Lethbridge: The Windy City

FAQs: *-Is it really that windy?* Yes! We average a 16-20km wind year round! You get used to it quite quickly, The wind is *much* worse in the less developed communities in the deep west and south. *-Lethbridge ranked really high on the crime index! Is it dangerous?* While Lethbridge and Area has a high rate of crime per capita, most of the reported crime is petty theft or trespassing. Unlike the larger cities in Alberta, Lethbridge has little to no violent crime. I wouldn't leave my car unlocked. *-How expensive is it to live in Lethbridge?* While it varies from area to area, overall Lethbridge was recently rated as one of the cheapest places to live in Canada! **Buyers:** A new house in one if the new communities will probably start around $500,000-$600,000, whereas a house in the old north can go for less than $200,000. **Renters:** Students can likely find lots of rooms available nearby the college or university for $600-$800 (?)/ month. Basement suites usually run in the $1000-$1500(?)/ month range and for a full unit I would expect to pay $1600-$2400/month. These numbers are from my own experience over the last few years, if anyone has more recent number feel free to comment and I will update! *-North, South and West?* Lethbridge is broken up into 3 main sections, each with their own advantages and drawbacks. The North and South are separated from the west by a large coulee and the Old Man River down in the coulee is tones of public parkland! *-How is public transportation?* Comparatively to a larger city, our public transportation is pretty terrible. You will need to budget at least 30 minuets to get anywhere on the same side of the city as you and at least an hour if you want to cross the bridge.