Starfield Mods

Welcome to the Starfield Mods community for discussion, links, and sharing the latest mods for Starfield. Please follow the rules in the sidebar of the community.


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God damn it Bethesda, so buggy even the mods are broke


I've been using a few mods to make ship building better in Starfield and none of them seem to be that popular. I figured I'd do my part to give them a few more eyeballs and give Lemmy a little more content. * [TN's Useful Ship Structure]( - Adds various buffs to structure components to make them more than just wastes of mass. At a bare minimum, everything gives a little hull bonus. * [TN's Hab Tweaks]( - Essential the same thing as the previous, but for habs. Mod author tries to tie the buff to the theme of the hab, but falls back on a little more cargo if nothing else fits. * [ComSpike and Conduction Grid]( - Allows you to buy the titular modules on starships beyond what you had during the Fleet questline. Available in various levels of cheatiness, including barely-cheaty-at-all. * [Enhanced Ship Builder Tolerance Plus]( - Allows you to fit starship modules together that look like they ought to fit but seem to be just a smidge too overlappy. Comes in various tolerances depending upon how obviously weird you want your ship to look. I prefer the lowest level of tolerance but you be you. * [Spaceship Manager]( - This actually has several features, but I mostly use it for hotkey power settings. One hotkey for lasers, one for ballistics, and a third for escape, for instance. Very configurable. I consider all fo these to be essential for my load order, now. They deserve a little more love from the rest of the community.


Hey guys this is a simple mod that increases nutrition perk effectiveness drastically to make food and drink items a versatile alternative to med packs. Increases from 1.1x, 1.2x, 1.3x, 1.5x to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x.


Hey guys this is a mod that increases vendor credits by 25%, 50%, 100%, and 200% depending on your Commerce Perk level. The original commerce perk effect is still there, this is added on top.


Hey guys heres a simple mod that let's you see which way an output link is transferring items from any direction you look at it.


cross-posted from: > Has anyone used the mod manager by Nexus Mods? If so, does it work well or do you prefer to install the mods yourself?


Game is finally here, and even after only some hours there are definitely already a couple of mods I want to have (I will update more while playing): ::: spoiler COMPANIONS: - Companion activities, like playing games with your companions and other stuff. - Companion commands system (like attack, go there, hold position, hack this, unlock that etc.) - Companion roles and skills that can be unlocked and upgraded by levelling and questing with a companion (like collector, grenadier, healer, ship commander, etc.) - Have companions do contextual activities with you (like sitting down at a bar etc.) - Have more than one companion with you outside of your ship. - Let me invite my parents to my wedding with a specific companion. - More banter and situational dialogue between you and companions. - Toggle for space helmet and suit. - Toggle to synch space helmet and suit with player. ::: ::: spoiler CONTROLS: - A key binding that lets you shortcut consuming health (or other) item categories, not only a specific item from that category - A key binding that lets you shortcut the toggle for space helmet and suit. - A key binding to lower weapons manually. - A prompt that lets you directly consume items from the world. ::: ::: spoiler DISPLAY: - ~~Native ultrawide 32:9 support that doesn't fuck up the games FOV and character viewmodel.~~ ***mods available: [LINK 1]( [LINK 2](*** ::: ::: spoiler GAMEPLAY: - A layered armor system like in Fallout 4/76. - An option to scrap gear and weapons at the workbenches. - An option to save and export ship designs. - A radio mod, why is there no radio? I want to travel the world like Starlord. - A use for all junk items apart from being clutter in the world. - All ship cutscenes either in first person or third person from the player perspective as "fake" real time loading screens. Maybe even with some optional minigames to get some temporal buffs or debuffs, or at least skill checks? - ~~An ammo crafting station.~~ ***mods available: [LINK 1](*** - Diving and under water vehicles - missed opportunity imo, submarines could handle similar to spaceships. - Have non-lethal options for quests like bounties. - Land vehicles and animal mounts - seriously, who said that the maps are too small? I would love to be able to drive around in a buggy or something like that. - More activities and quest variety. Todd Howard compared the game to RDR2, but that one has a lot more different activities. I love little unimportant things to do in games, like mini games, riddles, etc. - Pets and other animals from earth. They surely would have taken some with them. - See/Fake through scopes instead of overlays for zoomed scopes. - Skill checks. Are there skill checks? I hate if everything is just "press E" to achieve something. At least make my skill decisions useful... - There is a quest where you need to help people with some tasks, which are just finished by pressing E and the game telling you what you did. That is lame. Replace that with some minigames or at least skill checks or both. - Traps. Are there traps? I want traps. - Walking in space (its not there, isn't it?) - Way more attachments for all weapons. ::: ::: spoiler GRAPHICS/ANIMATIONS: - Animations for consuming items, maybe even a basic interact animation (like picking up stuff, pushing doors, etc.) - Better landing animations for the starborn spaceships. They look so bad right now, as if they were clipping into the ground rather then landing. - Character should cast a shadow in first person (just take the third person shadow) - Character walking speed to match NPCs walking speed. - Hug and kiss animations for when you are in love/married to a companion. - Improvements to NPC faces - while environmental graphics are much better than before, faces in this game still look... garbage. I hope someone can work on them to bring them more up to current industry standards. - Visible footsteps (Or maybe even tesselation shaders for mud, snow etc to have real depth/substance) ::: ::: spoiler ENVIRONMENT/NATURE: - Addition of insects and similar to the game - Addition of animals that look closer to earths mammals, and birds - like where are the bird aliens? - NPCs should react when you hold a weapon at them or when you fire around. ::: ::: spoiler OUTPOSTS: - Have pre-build interiors for outpost habs. - Have unlimited storage space for your outpost storage. ::: ::: spoiler UI/MENUS: - A hud indicator what "power" you have selected - A menus redesign - not sure how much likely to happen but some of the menus are not great. First and foremost I miss "Diegetic Interfaces" like the pipboy. Going into the inventory, skills menu or quest lock takes you completely out of the action in Starfield. Speaking of, the skills menu looks bland - the icons are great, but the whole menu design is awful. Inventory is also something I hope gets changed by a modder. I want to see more and more clearly and more accessible. - A menu/inventory toggle to make backpack and weapon permanently visible. - Game time on the HUD (maybe in scanner mode on the watch) -Immersive text for map boundaries (something like "you are running out of oxygen) not that most of us will really ever reach the boundaries... - Have notes look like notes, books look like books etc. and not just a text box. - Maps for cities and other locations. - Some sort of ingame calendar. ::: ::: spoiler BUG FIXES: - Fix for not being able to enter Deimos Station - Fix for resources being relocated when you revisit a planet :::


cross-posted from: > Members of Nexus staff and Modders announce a community-driven unofficial patch for Starfield.


From seeing the gameplay, it seems like scopes are again overlays - so I hope a see through/fake through scopes mod will be released shortly after the game drops. ::: spoiler See through/Fake through? *For anyone who doesn't know the difference - see through scopes just takes the scope model and lets you aim through it, but the whole screen zoomes in for this one. Fake through scopes renders (or pretends to render) a second instance of the game inside the scope so only the inside of the scope zoomes in and not the entire screen. Overlays just zoom in the whole screen as well and put a black overlay over your screen with a scope shaped cutout - so lame.* :::   Another mod wish would be land vehicles/mechs - I need my starfield power armor equivalent :D