Toki Pona for Socialists

"owe is a joke word used to satirize Orwellian and totalitarian concepts and accusations. It was coined by nano in 2021. Its sitelen pona glyph is derived from the glyph for lukin with emitters above, representing the global surveillance of the fictional Oceanian government in Nineteen Eighty-Four. As a number word, it may refer to the quantity of 1984, especially when referring to the year, as in *tenpo sike nanpa owe.*" Taken from the article [here.](


Is this an Esperanto learning channel? Komuna? I havent practiced it in 15 years and this all looks familiar but idk if I am just tripping. What is a toki poka? I tried looking for a sidebar but I couldn't find it. Feel free to delete if this is dumb, sorry!


There was a translation project a while back trying to translate The Communist Manifesto into Toki Pona and the folks working on it eventually decided to simply tokiponize communism into nasin Komunisi, and I think it makes a lot of sense personally. Communism seems like one of those concepts that benefits from clarity. Someone said "doesnt make sense to me to tokiponize 'communist' [because] you wouldnt tokiponize 'commune'" but I don't agree with this because while yes all communes are kulupu, not all communes are kulupu pi nasin Komunisi (I'm not good with grammar but I hope you can see what I was going for.) Furthermore there are many languages that do not have their own word for communism and instead choose to alter the word such as the Spanish translation to "comunismo." I think while it's true that a hypothetical native Toki Pona speaker may not have come up with the term for communism on their own, that they would still benefit from having a clear term for it. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts as I am still super duper rusty with Toki Pona since coming back to it for the first time in like 4-5 years!


# We need your help! I am suddenly responsible for 3 new baby goats and probably 2 more on the way so I urgently need help sorting this community out! I'll list things out that need fulfilling and you can comment or DM me here or on matrix to volunteer in whatever capacity you're comfortable with! - Weekly threads, we're looking for someone to come up with weekly thread topics or discussions in or about Toki Pona. - Matrix set-up/moderation, I am not very proficient in Matrix and would like a hand making sure things are operating smoothly. - Sidebar renovation, we're looking for a somewhat fluent speaker to prepare a sidebar in English and Toki Pona to keep things accessible for comrades that don't understand English but know Toki Pona! I think that's all I can think of for the moment but if anyone has any tasks they'd like to work on for this community lets talk about it! Thank you everyone for showing an interest in this community! Remember we have our brand new Matrix [here.](


# Matrix open! I just put together the very bare bones of the matrix space today and I'm looking for help fleshing it out, right now there are 4 rooms which I have ripped directly from ma pona pi toki pona (discord server) because I think they're very important. We will wait and see what people are looking for in this space before we go and add more rooms but there's now a space to directly chat on Matrix about Toki Pona! Please drop in to on matrix and say hi!


Toki, comrades! I created this community because I wanted to create a Toki Pona community for socialists and communists of the materialist variety, the mainstream Toki Pona community is hosted on a discord called "ma pona pi toki pona" which while an incredibly useful resource with it's own share of leftists is also home to liberalism, vulgar idealism and hosted on Discord which I do not like as much as Matrix! I intend to create a space on matrix for this community hosted on the genzedong matrix server, too. If anyone wants to help me sort this out and be a mod on the matrix space, hit up my inbox or reach out to me on Matrix: I'm looking for mods to help me organize this community with a reworked sidebar with a Toki Pona translation and to help me come up with weekly threads too, feel free to reach out to me with the methods listed above if interested and I look forward to having fun with Toki Pona with you!