Marvel Snap

The Agatha changes in the OTA are pretty cool, check out this list. The early goal is to drop Black Knight if you can, let Agatha play domino, and hopefully you can play non knight (if no ghost rider in hand), or sif/wave otherwise... Then follow up with ghost rider and ebony blade!


I have been having a very nice run today with: 4x one drops (ideally some scalers) Zabu and Psylock Wiccan storm Legion and Blink Loki (or some other stuff generator) plus some cheap stuff. The dream is to play cards in the order above, something like sunspot - zabu - wiccan - 2drop + storm - legion the flooding and lock the opponent out on turn 6. But most every game I either get the full scam combo, or the wiccan line. Retreat if you don't start with a one drop (which is quite rare).


I just got my 30 player bracket, and it looks like it's going to be competitive. Weird that it is only 2 days long though. I have only played against one other person in the bracket, so I guess it's more about persistence than competitiveness 😅


I'm running my usual "no fun allowed"deck with enchantress and killmonger subbed in. What decks are you running? # (1) Echo # (1) Zero # (2) Armor # (2) Zabu # (3) Cosmo # (3) Killmonger # (3) Copycat # (4) Enchantress # (4) Attuma # (4) Crossbones # (4) Cull Obsidian # (6) Skaar # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkF0dHVtYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyb3NzYm9uZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVjaG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvcHljYXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN1bGxPYnNpZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ilplcm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


The meta is a bit nuts, quite a bit of power creep too. Sucks to see my "no fun allowed" deck (widow, wave, Odin) doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions on similar types, or to cards to unlock as available?


It stops the deck in tracks once he copies Knull from your hand, because after that all you do is feed the other side so they can drop 5 cost knull on you


Lesson learned was that I should have conceded when I saw Onslaught's, I absolutely knew what was in his deck but I was mostly ignoring his side - just strategizing to get the biggest power totals possible because a lane with "only" 20 or a 30 is often not enough against a MODOK/Hela/Tribunal high rolling 50-70 in all lanes - but his ongoing synergies really elevated the deck. I'm not sure I ever saw a Tribunal though, but with Morb and Strong Guy he very well may not have had him at all. Really cool deck. Win or lose, great match for a gold final boss - gg.


LINK: (LOL SD accidently posted early and removed the link) #GENERAL UPDATES New Feature – Multi-Upgrade: If you have enough resources, Multi-Upgrade allows you to select the Quality you’d like to target and tap the upgrade button once to directly skip to that Quality level! Save your thumbs and save some time! New Feature – Upgrade with Gold: If you are short on Credits and/or Boosters but still want to upgrade a card, you can now upgrade your cards with Gold (up to a limit each day). Improved Avatar Selection Flow: Tapping on the Avatar on the Main Menu will now bring up the Avatar Select screen, allowing you to change the current deck’s avatar quickly. When you view an upgradeable card in your Collection, and choose not to upgrade it, it will be “marked as read” and will no longer increase the red-dot notification count. Note: This went live in our last patch, but we forgot to put it in the patch notes. BALANCE UPDATES CARD UPDATES **Cable** [Old] 2/2 – On Reveal: Put the bottom card of your opponent’s deck into your hand. [New] 2/2 – On Reveal: Draw the top card of your opponent’s deck. Developer Note: The change to America Chavez starting on the bottom of the deck was predictably damaging to Cable, as drawing your opponent’s Chavez was usually good for them, not you. We didn’t value that too highly because Cable’s play rate was already low, but that was a mistake on our part. Conquest has shown that players really enjoy playing with cards that can give them an information advantage against their opponents. This is a simple enough change, just going to the other end of the deck, but we’ve also gone ahead and updated the template to reflect the action Cable is actually taking, which is drawing a card. **Magik** [Old] 3/2 – You can’t play this on turn 6. On Reveal: Change this location to ‘Limbo’. [New] 3/2 – On Reveal: Replace this location with ‘Limbo’. Doesn’t work after turn 5. Developer Note: Our OTA on 7/20 mentioned this was coming, and here it is! This isn’t a large change to Magik, mostly just making her a legal card to play on turn 6. However, it’s worth noting that the VFX behavior has changed a little bit. She used to light up with fire on the last turn you could play her, but now that corona will indicate whether or not you’ll be able to create Limbo based on the turn count. **Mister Negative** [Old] 4/-1 – On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck. [New] Gameplay Change: Caps Costs at a maximum of 6. (no text change) Developer Note: This is a minor change to improve players’ quality of life by adding consistency to in-game interactions. The Peak location has this cap, which it needs because otherwise many cards would become literally impossible to play when the location appears. Mister Negative doesn’t expressly need it, because his decks are built to minimize Power in-deck. However, it’s intuitive for that location and this card to function the same, so we’re lining them up. Plus, it makes Jane Foster shells a little less risky. **Rogue** [Old] 3/2 – On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location. [New] Gameplay Change: Now triggers On Reveals if the copied Ongoing card had one. (no text change) Developer Note: As mentioned when we changed Mystique in the previous patch, Rogue is receiving an update to bring players’ expectation around copying card text via On Reveal in line with the outcome. Moving forward, we expect cards that copy text when they Reveal to consistently trigger the On Reveals of cards they copy. **Spider-Man** [Old] 5/4 – On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn. [New] 3/5 – On Reveal: Move to another location and pull an enemy card from here to there. Developer Note: All right, this is a big one. Let’s start on the mechanical angle: the previous Spider-Man incarnation was a polarizing card. It prevented your opponent from playing cards at a location, a frustrating experience. It was most popular following Wave into Galactus or in “lockdown” decks, which are both decks that use combinations of cards to reduce the total play space of the game for your opponent. We want some of that–the game needs a variety of strategies. But we don’t want those decks or even one of those cards to be the best in the game. Our best cards should be cool and awesome. But you know who’s cool and awesome? Spider-Man! There’s an irreconcilable dissonance in having one of the most popular characters in the Marvel canon attached to an effect we don’t want to be popular. Discovering Spider-Man in our game should be a great experience. Since launch, we’ve also added more Spider-Verse to the game and seen players enjoy the theme of movement for those cards. So we’re making a change and bringing Peter in line with the rest with a new ability. Will we return the old ability to the game on a new card? Maybe, but for now let’s go with no–it’s not been adding much fun. We don’t take this kind of rework to a card lightly, so we’re happy to hear your feedback through all the usual channels. We don’t intend to start suddenly remaking tons of cards, but understanding your feelings may help us better understand the appropriate thresholds for this action in the future. **“Evolved” The Thing** [Old] 4/6 – On Reveal: Afflict a random enemy card here with -1 Power. Repeat this twice more [New] 4/6 – On Reveal: Afflict 3 random enemy cards here with -1 Power. Developer Note: High Evolutionary has mostly landed in a healthy spot since we made the tweaks to Hulk and Wasp during the last patch, but this is one more small twist of the dial. Cyclops has been really strong still, but we like keeping him strong in High Evolutionary shells based on ensuring a character with his popularity has a solid and satisfying home. The Thing has actually outperformed Scott a bit lately, and this change also makes the afflict curve from Wasp into Cyclops into Thing more elegant, distributing -1 Power to one more card at each stop. It’s a slight buff to Abomination, but a slight nerf to The Thing’s strength as a single card attacking a location. **BUG FIXES** Fixed a bug that would cause Mirror Dimension to repeatedly morph into another Mirror Dimension in a loop. Fixed a bug that would cause players to get stuck on an old Season Pass season. Performance improvements and UI/UX bug fixes. **KNOWN ISSUE LIST** For Windows: Controller and Arrow Keys are unsupported. This may impact Steam Deck usability as it will only be usable with touch controls. Using Multi-Upgrade only counts as 1 Upgrade for the “Upgrade a Card” Mission.


Surely there can’t be bots in Conquest, right? Unless maybe just in the Proving Grounds? Just fought someone with the Venom handle and I’m pretty sure named character accounts are all bots right?


What are your thought's against or for the combo? I thought it was fine, not great, just a meme, but now that I've seen some High Evo Cyclops versions I´m back on the fence. So what do you think?


SD can y'all fix this please? Hurts my brain to look at it.


I snapped on turn 3 when I saw London and had Shuri, Nimrod, and Destroyer in hand. I did get lucky that Destroyer didn't duplicate into Knowhere though, or I would have lost 4 Nimrods. Pretty close call but satisfying end.


Over instead, say, individual posts since it's way easier to comment and interact with others. Id love to talk about Snap on lemmy!


****Phoenix Force**** **On Reveal:** Revive one of your destroyed cards and merge with it. That card can move each turn. What do you all think?


Started the season as 35. Spend two days using MoveGalactus to get to 85. Over half my games were 8 cube wins. The deck has two win conditions: 1. Turn 4 iron fist, turn 5 play magik on an empty location and move her away. Turn 6 play Galactus on limbo, turn 7 play Knull, etc. 2. Turn 4 psylocke, turn 5 Galactus. Turn 6 Knull, etc All other turns you play random move cards and hope your opponent think you are an idiot with a shitty deck. You can switch Kraven for Ghostspider. After 85, I switched to HE. Mainly because Galactus got changed and I got bored with the deck. The grind from 85-100 was kinda tough and took like 3 weeks but I only play 30 min before bed to get my dailies done. At level 95 I started playing only in the morning, as it is easier to get cubes there compared to the evening.


Nothing super exciting outside of new cars and locations.


Bounce is top of the heap for the top tier followed by Jane/Jaw at around 62% win rates.


**Spider-Man 2099** *The first time this moves to a location, destroy an enemy card there.* Series: 4 Currently available for 3000 Collector’s Tokens. What do you all think?


According to Second Dinner’s blog, changes are soon coming to Snap’s card acquisition system. Their blog implies that with the next season, they are going to be introducing “Spotlight Caches”, special chests which replace one in every 10 Collector’s Reserves. Spotlight Caches are guaranteed to contain either a New Card, one of the two featured S4/5 cards, or a random S4/5 card. If you already own one of the featured cards, it will be replaced with a “time-exclusive” variant for that card. Click the link above to be taken to Second Dinner’s official blog post for more information. Thoughts?


…I don’t think this Coulson is it. So glad I paid $10 for this /s


Spider-Ham (1/1) **On Reveal:** Transform the highest-cost card in your opponent's hand into a Pig, keeping its Power and Cost