
Hey! Quick hello, inspired by the subreddit, creating a space here. Topic examples... All existing monarchies globally (Japan, Thailand, Spain, Jordan, UK, ETC) Thoughts on restoration of monarchies(Austria, Iran, Russia, etc) What ideal system of monarchism are effective (absolute, semi constitutional , etc) Share historical figures, talk about them For those who don't support monarchies, be kind! Be kind to one another. 🙂


Link to photos taken by photographer who did a massive undertaking by Daniel Laine to capture African Monarchs. Inspired sharing from a recent cross post from the monarch of the Kuba Kingdom, that came from @OldSchoolCool "From 1988 to 1991, French photographer Daniel Laine photographed 70 African monarchs, “whose dynasties marked the history of Africa until the middle of the twentieth century.” With hundreds of monarchs to choose from, Laine focused on those who continued to “retain a traditional and spiritual authority that is difficult for the Western mind to comprehend.” Laine recalls the difficulties of getting permission for the photographs, the sensitive diplomatic negotiations involved in many cases. A war in Sudan prevented Laine from photographing the king of Shiluk, a descendant of black dynasties that ruled Egypt. Others, including the king of Swaziland, declined to be photographed. With each striking photograph, Laine provides a brief biography and historical notes about the tribe and its rituals. "


cross-posted from: > >The Nyimi Mabiintsh III is fifty years old. He acquired the throne at the age of twenty. As a descendant of god the creator, the king is attributed with supernatural powers. Due to his top position he is restricted by several contraints: he does not have the right to sit on the ground, and he cannot cross a cultivated field. Apart from his cook, no one has seen him eat. Moreover he never travels without him, and his personal cooking ustensils. > > >It took Laine three weeks to photograph the Nyimi (king) of the Kuba in his royal apparel, the “bwantshy”. The outfit made out of material stitched with beads and “cauris” (small shells used as money in Africa), weighs 160 lb. It takes more than two hours to dress the King, and two days of spiritual preparation to be sufficiently purified in order to wear the outfit. The weight and the heat of the bwantshy is such, that it is impossible to wear it more than one hour. The preceeding King had only worn it three time during his entire life. > > > >


Monarchism is a system of governance that has been a part of human civilization for thousands of years, from ancient egypt, persia, medieval europe A system of government. Some people discuss marxism, communism, socialism, republicanism or anarchism (all of the isms!) It's not all about the Windsors (aka, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha). There are those that find genuine merit in exploring the benefits of monarchism, usually constitutional. Although discussing the merits of each system is a thing to. Some just like to discuss the history of leaders and systems spanning civilizations. Merits of Constitutional Monarchies: - Stability - Cultural identity - like come on. There's an Emperor of Japan. *Emperor* will all of the constant chaos in this world Japan has a sun god symbol, even if it's just ceremonious, that links back their history to like the Tales of Gengi - Non-partisan figurehead - Checks on power (notice how well the checks and balances are going over here in the US...not well...our supreme court overlords have more power) If that's not within your interests, that's great, just keep scrolling, no need to continue to down vote a community that isn't your cup of tea. I never really wanted to moderate, but that community is cool and should they ever need the space, or others want to find that information, I'll keep it here.


Hi everyone - there is an issue on my end where I am not seeing posts so please excuse if this seems redudant.. A community for those who support monarchism, existing monarchies, restoration of monarchies, or share pics of present and past history! This is not a place for debate against monarchism or those who wish to abolish the monarchy. All discussions related to monarchism should be in good faith. Those comments will be removed. Hey! Quick hello, inspired by the subreddit, creating a space here. Topic examples… All existing monarchies globally (Japan, Thailand, Spain, Jordan, UK, ETC) Thoughts on restoration of monarchies(Austria, Iran, Russia, etc) What ideal system of monarchism is effective (absolute, semi-constitutional, etc) Share historical figures, talk about them For those who don’t support monarchies, be kind! Be kind to one another. 🙂


[@monarchism]( I wonder what the thoughts are for Iranian protestors on the return of the Pahlavi's? Crown Prince Reza has seemed to be a good vocal ally in the international community!


The contents inside reads: > We were deeply touched by your most kind and thoughtful message following our Coronation. We are enormously grateful to everyone who took part in the celebrations, and particularly appreciate that you so generously took the time to write to us on this very special occasion. > > CHARLES R CAMILLA R EDIT: The below paragraph is false, it's *very similar* to The Queen's cypher but has an extra C, so appears to be an impaled/joint cypher The message is signed by both of them, however the envelope lacked the Royal Cypher and the front of the card uses The Queen's Cypher, so I presume that it's from her.


[@monarchism]( Food for thought on what happened to the loyalists who did not believe in defection . Most treated horribly. Some left detailed accounts. reading up on Jonathan Boucher, who wrote a history of the American revolution after fleeing to britain "The downfall of the ancient monarchies were not wholly inadequate to the event...But there was no such concurrence of adequate causes to produce the defection of America" Remember there are two sides to every story. The winners write the history


[@monarchism]( Favorite reads on this topic: Democracy: The God that Failed Leviathan (That's Hobbes)
