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An older family member recently passed away, and in her belongings as they were being sorted through, a wooden box was found. The family had an idea that my great grandfather was a Freemason but this box confirms it. It contained regalia that most definitely belonged to him. Our question is, what’s supposed to happen with all the items? We just want to make sure it’s handled properly if there’s some kind of protocol. It would be great if I could PM with someone about this to see what’s supposed to happen with it all.


My Reddit account was suspended for unknown reasons, so now is a fine opportunity to post on Lemmy. On the 31st of August of 2024, Mt. Nebo #76 of Carlinville, Illinois will be hosting the Kinfolk Dagree.* Brother Secretary describes the degree as being a fun degree which serves to remind the participants of the first, second, and third degrees. I agree with this description and think that the Dagree is worth receiving. We tend to play these things by ear, so any Master Mason who likes redneckitude and *slight* chaos should be welcome. The cost of the degree is $20. The dollars are U.S. dollars, not Martian dollars or some other nonsense. One of us might be open to being convinced to take some nice seashells as payment, though, but I make no such *guarantee*. A meal is included. *Actually, the degree is a joint process between Mt. Nebo and Virden Lodge #161, but the degree is being conferred at good old Mt. Nebo.


What do you feel is missing from modern Freemasonry, or what are some things you may have expected that you didn't see or experience? My personal one is a chamber of reflection. I love the idea but as I understand, many GL's banned them, and some side orders may have them (wildly jurisdictional).


Reddit is selling all user content to AI Companies. Migrate your communities and friends to Lemmy or at least somewhere on the fediverse.


If you're seeing this for the first time, welcome! If you've been here since July, welcome back! If you have friends still over on Reddit, please share this community with them. Not only has /R/ made a third-party ad-free experience impossible, the latest updates on the official app include more advertising and data collection. Please, if you believe in the free exchange of ideas on the internet, bring as many people to Lemmy as you can. "There's no content here..." Post something! Ask a question. Topic-related memes are okay. News, general interest, and questions related to the fraternity are also allowed.


This was a carryover from a comment made on reddit. We're in the 21st century in the digital, instant information age. Membership overall is in a slow but steady decline. Combating that requires us to "get with the times" to a certain extent. Email is not some passive, outdated, rarely checked form of communication. The corporate world uses email extensively. I've sent 6 emails from my couch already this morning, and I don't go to work until early afternoon. We as a fraternity need to do better if we want to continue. Email: If your lodge has an email address, is it an active account that can be checked by more than just the Secretary? Is your Secretary a tech-saavy brother, or a PM with 50 years in? Can you allow that tech guy to serve as the point of contact and coordinate with the Secty? Can that email account be set up to be accessed or forwarded to multiple officers? Does that email account have auto-response capability (We received your email, please be patient until our Officer can reach out to you).? Websites: If your lodge is going to have a website, it needs to be a friendly domain. Younger people know the difference between "" and "" Edit to add: website should have a mobile version/compatibility Those Grand Lodge or Lodge finder websites with contact info from 2007 don't help. Keep that info current. It needs to be up to date regularly. Have an events calendar with your stated schedule. Definitely needs a contact form that goes to the active email discussed above. Doesn't need to be extensive, but accurate and informative. Same with FB Pages. Set up Messaging with an auto-response that directs the prospect to your website or contact form. Lodges that go dark for the summer (or whatever timeframe) should make that somewhat known. "We're on our Summer Break and return in the fall, expect a response in early September" would suffice if communications aren't replied to during that period. Just ideas, mostly a rant.


There are, how many, different additional degrees? Dozens, hundreds? It gets mind-numbing. Should Masonry focus on just a few (just Blue lodge), or keep it fractured? Blue lodge, Royal Arch, Commandery, Knights Masons, etc etc I fell down the rabbit hole years ago joining IDK how many different bodies until it just became ridiculous.


What do you find more rewarding or interesting in Freemasonry? The study of the rituals, symbols, esoteric meanings, etc? The building/improvement of onesself? Or the external facets, i.e: meetings, camaraderie, friendships, brotherhood, and charity work? I know the answer can be both, but what do YOU get out of it? Many join for one or the other, but may only focus on one side.


How many of you are in any Appendant bodies / side orders? How many of you stayed Blue Lodge only? And why? Currently I am only involved in my local home lodge. Eventually I will explore the Scottish Rite (NMJ USA).


Yesterday I visited Freemasons Hall in the Midlands town of Burton on Trent for the one-year Anniversary meeting of one of UGLE's newest 'special interest lodges', the Science Fiction & Fantasy Lodge #10016. Their ritual is slightly tweaked, so the Director of Ceremonies carries Gandalf the White's staff, the Deacons carry lightsabers (complete with light and sound effects) and the Tiler's weapon is a Klingon bat'leth. Other quirks include copies of Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, acting as gavels and a TARDIS as a ballot box. After the Festive Board there was a heated debate in the carpark about whether Call of Cthulhu or Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition was the better game, prompted by one of the brethren changing into a Cthulhu t-shirt for his long drive home in the hot weather. As they say, 'Oh Wonderful Masons!' 😁


Why did you join? Friends? Family? Brotherhood? Esoteric knowledge? What motivated you to join, or what helped to make the decision?


I'm interested in hearing about those of you who have periodic celebrations, observances, that aren't the norm for your jurisdiction. Whether they be serious, quirky, fun, etc., what do you guys do that others don't? How does it enrich the fraternity for you? Also, no goat stories.


It looks like the Reddit sub is still set to private. The blackout continues? ![](