Ask Burggit!

I was wanting to make a baking community. If that's possible? I could never create it.


I have a bunch of things I have cooking, kinda on and off. - Working with []( on Burggit, obviously. - Have a minecraft modding project I work on occasionally. Not something I think I'll ever share publicly (might share some screenshots at some point though.). - There's a super secret super cool project I've been working on for [Shota Services](, which I hope people will enjoy when it comes out. - As well as a bunch of smaller things like tweaking various sites and some other things which are too early for me to reveal. What have you been doing to express your creativity recently?


Well, this is some pretty low-hanging fruit, so why not? It's impossible for me to choose just one, so I tried to narrow it down to 5 from (fairly) different genres. My favorites today are: - Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Inglorious Basterds - The End of Evangelion - Ghost in the Shell - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly I'm a sucker for cyberpunk, existential crises, slow pans and quick dialog. Do I have shit taste (probably)? What are all your favorites?


I've been trying to create a discussion and debate community but clicking the "Create" button after filling everything out isn't working. Using this [page](


I like the focus on free expression and the loli/shota/cub policy! The admins seem pretty chill too!


What's your favorite fast food hamburger?


So, I was kinda idly thinking about how we're seeing more and more companies such as Reddit give into peer pressure in favor of profit. As their endless stream of investment dollars with the *hope* of being profitable *eventually* seems to be running out. How do you see the web moving forward? Do you think the best way forward, is to go back? I was thinking about it and back in the old days people would have websites that they would host that would make little to no money, they'd just run them for fun, for the passion of it. Do you see these days returning? Lemmy is kind of an example of that, and other federated self-hosted software. It kind of feels like the way things might be headed. People host their own, smaller scale sites, not in pursuit of profits specifically, but for the passion of it. I honestly think this way of communicating with eachother is more genuine, more real and honestly more optimal. Communications with others shouldn't entirely hinge upon the will of one soul entity. And while federation definitely has its issues, I personally think it's vastly better than being ruled by 1 single entity who's entire goal is to farm as much mindless doomscrolling as possible in pursuit of profits. Don't get me wrong, I am not against making money off of your work, I think if you spent time working on something you should absolutely make money off of it. However, I don't think it's the way our communication should work. For original content such as art, books, movies, shows, games or other similar mediums, I definitely think that the creator is entitled to make money off of that work. But having our communication fueled by that sort of business model doesn't make sense to me. It incentives more harsh restrictions on speech and discussion, restricting user speech/expression to what's “advertiser friendly” and of course, for harvesting and collecting our personal data like we're some sort of crop or cattle. Might've gone on a bit of a tangent there, but I hope my general point still got across. #### What do you think is the way forward for the internet, and will it require us to go back?


If you had the opportunity to have your dream meal, made exactly to your specifications, what would it be? This meal would have no restrictions. Any allergies, dangers, health risks, budgetary limitations would all be nullified. There would be no restrictions and it's 100% safe to eat. The only caveat is it has to actually be food. It's late over here, but really wanted to ask this question before I forgot. I will probably answer for myself in the morning, in the comments. Please note, I don't eat IRL (digestive system doesn't work, because of this my parents never taught me how.) So, my meal is bound to be weird and possibly absolutely insane from an eating person's perspective, but that should make it more fun! At the moment I'm thinking some sort of seafood platter with a bunch of rare/exotic creatures that I've always wanted to try.


Kind of a generic question, but it's one I always like hearing the answer to. I'd probably buy a house, just big enough to live comfortably, maybe a 2 bedroom? And possibly start my own hosting company for controversial content. That seems like it would be fun. I would probably try to share the rest with family/friends and keep enough just to comfortably yet modestly live on. Alright, now it's your turn! #### If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?


Welcome to Ask Burggit, wanted to get it off the ground and make an initial post, and I was kind of curious to see what people would answer. ### How did you hear about Burggit?