Learn the Chinese language

A list of resources to consume graded by HSK level. **Books** **YouTube channels** **Manhua** **TV shows / dramas** iPartment (爱请公寓) HSK 2/3 - Peppa Pig **Movies** Please reply with suggestions.


A list of resources for learning Chinese. --- **Apps** --- Anki [Pleco](https://www.pleco.com/) [HelloTalk](https://www.hellotalk.com/) [HelloChinese](http://www.hellochinese.cc/) TOFU Learn Du Chinese --- **Books** --- --- **Dictionaries** --- Pleco (see Apps) Hanbook [MDBG](https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary) [Yabla](https://chinese.yabla.com/chinese-english-pinyin-dictionary.php) --- **Websites** --- --- **Forums** --- --- **Social Media** --- **Youtube:** Shuo Shuo Zhong Wen Grace Mandarin Chinese Everyday Chinese Mandarin Corner Chinese Zero-to-Hero Please leave suggestions in the comments.


I'm working on collecting and organizing Mandarin language learning books. My focus is graded readers, and I'm putting the least effort into textbooks (although just about anything is welcome). Comment here or DM me if you have any specific requests and I'll see what I can do. Mega only allows 20GB in free accounts so non-book content is harder to share, I'm open to suggestions there. Either way I'll be adding to this folder with a lot of stuff I'm still downloading and I'll be updating the file names as well.




immediately downloaded 宝葫芦的秘密 and 四叶妹妹 for later reading. So i havent looked at much else, but it already has more hits than Libgen, and I am not really in the know about the actual sites popular in China for this.


These are the common learning language format, with spoken chinese, pinyin and hanzi, and English translation. The content about Chinese culture is pretty cool! And there's more being produced.


I'm curious to see how most people study chinese with flashcards. I've fallen out of the habit due to some personal things but I used to just try and work through HSK levels by grinding for like 1 hour per day, but I'm assuming that's not how you're supposed to do it, especially not with SRS 😅


Try to solve it yourself before revealing the answer! ::: spoiler Answer ___ The first portion "他涉嫌犯罪.” is "Tā shèxián fànzuì." or "He is suspected of commiting a crime." The second portion "犯罪头目!" is "Fànzuì tóumù!" or "Crime boss!" :::


I am aware that 他 and 她 are pronounced the same, but written it is an issue. Is 他们 or 她们 appropriate at all?


I think it's really cool and I want to learn it one day, but it's pretty hard and I want to focus on learning the language first. If I could find a good mandarin program that used zhuyin and simplified characters I'd probably learn it, but alas. I'm curious to see what you all think about it!


As a complete beginner that knows how to say 2-3 sentences, how do we get to the point where it's possible to comprehend these sources? edit: To expand on this, every advice resource i've seen on the internet has said: "forget textbooks, you need comprehensible input!" which I agree with, but how can you begin learning the language to the point at which this is possible?


If you can't tell I am referring to ![pirate-jammin](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2F55c52773-bf1d-4116-9c94-8a912196752f.gif "emoji pirate-jammin"). I would torrent but VPN expensive ![kitty-birthday-sad](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Fe2b38d89-f1fb-434b-8f85-1cba7e36c04f.png "emoji kitty-birthday-sad")


de-googling more and more and i was wondering what your favorite Chinese keyboards are on Android. Right now I am using GBoard's, and i kinda like it (你好!我将很臭中文.)but i also kinda hate google (我很恨谷歌。)do any of you comrades have good alternatives? bonus question: good ways to type chinese on linux?


I'm working through the https://refold.la/roadmap, after probably a few years of duolingo. I got an anki deck with 40k cards, ordered by most used words, and I'm using gpt to get more context and uses about the words I don't fully understand. Something like: > I'll type in mandarin words I don't know, please give me a short explanation, a few examples in different structures where it is commonly used, some alternatives and synonyms, antonyms, and common mistakes to avoid when using it. This added context helps just so much! Still got a long way to go to be able to listen, but I know my brain works well with written vocabulary first. An then lots of reading. So I'm trying to get to a reasonable reading level. Anyway! What's interesting on your learning setup?!


Just finished making my first, for numbers 1-10, some teens, and some double digits. out of the total 25 I made, it was an absolute grind. Wanted to know if anyone out there has shared their decks, so lazy people like me don't need to make them ourselves (lol). Thanks in advance, comrades! ![deng-salute](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hexbear.net%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Fdbf9094a-617b-4478-abf3-6e206c4116c2.png "emoji deng-salute")


Quotes: > One student born in the 1980s wrote: From Junior One to Senior One, I spent four years learning texts by heart. According to our ancestors, ‘Memorizing 300 Tang poems makes one a poet himself’. … It is also true to foreign language learning. I regret not reciting enough texts then. [1: 218; Chinese original] > After the teacher finishes his explanation and checks with the students to see if they have correct comprehension, the students are required to read the text just learned 100 times: slowly at first, then a bit faster. The text should be read with rhythm, correct pauses and accurate use of the four tones. If any student cannot perform the reading- aloud properly, another 100 times of reading are required of him. [9; Chinese original] > Yu MinHong 4 , a celebrated educator and English teacher who was born in the 1960s, wrote: In primary and secondary school, all that we had were several thin textbooks. Without any other books to read, we had to recite the texts again and again − so much so that I could recall them till now as if they were carved in my heart. [13; Chinese original] > In monastic choirs the demon Tutivillus was believed to collect up sackfuls of dropped syllables from the Psalms to be weighed up at the Last Judgement against those who voiced the texts inaccurately 6 > In her detailed analysis of uses of memory and the conceptions of memory in the Middle Ages, Carruthers [24] showed how memory played a significant role in medieval people’s intellectual and cultural lives. The great values they attached to memory can be sensed from Carruthers’s depiction: Ancient and medieval people reserved their awe for memory. Their greatest geniuses they describe as people of superior memories, they boast unashamedly of their prowess in that faculty, and they regard it as a mark of superior moral character as well as intellect. [24: I; emphasis original] … Memoria, …, was a part of litteratura: indeed it was what literature, in a fundamental sense, was for. Memory is one of the five divisions of ancient and medieval rhetoric; it was regarded, moreover, by more than one writer on the subject as the ‘noblest’ of all these, the basis for the rest. [24: 9; emphasis original] I've personally been trying to memorize the first 40 lines of the 3 character classic, the 三字经。Both as an experiment in memory: how much of this book can I commit to memory so well that I could recite it in full and explain every line and character? and also to get more familiar with classical chinese since it has such a distinct vocabulary, with words like 此,孝,昔,善,义 that occur elsewhere too but I haven't seen much of.


I started my third playthrough of Cyberpunk a couple days ago, playing it with the Chinese dub, and I have to say that it has worked really well as an immersion resource! You can enable the Chinese audio dub by right clicking on the game on steam, then click 'properties', then under 'general' there will be a 'language' option where you can choose a number of languages. I don't know about the Witcher 3 since I haven't played it, but Cyberpunk is really dialogue heavy, so there is seriously like hundreds of hours of dialogue to go through (and then there's also the shards to read). The game makes heavy use of poetic language as well as highly informal language, which has really put strain on my current abilities, so I'm having to jot down new words all the time. While the marketing and release of this game was scummy to say the least, there is actually quite a good game here if you just try to take in the story, the scenery, as well as delve into the sidequests (the sidequests are honestly a lot more interesting than the main story). One of my favorite moments I've had while playing any video game has to be when I accidentally fell into the 'hidden' park that's hidden 'underneath' the city center, subsequently going for a calm walk, being amazed by the scenery, and then stumbling upon a buddhist monk who gives a short guided meditation. Even though I have 140 hours on this game, there are still so many sidequest lines to go through. Since I'm using the game as an immersion resource now, I'm definitely going to be replaying the game.


Like what does sand sculpture mean? How the fuck is porcelain related to the situation? Why does everyone mention wives so much? What is grass?


I've been reading the first book of 西游记 Journey to the West, 猴王的诞生, Rise of the Monkey King. Here a few words I learned, especially simple or widely used: - 哭,ku1, cry - 喊,han3, shout - 流, liu2, flow (water) - 简单, jian3 dan1, simple (definitely seen before) - 祖师, zu3 shi1, founder/master 你呢?


Probably not great for studying with as is, but could be very useful for creating study material.




What exactly does "The Chinese language" mean? Does it mean Mandarin, or are other langs like Cantonese, Hakka, and Teochew included?


I just wanted to share this really good deck which I found. It's got grammar exercises from Chinese Grammar Wiki from A1 beginner all the way to C1?C2 level. some really clever card mechanics. Another deck to add to my resources. The more I uncover the more I realise Anki can be such an effective one stop shop for learning a language as it can be used in so many different ways!


Hi everyone! For the past two years I've been studying mandarin intensively pretty much every day (544 day Anki streak at least). I've reached the point where I can talk about most topics without much issue (that includes more advanced topics like AI or general geopolitics), and I can also consume news and social media. I followed the [Refold](https://refold.la/simplified) method, since it's by far the most fool-proof and efficient way to learn a language in my opinion. I started out immersing in gaming content, since it's very visual and you don't really have to understand what's being said in order to follow along. Some popular gaming channels on Bilibili include: 中国BOY, 徐大虾, and 老番茄. It is during these beginning stages where I would say learning Chinese is the hardest, because you will have a very hard time hearing the tones and you will also likely have a hard time hearing the difference between for example 'xiang' and 'shang', or 'chi' and 'zhi'. In order to be able to hear these sounds, your only option is just to bash your head against the content until your brain magically figures it out at some point or another. As long as you keep immersing and don't get too upset at yourself for not hearing the difference, your brain will kind of magically sort it out eventually. The same thing is true for the speed at which you can comprehend words. At first you will have to seriously make an effort to decode all of the sounds and convert them to meaning, and so you will feel that they are talking way too fast for you to comprehend. Eventually however, your brain will start to do this conversion from sound to meaning automatically and consuming content will feel more effortless. This is why it's important in the first couple of months to just have some 自律 and push through the immersion and trust the process. Once I started to feel quite comfortable with gaming content, I started moving towards consuming dating shows like 新相亲大会 and 非诚勿扰 (these can be found on youtube). These shows are seriously great sources of immersion for three reasons: 1. The shows are very predictable so it's easy to follow what's going on even if you've missed multiple sentences. 2. There are hours upon hours of content for you to consume, and I would even recommend you to rewatch episodes. 3. The shows are seriously fun to watch! There are some really great moments from these shows and you usually don't need very advanced vocabulary to follow along. I would say that 新相亲大会 was *the *show which improved my Chinese the most. Watching through all the seasons let me get a natural sense of Chinese grammar, it propelled me to conversational fluency, and I finally felt comfortable with all of the sounds of the Chinese language. The next step of my immersion journey involved watching [the news](https://tv.cctv.com/live/cctv13) as well as consuming political and educational content on Bilibili. I'm still at this stage today and so I'm just slowly widening my vocabulary and building more of a cultural understanding of things. To give some more general tips on language learning, I'll start by saying that the most important thing to do is to build a language learning habit. You should worry less about progress or if you're doing it "right", because if you do immersion for long enough coupled with some speaking practice later down the line you are guaranteed to reach the level of fluency you want to be at. In order to build a habit, you need to do what is fun for you and worry less about if it's the right level of difficulty or if your study method is correct. I'm also sorry to say that if you can't build the habit of immersion, then you aren't going to reach fluency as there are no shortcuts to this process. You simply have to put in thousands of hours if you want to reach fluency, and for most of those hours you are going to be seriously doubting yourself if it's even possible to reach fluency in the first place. I would also recommend everyone to learn more about the science of language learning. There are tonnes of great Youtube channels which talk about the science of immersion learning, but a classic is of course Matt vs Japan and also the Refold Youtube channel. Also, it can't hurt to watch some Xiaoma for inspiration. I kind of cringe watching his videos nowadays but back in the day Xiaoma was really the person who got me on the path to learn Chinese in the first place, so I'm still very thankful that his channel exists.


"A boy is stranded alone on a ship in a storm and receives help from a mysterious magical dwarf. Uses just 358 different Chinese words." They seemed to really like this author on Reddit. I downloaded this ebook but haven't read beyond the first page yet. Let me know your thoughts.


你们好, 这里死了吗?如果是,我会做新的。 Hello all, are you all still here, and we could revive this community? Otherwise maybe I should make a new one of my own?


~~They all seem super complicated to the point that it'd be difficult to learn.~~


I can remember some hiragana and katakana characters. If the two languages are similar enough, maybe I could learn Chinese easier…