the title to a tab that way. Red lines drawn to perhaps compare the ship floor plan drawing from the image of the ship on secureteam10’s video with this perhaps ship floor plan diagram drawing from David Jacobs presentation video. The ship drawing on David Jacobs presentation video are perhaps from someone who had done hypnotic regression with David Jacobs who perhaps were abducted into the ship depicted in the drawing. The floor plan drawing of the ship really does seem to look very similar to the picture on secureteam10’s video. So perhaps the person were abducted into the same or similar ship with what’s on secureteam10’s video. - Also just to note hypnotic regression are perhaps just being relaxed and able to remember memories. It should be impossible for any person to control someone else's mind since any person only control theirself. Someone can perhaps have a belief system like to do what someone says but still any person are not another person, anyone only control theirself. Also, I myself am certain I had seen the exact same ship perhaps when I were abducted while feeling like I were asleep. More information in the text document. Main text document called "Information about totalitarian and manipulative aliens": ZIP file that should have the text document and more information: Google Drive folder that should have same files as the ZIP file so can perhaps look at and download each individual file: Archive .org link with the ZIP file: MEGA .nz link with the ZIP file: Link for the photo of the alien ship in secureteam10’s youtube video: - Video called: GIRL NEAR AREA 51 SNAPS HD PICS OF ALIEN UFO BEFORE ABDUCTION! UFOS ARE REAL 2015 Link for the floor plan drawing on David Jacobs presentation video (image starting at and explained at 19:07 of the video) – I've re uploaded this video on my youtube channel: - Video called: David Jacobs Presentation - video with ship floor plan drawing Research and own experience are that these aliens are in the wrong. These aliens exploit people as a genetic resource for use with making human hybrids. They are totalitarian, I’ve heard of psychological manipulation, torture. I do hope any alien person or anyone for that matter change from being in the wrong, to not be totalitarian and instead be decentralized to ensure each other’s well being.


Professor Michael Bohlander, Dr Andreas Anton, and Dr John Elliott through Durham University have created a survey regarding contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. >Invitation to participate in the global online survey > >Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence > >A study of projected perceptions and reactions among the world’s societies > >Dear Madam, dear Sir, > >We are pleased to invite responses to this survey. > >The aim is to find out attitudes from a wide variety of people and cultures across the globe to the questions posed by the idea that humanity might make contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence someday, or may already have made it. We will be asking you for your views on things such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UAP/UFOs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena/Flying Objects), how you would deal with a contact event, and how humanity should deal with such an event, in the wider sense. > >The survey is administered by Professor Michael Bohlander, Chair in Global Law and SETI Policy and Dr Andreas Anton, Research Fellow, both Durham Law School (UK), in cooperation with Dr John Elliott, Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. > >The survey is available in English, French, German and Spanish, and can be accessed at these links, where you will also find the information about anonymity, data protection etc. > >English: [Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (]( > >French: [Contact avec une intelligence extraterrestre (]( > >German: [Kontakt mit außerirdischer Intelligenz (]( > >Spanish: [Contacto con la Inteligencia Extraterrestre (]( > >Thank you for considering taking part in the survey!


Description from YouTube: On 17 July 2024, I spoke with former All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. Discussion topics are listed below. While I am grateful for his time, I was taken aback by how little Kirkpatrick knew about the three most recognizable UAP videos in the public domain. For example, this is the second time that Kirkpatrick told me that the strong, highly anomalous infrared signature in the “Gimbal” video - arguably the most recognizable UAP footage of all time - is likely due to a “glare” reflection from the sun. “Gimbal” was recorded at night. Similarly, Kirkpatrick endorsed a deeply flawed NASA analysis of the well-known “GoFast” video in March, stating, “‘GoFast’ was actually explained at the NASA panel. They did a really nice job of pulling that apart.” But after I highlighted the study’s glaring errors to Kirkpatrick, he told me, “I haven't looked at NASA's analysis.” Moreover, Kirkpatrick made assertions (e.g., that the anomalous “stepped” rotation in “Gimbal” is due to image compression) that even Mick West, the most prominent UAP skeptic, characterized as “nonsense” and “obviously wrong.” For the former director of the U.S. government’s UAP analysis office to be so misinformed about the most recognizable UAP footage in the world (which led, in no small part, to the creation of his office) is, quite simply, stunning. This, of course, is yet further evidence that the three Navy UAP videos are indeed truly anomalous, as our repeatable and verifiable analyses demonstrate. Nor did Dr. Kirkpatrick address, at least to my satisfaction, why the most powerful member of the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), reintroduced the UAP Disclosure Act after AARO categorically denied the legislation’s underlying allegations of unreported/illegal UAP “legacy programs” that retrieve and attempt to reverse-engineer craft of “non-human” origin. (The UAPDA, it should be noted, is arguably the most extraordinary legislation in U.S. history.) In other words, what, despite AARO's vehement denials, compelled the Senate Majority Leader to double down on a requirement that the U.S. government seize recovered UAP and “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” allegedly held by private entities? In a brief post-discussion email exchange, I attempted to clarify a number of items, most notably why AARO grossly misrepresented the first truly scientific study of UAP. The study, conducted by Battelle in the early 1950s (as “Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14”), found that 33% of the highest-quality UAP reports with sufficient data to evaluate were “Unknown.” In Vol. 1 of its Historical Records Review, AARO astoundingly - and falsely - claimed that Battelle’s scientific analysis found that “all cases that had enough data were resolved and readily explainable.” I have not received a response. Discussion Topics: -The Schumer-Rounds UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA) -Did AARO successfully “kill” the UAPDA in 2023? -David Grusch -The most perplexing UAP footage Dr. Kirkpatrick saw while at AARO -2015 “Gimbal”/“GoFast” videos (see links below) -East Coast UAP incidents -“Metallic orbs” -2004 “FLIR1”/“Tic Tac” video -Verifiable, raw data confirms military eyewitness accounts of highly anomalous incidents (“Gimbal,” “GoFast,” and “FLIR1”) Gimbal Analysis: <> <>


Hypothetical explanation of the physics/technology of how the UFOs move the way they do, and how they could traverse vast distances instantaneously. The speaker also tells about his experience aboard a submarine. Apparently submariners detect "fast movers" often. They log the data but mostly ignore it, but won't discuss it publicly. If true, the navy probably have lots of data that could be very interesting that the public doesn't know about. Not disclosure related but I thought this talk was interesting and he's a good speaker, for anyone that has 90mins to burn.


The silurian hypothesis is about another smart civilization on earth. the crust surface under the sea is tectonically recycles more often then land crust cetaceans as whole returned to the ocean somewhere like 50 million years ago So there we have it. It's a bunch of species of futuristic super smart water mammals or whatever they evolved into.